Lucky…excuse me…in utter jealousy.
J… laksh aka lucky.
Another shock .
Dats it
Rags … do u know about us.
J….about u being couple or u individuals.
Sanskar cughed intentionally to grab everyones attention.
J…easy mr maheswari..yake it easy.
Sanskar with amusement asked him .
How u know abt me.
J….with a smirk…actually its my hobby to know each n evrything related to shona n i mean each person too so how come i not be knowing u all see.
Everyone was dumbfolded
N sanskar anger shook at his peak .
Sanksar with gritted teeth..
N why its ur hobby.
J….its actually not my hobby but passion n..before he could complete his sentence kavita poked her nose in…
Kav…omg look i said u na.
J….excuse who u r .?
Kavita…wht ?
J…yes miss nobody.
At dat time swara gave a stern look to j .
J moved his hands in air n said ok okay angry bird.
Listening to angry bird swara pour d glassoh whisky on his face.
Every one made a o face.
In return j ..pour full beer bottle on her head.
Dis made sanskar even more angry … he clenched hos fist n walked forward..but felt mor jealous n bewildered seeing d scenario.
In hall j…was running just like jerry ..n swara like tom behind him pouring n throwing each n evrything coming in her hands .
Dey were hoping from one table to another from one stair to other
N to others it was like some action movie going on . As dey were like pro atheletes.
Finally swara caught hold of him started punching n kicking him last dey both stopped n ended with fits of laughter as dey had crashed. D party .
Hall was just looking as trash was kept dere.
People wenf from dere as party ended.
Finally .
Rags ..shona r u ok.
Shona…stopped laughing looking around n kept quiet n nodded.
Dis made sanskar hell confused.
Kavita…oh hello look miss nobody what u have done to dis hall
Do u even know d things u broke cost how much ur whole life u would not be able to pay dis much on ur ownself ..downmarket.
Dis raised anger in j…
STOP IT DO U KNOW U R TALKING WITH….before he could complete swara said….leave it lets move.
kav…where r. U going ..look at d mess u created miss nobody .let d manager come first.
She shouted manager..manager…
Swara gave her a not interested look
N tri raglak n sans was watching dis scene speechlessly.
Manager..came inside n directly walked toward kav n not glacing any body as his back was facing j .n.swara
Manager..yes mam.
Kav ..what yes mam look around d hall.
Manager glanced at d hall n feared seeing hall as it was all ruined n damaged .
Manager..who did dis..dese allarrangements n decors worth rupees 50 lakhs..if sir came to know dis den i am surly gone..,i m not gonna leave dat person who did dis he os going to pay d bill
Kavita smirked.n pointed towards. Swara .
As manager glanced swara
He was going to say something but before his eyes stuck at j..
Manager…SIR YOU
All sir..
J…spoke ..i know all about u but neither of u asked who i am ..
So let me imtroduced my ownself
Precap …shock n shock
Wow Dr feeling awesome Dr wow…loved swara and j ‘s bond soo much….and sanskar jealousy…,
Waiting for the next part dr
wowww awesome
superb waiting
Anie anie anie !!!!! i love it… next one soon…it’s sooo tempting n interesting….thnk u.
Wow amazing
waa… 2 episode in a row!!! luv it soo much Annie……..continue soon dear!!!! OMG!
i just love it soo much…
More than awesome
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