A man can be seen sitting on a chair. His hairs are all messy and there are dark bags under his eyes which are indicating that he has not taken sleep since few days and working all day. He is completely surrounded by darkness thinking about something deeply. His face is emotionless as usual and his expressions are cold. He has a intimidating aura around him which is enough for someone to pee in his pants. But his ocean blue eyes narrates a different story. If you dive deep into the depth of his eyes you can see pain, guilt, anger, frustration and tiredness. He is ruthless and arrogant for the external world but in reality he is a broken soul who is exhausted and broken completely . Still he is holding up himself for something which is really important in his life, it is his family. His family needs him. He is holding up his broken self for them, he needs to be strong for them because he has to look after them. After losing very important people of his life he has nothing to lose leaving his family. His deep thinking is interrupted by a knock on the door he looks up to find his brother cum best friend standing there waiting for his permission. He nods his head in approval and he comes inside.

(Well this is something happened in those after some horrible incidents that he stopped talking not like he never talks he do but very less. He has way with his words so intricate and meaningful, well let’s not wander around and come back to the point)

Man: Do you get any information about her?

Brother: No bhai, we don’t get any information about her but don’t worry our men will soon find her.

(Listening to this he facepalms himself )

Brother: Bhai, are you fine?

Man: Yes, What will happen to me?

Brother: Bhai, You and I, we both know that you can hide your feelings and emotions from the whole world but me. Bhai, we have grown together. We have been with each other in our highs and lows. You know what , I don’t need to rely on you and anyone else to tell me how you are feeling because I can read your silence. Don’t forget your eyes are like a open book for me. Your eyes may be scary for others but not for me. ( He says the last part smiling a bit.)

(After listening to his brother his lips curves a bit not enough to be noticed by others but him.)

(This is is another thing happened with him in those years that a man who used to smile whole heartedly has stopped smiling. He has stopped smiling the day he lost HER. He has caged himself into a never ending darkness. He has sunk into the depth of darkness. Not only him his family too. They are searching for their SMILE, their LIGHT and their only ray of HOPE-Whose whereabouts they don’t know.)

(He gets up and hugs his brother for his dear life.)

Man: Yes, I know my dear brother that it is next to impossible to hide my emotions from your Sherlock Holmes eyes. I was just thinking about our past aboutttt HER.

Brother: Don’t worry bhai we will get to her soon.

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