Fan Fiction

Unlucky Don– A SwaSan OS

Hello everyone!!
Happy reading!!

A Man is seen sitting on a chair and his men are beating some people.
Man- So?? Will you do that again??
P2- no don please leave us we will not do it again sorry don
Don- good now give money and go
Every person present there gives money and leaves.
This was all seen by a girl. She was standing there and seeing this and asked a girl standing beside her.
G1- Kavita di Who is he?? And how can he do like this??
Pointing Don who was wearing jacket and having a revolver and was wearing locket.
Kavita- Swara he is don of this area not area city
Swara- don??? What is his name??
Kavita- no one here know his name. Everyone calls him Don. He can do anything he want
Swara- what he can do anything its not fair i will talk to him
Kavita- no swara
Swara ignores kavita and goes to talk to Don
Swara- hello how can you beat innocent people??how dare you?? I will call police they will handle you
Don stands up and goes near her. He looks her from toe to head in surprise. He was about to say something but kavita interrupts
Kavita- she is my sister swara she just came from London and is unaware of all these things
Don- She is your sister??
Kavita- yes don

Don- teach her all the things otherwise
Kavita- yes don sorry this will not happen again
Don- ok
Don wears his goggles and goes in a house.
Kavita- swara why don’t you understand he is Don no one can do anything even police is on his side
Swara- bit dii how can this??
Kavita- shut up swara no more arguments
Swara(in angered tone)-ok
Kavita- now would you eat an ice cream??
Swara(smiling and excited)- yess
Kavita- so lets go home
They both went to home.

Swara was sitting by window and she heard noise of a car.
Don and his men came out of car.
M1- Don today we enjoyed a lot
M2- yess there was a lot of money
Don- We have to get money everyday to have fun
Don and men went inside the house
Swara(in her mind)- how cheap guy he is
Saying this she rests to sleep.

Swara was sleeping. Suddenly she heard someone beating a person and the person shouting.
She got up and went to see through the window. She saw Don beating Sahil(Kavita’s friend) and kavita was standing there crying. Her sleeves were torn.
She thought Don tried to rape her. She got angered and want there.
Here Don was beating sahil badly and he was just crying. Don’s men surrounded him and were seeing this.
Swara came and stopped him. He slapped him hardly. HE was shocked and angered and looked in her eyes. She angrily looked in his eyes.
His men tried to move but he raised his hand signing them to stop.
Swara- how dare you beat sahil??? He is di’s friend
Kavita(Weeping)- Swara
Swara- no dii let me talk
Kavita- no swara
Swara- wait dii… dare you try to rape my sister??
Kavita- shut up swara he saved me sahil was trying to………
Swara was shocked and Don looked angry. Kavita’s weeping caught swara’s attention.
Don ordered his men to beat sahil more.
Sahil holds don’s legs and says
Sahil- i am sorry don sorry i will never do it again
Don- don’t say sorry to me say sorry to Kavita

Sahil goes near kavita and she runs and hides behind don.
Don moves and says
Don- no one can harm any girl who is near him no one will harm you
Sahil- sorry kavita i am sorry
Don- slap him
Swara- why?? He said sorry
Don(gives an angered look)- SHUT UP this is my area everything will happen as i wish no boy changes easily you are new here so just shut ur mouth and follow my instructions
Swara- why to follow you ?? i will not follow you
She tries to move forward but many small kids come and don’t let her move.
Kid- don you do your work we are here
Don- kavita slap him
Kavita(scared and was still weeping)- how can I??
Don- why?? If girls want respect they need to learn this slap him now
Kavita slaps him and sahil gets angry
Sahil shouts Kavita
As soon as he shouts Don slaps him.
Don- don’t ever try to raise your voice in front of girls treat them with respect
Police comes there.
Inspector- Don what happened??
Don- he was trying to rape this girl
Inspector- we will beat him so that he will never even try to see a girl again
Don orders his men to take all the money he has and they take it.
The police salutes him and goes.
Don- chillar party now you also go
All the kids also go.
Don(to swara)- I know how to respect a girl
Swara(angry )- and what about that innocent children you must have scared them and made them work
Don- think what you like i don’t want to prove myself to you
Swara takes kavita inside the house and consoles her.

Sahil comes to the window of swara’s room.
Sahil- swara
Swara was sleeping then. She gets up and goes near the window.
Swara- you cheapo how dare you come here again
Sahil- i am not like you think. What i did today morning was asked by don. He ordered me to do this
Swara- i don’t believe you
Sahil- then you believe that don??
Swara- no i believe my sister
Sahil- i am ur childhood friend wont you trust me??
Swara gives a confused look.
Sahil- swara think he is a don he beats people
Swara- yes i can trust you
Sahil- so can you do one thing for me?
Swara glares him.
Sahil- i mean for your sister
Swara- yes i can do tell me
Sahil- the room which has a don sticker pasted in his house
Swara- yess
Sahil- contains his details who is he and from where is he
Swara- so what??? Is he going to come and give us??
Sahil- no you have to go and check that
Swara- ok i will go
Sahil- be careful

Swara goes to his house. And tries to find the room. She is able to find it after a min.
She enters the room.
The room contains photo frames of a men a women and a boy.
Swara- i did not think that this type of room would be in Don’s house
Swara sees a cupboard and decides to open it. She opens it and sees a file.
In that file don’s driving licence’s copy and other imp things were there.
Swara- Sanskaar Ram Prasad Maheshwari . His name is Sanskaar and his deeds are like this (mocks don)
She hears some noise and decides to leave but Don comes to the same room as Swara.
Swara hides as soon as Don enters.
Don takes a frame in his hand. That frame had dirt on it. HE wiped it with his hands and smiled. A tear came from his eyes but he wiped it and went out keeping that frame back.
Swara comes out and thinks.
Swara- the thing i saw was in real or i am dreaming
Swara brushes her thoughts and leaves to her room.
Sahil- what you got?
Swara- his name
Swara- his name is Sanskaar ram Prasad maheshwari.
Sahil(shocked and surprised)- so he came back
Swara- who what??
Sahil- nothing you sleep i will go now
Swara- ok

Sahil goes but swara is not able to sleep as she was not able to believe what she saw. She went to her window and saw Don coming out of his house. He sat in his care and went somewhere.
Swara was confused. What to believe?????? All the incidents were flashing in her minds. She was feeling uneasy. She walked on the streets thinking about the incidents. She sat on a bench and was lost in deep thoughts.
Her thoughts were disturbed by a child’s cry. She saw a baby boy of nearly 5 years standing in the middle of road and a truck was coming towards him. Without thinking anything she rushed to save the boy.
The truck was coming near the boy with full speed. In the nick of time swara pushed the boy saving him. But she was in front of the truck continuously approaching her. She was pushed by a man with force. Due to his push swara fell down. The man also moved aside and the truck went past them.
Swara got up and saw that boy hugging that man.
“Hello… you know him??……….if yes then you are very irresponsible” said swara
The man broke the hug and turned. Swara was shocked to see him. He was none other than Don.
“Oh so you are here……………….and this little boy you must have kidnapped him” said swara
Don become very angry and shouted and she was scared.
“Aey….shut up……enough i have listened enough” he suddenly realise he was shouting on her.
He went near the boy who was afraid.
“are you fine?” asked Don
“yes Don I am fine i” he said crying and hugged Don.
Don also hugged him back and consoled him.
“who brought you here??” asked Don politely
“Don Don you here we were finding you” shouted a goon
Don broke the hug and got up and saw them. The boy was scared seeing those 2 men and hid behind Don.
Don saw him afraid of them and started beating them badly.
Swara was watching and decided to stop him.
“Enough……first you used to beat others and now now you are beating them……what kind of a person are you?”
Don stopped beating them. He grabbed Swara’s hand and brought her near to that boy.
“are you blind?? Are you not able to see how afraid he is seeing them??……..I am will beat everyone who does wrong…..whoever it may be…….even his own goons….. see his eyes just see are you not able to see the…..his tears are telling every thing his tears are screaming to beat them……they are asking justice……..and the people whom i beat are not Satayavadi harishchandra….then are corrupt and bad people” he glares swara and again goes to beat then goons.
Swara’s heart melts but she does not show.

Suddenly 10-12 children come.
“Don let us beat him please” a girl says
“Please don please” all the children request.
His lips curves in a faint smile.
“Chillar party would you all like to teach them a lesson??” Asked don
“Yes don” said all the children happily.
Don takes a step back. “Ok then beat them”
Swara remembers the children. They were the same children who came to block swara.
Both the goons shout.
“sorry don sorry we will not do this again sorry don sorry” Saying this they run away.
All the children were laughing and the boy also smiled.
“So chillar party are you all happy?”asked Don
“yes don we all love you” replied all the children
“I love you too so now let us go otherwise caretaker would scold me come on now sit in the jeep” said Don
There was a jeep parked opposite to the bench on which swara was sitting.
They all sat in the jeep. Don too sat on driving seat.
“Do you need special invitation?” taunted swara asking her to sit.
Swara silently sat next to drivers seat.
Don drove the jeep and stopped in front of a building.
“Sanskaar Anathalay” read swara.
She was shocked to read it. She remembered Don’s name is Sanskaar.
Swara’s POV
Is this true?? Or i am dreaming?? How can this don?? He always beats other people how can he?? How can these children like him?? Don is a good person. No no how can this happen he is don.
POV ends
A lady in her 50s comes
“so you all came now go and sleep” said the lady
“Ok maa” said the children and ran in the building
“Sanskaar how are you beta??” the lady asked
“I am fine maa” replied Don
“Its good you are there. Without you these all flowers would have been died” the lady said
“Its my duty” replied Don
“ Most people here don’t donate money and you you everyday bring a lot of money and everyday take 10-12 people in your jeep for a drive. This is surely not your duty beta” the lady said
He smiles sadly.
“Here people are like this only. They believe wrong people and stop right people”said sanskaar taunting swara
“Ok ok maa you go and make chillar party sleep otherwise they will ruin the room” replied Don
“ok ok sanskaar you go i will see them” replied the lady
Don touched lady’s feet and again sat on the driver’s seat and drove off with swara.
He brought the jeep near a cliff and stepped down. And swara too stepped down the jeep.
“Swara you saved that boy….that was a favour on me so you can ask whatever you want from me”said Don
“Tell me everything about you” replied swara
Don was shocked.
“tell me everything about your past and your present” Swara said
Don was shocked. He needs to answer her because He was don and after all jo vo bolta hai vo Don karta hai (he does what he speakes).
“Nearly 20 years ago” started don “There was a boy of 5 playing with his toys in a big house. He was very happy living with his parents but the god was not happy with his happiness.

FB –
“Sanskaar run run sanskaar run” shouted a man who was stabbed 2 times and was continuously stabbed by some people.
A lady grabbed sanskaar’s hand and ran but alas she was not fast. The people caught hold of the lady and brutally murdered her .
That little boy was so afraid and scared that he was not even able to move.
“Lets kill him” said a goon
“no this a little boy he will forget everything leave him” replied another goon
They all agreed and left that little boy Sanskaar with 2 dead bodies one of her mother and another of his father”
FB ends
‘why this happened?” continued Don “because his father was not corrupted. That little boy was not able to digest the fact that he is orphan now”
The little scared boy started crying went near the bodies and asked them to get up.
“maa papa get up maa baba” he cried
He wiped his tears.
“ohh now i understood you are playing with me naa I now but i don’t want to play now please get up”
He goes near the lady.
“Maa see ma i am hungry maa give me some food na maa”
He again cried.
The neighbours heard him crying loudly and went to see him.
They were shocked to see The boy crying and his parents laying in the pool of blood. His whole body and clothes were covered with blood. His eyes were red as burning coals.
FB ends

The police came and took the bodies. They also left the child in an orphanage. He was completely broken and was not even able to cry. But after a day or two a man came to him.
FB starts
A man brought the police to him.
“Beta say what you saw”
The boy was not able to utter a word
The police who were bribed started to move.
“ See we don’t have time so we are going please don’t waste our time” said a policeman
The man got angry and shouted
“Sir it was a murder and his parents were murdered how can you leave the murderers. Just look into his eyes. They are saying it all. They are shouting and screaming for justice they are tired of crying. They are in search of the culprits and wants them to be punished and you you are just saying leave it”
The police said nothing. A policeman man took out the gun and shooted the man on the head. The man died.
FB ends
The child was not able to believe his eyes. The child ran away from there and went in the jungle to live. Fortunately the dogs were good then humans and they pampered him. The dogs grew him up then gave him food and water. But they died one day and this child who was 12 now was again alone but a poor man took him to his house. There he learnt every good thing and some martial arts. They lived together for 10 years. That bow was 22 now!! The man whit whom he used to live was again killed by a boy of his age. And he become alone in this cruel world. But he he did not lose hope and today he is alive in this world and he runs a orphanage and he also found a very good lady whom he calls maa to take care of those little flowers. He is
“Don” said swara
Her eyes were filled with tears and was pity on Don
“You are a hero sanskaar you are hero” Said swara weeping
“you are wrong swara I am Don”
“ You are a real life hero..”
“No I am a Don agar hero ban gaya to pechan bura maan jaaye gi” ( I am a don If i become hero then my identity would feel bad”
“Who was the one that killed the man you were living with?”
“Sahil Sengupta” Shouted sahil.
Both were shocked to see him.
Sahil claps and says.
“Wha!! What an emotional story, I cried. You made me cry naa now i will not leave you.”
Don was standing on the edge of cliff.
Sahil takes out his gun and points on Don.
“get ready to leave this cruel word Don” says sahil
“NO” shouts swara
She goes and stands in front of don.
“First you kill me then kill Sanskaar”
“Ohh swara don’t be filmy” said sahil.
Sanskaar pushed swara.
“I will kill myself by jumping off this ciff rather than dying by you dirty hands”

Saying this he jumped off the cliff.
“sanskaar” shouted swara and went to see Don.
She was late she was only able to touch Don’s head.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhh” cried swara afer being pushed by Sahil off the cliff.
“let us check if they died or not” said a goon
“no need of it” replied the other goon
Both were reveled to be the same goons which were beaten by chillar party and Don.
“Nobody can live after falling from such a high cliff” said sahil.
All of them drove off the home.
After 1 month.
“Sanskaar come out now we need to go out” said swara
“No police will catch me” replied sanskaar being scared
“Why will police catch you?” asked swara
“You only told na that I was a Don before losing my memory then police will catch me” replied scared sanskaar
Swara remembers the incident that took place 1 month ago.

Both SwaSan were lying unconscious on hay after falling from the cliff.
Swara gains consciousness and sees sanskaar’s head bleeding heavily.
She somehow with the help of people passing by takes sanskaar to hospital where she comes to know that sanskaar lost his memory.
She tells everything to that lady whom he calls maa and brought all his belongings to their new house.
FB ends

“ nothing will happen, when Swara is here why to fear?”
She holds his hand and they step outside the house.
Mere Sang To Chal Zara
Kyon Dekhe Dara Dara

They both come out of the house and sanskaar fears crossing the police.
Mere Sang To Chal Zara
Kyon Dekhe Dara Dara
Swara holds his hand and walks past the police with him.

Chal Tujhko Aa Chupa Lu
Chal Khwaab Kuch Saja Du
Teri In Nigahon Mein

Mein Jo Sang Hoon
Tere Rang Hoon
Rahon Se Teri Chun Loon Mein Khwaab
Har Lamha Yun Guzre Ke Gehrata Jaaye Pyaar

Mein Jo Sang Hoon
Tere Rang Hoon
Rahon Se Teri Chun Loon Mein Khwaab
Har Lamha Yun Guzre Ke Gehrata Jaaye Pyaar

Hasde Zara Sa To Teri Haseen Se
Mere Kal Ho Haaseen
Bas Itna Mein Chahun Is Zingagi Se Jyadaa Kuch Nahi
Police does nothing and sanskaar feels goo and smiles.
Swara becomes happy seeing his smile.

Hasde Zara Sa To Teri Haseen Se
Mere Kal Ho Haaseen
Bas Itna Mein Chahun Is Zingagi Se Jyadaa Kuch Nahi

Mein Jo Sang Hoon
Tere Rang Hoon
Swara kisses sanskaar’s forehead.

Rahon Se Teri Chun Loon Mein Khwaab
Har Lamha Yun Guzre Ke Gehrata Jaaye Pyaar

Like this 6 months passed and Sanskaar got a job near their house. His condition was getting better day by day. The doctor were also impressed by the progress.
But from last few days he was continuously asking swara about his past. She was tensed. Whenever he asked she used to avoid telling it.
Swara’s POV
Sanskaar’s condition was getting better day by day but don’t know why is he asking about his past. If i tell him about his past he he will break down. No I cant tell him i cant i don’t have this much courage. But if he gets to know something else then?? I can explain him better i need to tell him
POV ends
@ Night
“Sanskaar I need to talk to you”
“Yes say swara”
“Yess swara say”
“Vo lets go to a long drive”
“Ohh so you wanted to say this”
“Yes” giving a fake smile
“ok lets go then”
Swara and Sanskaar went on a long drive. He brought her near the sea. They both went on seashore. The water was shining due to moon’s light. It seemed that many pearls were floating on the water. It was a perfect and Romantic atmosphere.
Swara was enjoying the weather. Swara’s hair were coming on her face because of the wind making her more beautiful.
“Swara” called sanaskaar
“Yes sanskaar” replied swara
He sat on his knees.
“Swara i don’t know what happened and how it happened but I lost my memory, I was not in condition to live but you you made me live once again. I don’t know anything about my past and now i really don’t want to know. I feel safe in your presence i really don’t know what to say but all i am saying is by my heart and the thing is I LOVE YOU (takes out a ring) will you marry me?? I know this is the worst proposal ever but still will you marry me??
Swara goes and hugs him tightly.
“I LOVE YOU and I will marry you”
Sanskaar kisses her forehead.

A day before SwaSan’s marriage—
Swara was selecting a dress for her marriage and Sanskaar was talking with a lawyer. Yes they were doing a court marriage. Everything seemed just perfect this time.
But life had some other plans. When Sanskaar went to office Sahil came, who got news that sanskaar and swara both were alive.
He came in their house. Swara was working and humming a song.
“Hello darling” said sahil
Swara was shocked. She recalled that it was Sahil’s voice. She turned to find sahil standing behind her.
“you what are you doing here??” asked a scared swara
“I heard that you and Don are getting married?? So i came here to give you a gift” replied sahil with a smirk.
“We don’t need anything you go from here” said swara
Before she could do anything he made her smell chloroform.
After some time she woke up in bed realizing she was raped. She was able to recall the faint images when Sahil was forcing her and she was not able to do anything. She got up from the bed and went near the mirror. There she found a small note by sahil who left the house. It said “Happy married Life”.
Swara’s POV
Why only me?? Why this happened to me only why?? I cant live with sanskaar now i cant do this no i cant. I cant live a life like this no i wont i wont. I will kill myself.
POV ends
She takes a note pad and writes a note. She takes a knife. She was about to slit her wrist but sanskaar comes and stops her.
“Swara what were you doing huh? How can you”
“Sanskaar I cant live with you sanskaar”
“What happened swara??”
She showed her scratches on her body and sanskaar understood. He was shocked. She busted in tears. She hugged sanskaar and cried. She cried very much and slept. Sanskaar who was controlling his anger saw her note.
Sanskaar I LOVE YOU
But i cant stay with you. I am raped by sahil, our enemy. I cannot write anything because my mind stopped working. I just want to say that please be happy and forget me. Go ahead in life I will be happy seeing you happy.
Note ended.
“Sahil…….Sahil…….Sahil…” murmered sanskaar
That name was famalier to sanskaar. All the incidents from past were moving in his mind. His head started spinning. All the thing said by swara were echoing in his mind. His head was paining badly.
Finally he regained his memory. He become very angry and tried to find his belongings. He found his belongings in a cupboard.
He was again that Don with that jacket and locket and that GUN.
It was still 5pm in the evening. HE went to sahil’s house. He was not at house.
He was sitting in sahil’s room playing chess alone.
After 2 long hours Sahil came home and went to his room.
He turned on the lights only to find DON playing chess with himself.
“Ohh you came but why were you sitting in the dark??”
“Muje andhara bhaut pasand hai tumhare aane vale kal ki yaad dilata hai “ (I love darkness, it reminds me of your future)
“Ohh come on I did so much with you like forcing swara……” he blunted out each and everything he did..”…… and still you thing you can win i pity you Sanskaar ohh sorry sorry I pity on you don” he laughs loudly.
Don gets up and points gun on him.
“Ohh i am scared now you will kill me omg” sahil laughs more loudly
“ I will not kill you.. i don’t want to make my hands dirty with you blood” said sanskaar
“ohhh Don enough of these filmy dialogues now get ready to die”
He takes out his revolver and aims Don.

Don opens his eyes which were closed due to firing. He was not used to it so he fell a little weak and composed himself.
Sahil covered his bleeding hand with another hand and police came out of the long curtains of balcony.
“You get ready to die……no no police don’t kill him……make him suffer until he die he he did many bad deeds he should get punishment na” said Don
“Dont worry don we will take care of him after all you did so many things for us…..because of you we are here thank you don” said a police constable
“Thank you van kyu nakko re baba” Said Don (Stop laughing everyone”
It was nearly 8 15 and he was standing outside Sanskaar anathalaya.
“Maa maa see I am back”
The lady became happy listening his voice.
“Sanskaar beta how are you??”
“Maa vo i was..”
“No need to tell I know swara told me everything.
“ Maa I regained my memory too and you know…” he told her everything.
She was shocked.
“Swara where is swara and how is she??” asked the lady
“ Maa she is sleeping don’t worry i taught a lesson to sahil too” replied Don
“Now let me meet Chillar party maa” said Don
Don shouted loudly “Chillar Party see who is here”
Listening his voice all the children got excited and ran to meet him.
“Don where were you? We missed you so much” asked the children hugging him
“ I was playing a game and in that game i need to act like i forgot everything thats why i was not able to meet you” replied Don
“Don you won the game?” asked the children
“YES” said the Don smiling
“YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” all the children got happy and started dancing.
“Ok now listen i have a good news for you”
All the children stopped to hear the news.
“Your don is getting married”
All the children shouted “YES YES YES yipeeeeeeeeee”
The all again started dancing.
The lady’s eyes were filled with tears she came near Don.
“I am so happy for you after so many years I am able to see you happy now i can die peacefully” said the lady
“Maa!!!!” said Don getting irritated by that die word
She hugged him and he hugged her back.
Swara was still sleeping when Don came back. He became Sanskaar from don and cooked food.
Swara got up. Her head was spinning and not able to remember anything. After a minute she remembered everything and tears fell from her eyes.
Sanskaar was humming a song and decorating the dining table. She heard his voice and got up from bed and saw him doing the work.
“Sanskaar why are you doing this work?” asked swara
“Swara you got up sit here” said sanskaar making her sit on the chair
“Sanskaar what are you doing” asked swara
“Tomorrow is our marriage so as a good husband to be i have to treat you like a princess naa” replied sanskaar
Swara busted into tears and Sanskaar was shocked to see this. He went near her and cupped her face.
“Sanskaar i i……”
“Sh……. Swara it was not your mistake you need to forget this……forget this as a nightmare swara try”
“Sanskaar bt how can i??” said swara
“Swara I know its very hard to for you but tomorrow is our marriage And after it i will try my best to make you forget this” replied sanskaar.
Swara hugged him and cried.

Swara was ready for their marriage she recovered a lot but not fully.
Sanskaar was also ready.
Their marriage was really simple and went smoothly!
After a few days –
Swara was cooking and she suddenly felt nausea and went to bathroom covering her mouth and puked.
Sanskaar was hell shocked and went to see her.
“Sanskaar I think i am pregnant” Swara said
Sanskaar was shocked as he never touched her like that as she was not comfortable after that incident.
“ we will abort the baby” Said swara
“No not at all” replied sanskaar “what is the mistake of this baby it is innocent why to punish a little innocent child?? No we will raise him he is our child” he said keeping his hand on swara’s womb.
Swara’s eyes filled with tears. She was proud of his statement and proud to be his wife.
“now come on don’t cry it is not good for our baby come and eat something” Said sanskaar and brought her to dining table and made her sit on chair. He made her eat fruits.
She was happy and ate from his hand with a smile.
“Sanskaar I love you”
“I love you too swara”
Swara kissed his cheeks and he smiled.

Third person’s POV
Finally this unlucky don got a wonderful life!!
POV ends

Thanks for reading
Sorry if you felt it a piece of crap or boring
Dont forget to comment!!



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