Fan Fiction

An Unsung Heroine- Urmila (Part 21)

Laxman: I can’t stay in forest with the guilt that you cry because of me.

Urmila nods. Laxman sits to get ready. Urmila make her wear the vanvasi clothes. She was trying to hide her tears from Laxman who were continuously flowing from her eyes.

Laxman gets ready. They went to Ram and Sita who were ready in their vanvasi clothes.

In their room the sisters, Maharani kaushlaya and sumitra were present. Sita get shock seeing Laxman in vanvasi attire.

Sita: ( to ram) Swami Laxman!

Ram: yes site I have given my permission to accompany us.

Sita: what?? But why? What about Urmila? (She goes to Laxman) Laxman! You don’t need to come with us. You didn’t think of Urmila before taking this decision. How can you do this?

Urmila: didi! I agree with this decision.

Sita: but what about you Urmila? How will you spent fourteen years without Laxman? Don’t give yourself such a big pain.

Urmila: what destiny has chosen is happening. We cannot stand against it.

Sita: you are right Urmi. But just like I am accompanying raghunandan, you can also. (to ram) Raghunandan, you allowed me to come with you for the sake of my dharma then why not Urmila? She also has duty to serve Laxman. Why are you not saying Laxman to take her also?

Urmila: Didi! Calm down. It’s my duty.

Sita: which duty?

Urmila: just like Sita’s duty is to go with her husband, Urmila’s duty is to not go with her husband.

Sita stares her with love.

Ram: Urmila! I am really sorry. Because of me you have to suffer great pain. I am sorry.

Urmila: no jijasri. Don’t say that. I am really happy that I am a part of the history that you are going to write. Jijasri you remember Saumitr Always says that he is your armyman. And didi don’t you remember that in a battle a queen can come with king but the wife of an armyman should never come with him. So how can I?

Sumitra: (adoring Urmila with her hand) I am proud that you are my daughter in law Urmila.

Urmila hug her. Laxman runs out seeing her. Urmila hugs Sita and ask her to take care of herself. Then she goes to Ram.

Urmila: jijashri! I am really sorry but at this point of time I want to ask you and sita didi for something.

Ram: ask Urmila.

Urmila: please take care of yourself. And make sure that no problem came in your journey.

Ram : why are you asking this Urmila?

Urmila: because whose life stays in you two, my life stays in him.

Ram: I promise you Urmila. The way I am taking him after fourteen years he will be back with same form.

Urmila: Thank you jijasri.

Everyone gathers to bid them a farewell. Urmila and Laxman were in their room.

Laxman: its time to go Urmila.

Urmila hug him and: take care of everyone. And don’t get angry on small thing.

Laxman: Urmila you remember after we get married I asked you in the gauri mandir that why are u not afraid of your future.

Urmila: yes I remember

Laxman: the lady also predicted your future that you will suffer the pain of separation from your loved ones. I didn’t know that that will happen so soon.

Urmila: its ok saumitr. It’s my bhagya. Thus has to happen. But you don’t think much about this. Just concentrate on the duties you have to fulfill. And don’t forget that the whole ayodhya will be waiting for you three. So please come back soon.

Laxman: take care of yourself Urmila and please never lose your trust and courage. Help bharat bhaiya in the court works. Take care of mothers and the family. I will return soon.

Urmila: you don’t worry I will manage everything.

Mandavi came.

Mandavi: (with very heavy heart) Laxman everyone is waiting.

Laxman: I am coming bhabhi. She goes.

Laxman hugs Urmila.

Urmila: I can’t come with you till the gate.

Laxman: I know that.

Laxman slowly leaves her hand. And start leaving. Urmila fall down on her knees and cover her mouth so that Laxman didn’t listen her crying. Laxman turns back but cannot gather her courage to console her. He leave. Urmila keep crying. Then she goes to the window and says bye to Sita. Everyone was crying. As they start leaving Laxman turns to see her in window but she hides herself. She didn’t want Laxman to see her tears as he may also broke down. They leave. Urmila runs to the gate as she saw them going in the rath. Mandavi and Shrutkirti console her. She sits on the stairs. As the view also disappear mandavi sits with her.

Mandavi: come inside Urmila. They will definitely come back. Pitaji asked sumant ji to change their mind. They will return.

Urmila: they will not return didi. They will never break the promise.

Mandavi: then why are you waiting here.

Urmila: to just make sure they reach forest safely.

Mandavi broke down in tears. And turns to leave and saw sumitra standing.

Mandavi: (cries) Mata.

Sumitra: you go mandavi.

Sumitra sits with Urmila

Sumitra: daughter!

Urmila: Mata!(hugs her) why all this is happening? Till they were infront of my eyes I have courage but now …..

Sumitra: come with me.

She takes Urmila with her in her shiv temple.

Precap- Sumitra: everything what is happening is well planned by god. For something great.

Thank you for reading! Hope u like it. Please don’t forget to comment.


Science student mythology lover. Now on wattpad-pragyakiran1

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