Fan Fiction


Continuation from last part { RESTAURANT}

Rekha : Raj, Are you serious ?

Raj : Hey cutiepie, I told u naa I don’t know…But I feels everything as fresh and new….She hold my hand……Image result for sharukh khan old photosImage result for sharukh khan old photos

Rekha : Wow, super cool , Toh Baat Pakki…..Hey naa Raj Kumar ?? Image result for madhuri dixit old photos

Raj : Naa, Your winking eye captured the wrong vibe……Now we are friends…..

And she’s not that kind of girl who madly falls for prince charm Raj….

Rekha : Oops!! Raj..Naam toh suna hi nahi…… Too bad yaar……

Raj : Yaar, are you my friend or enemy ? You need to give me ideas for..

Rekha : For what ??

Raj : Should I need to say everything word by word ?? I just want to meet her again, don’t ask me why ??

Rekha : Okay, okay……Chill……We’ll think about it….Now have coffee, specially made for you……

Raj : Yeah…. Rekha, you also sit …

Rekha : No Raj….I really don’t need it…

Raj : Not fair, Rekha……I really can’t enjoy the drink without you…..

Rekha : No Raj……Pls…..I am feeling head ache

Raj : Then coffee is really the rapid medicine….Just sit with me and have it….We will have some chats and will do all fun, what u say ?

Rekha : A cup of coffee certainly brings so many things, Raj…….But it tastes the same only ……I don’t want to taste it again…..It’s always bitter, Raj….It’s always bitter….

Raj : I can’t see tears in your eyes…… Rekha, you have moved on and be confident . Why are you going behind the lost warmth which never offered you anything ??

Rekha : There was a time when Dev spoke with heart and laughed with eyes, my hands used to carry his worries…..Later he started fearing about the involvement of hearts and at one  evening everything ended here…….Two cups of coffee and without looking my eyes he said that “Let’s Break -Up”. That day was the worst day of my life, I find him as a stone who has muted emotions and felt his  words as utter poisonous , Even a snake’s bare fangs won’t have carried that much poison , I find him as a stranger and ……

Rekha couldn’t say anything as her desparing heart was not molded to receive the biggest shock of life…….Rekha rushed inside and closed the door

Raj : Rekha….Rekha……..Listen to me….. [Raj knocked the door again and again. But rekha didn’t opened the door….] I think this is not the right time to talk with Rekha…… Raj, how can u forget that Dev has betrayed your friend , my heart is not allowing me to believe this fact.

As far as I know Dev can never cheat any one….But Rekha is my childhood friend and she can never lie to me……Whatever happened , it’s not good…….. But what can I do for them ? Whenever I tried to sort out issues, either Rekha will become emotional or Dev will shower anger…..Both are two poles apart and Rekha is more important for me ……I get to know about Dev only when Rekha introduced him an year back. But from the school days Rekha is my best buddy and if she don’t want to cope up with past, then I need to respect her decision……. After wandering through these much thoughts Raj made a smiley on tissue paper and pasted it on the wall…..

Raj : Rekha, I am leaving…….Take care…….

Scene shifts to Music studio

On the other hand, Dev was fighting with his own heart and to maintain a sustainity he racked the deepest feelings and transformed himself as sparking fire. Dev was working day and night for the launch of musical concert and didn’t wanted any one should break his stubbornity……Dev hummed for a while and felt something was missing……

Dev : I need to change the lyrics, papers…….Where are they ? Dev started searching on the table’s drawyer and instead of taking lyrics his eyes striked on an old photo……Dev hold the photo towards his eyes and looked it deeply…….

Dev : VIP Pass 4 u, Rekha……You need to sit in front row as this song is for you…..

Rekha : As your wish, Majesty……

Dev : This song is for the person who madly loves me through her beautiful eyes……

Rekha : Dev, You’re standing before audience….Behave yourself

Dev : So what ? Before whole world I need to say that see my beautiful lady, whom I am going to marry…….My fiancee Rekha Mathur…… Dev picked Rekha in his arms….

Rekha : Just hold me like these always , Dev…….

Dev smiled and wore goggles on eyes……

Rekha : Dev, I want to see your intense eyes, don’t cover it ……

Dev : You love my eyes that much, more than me ??

Rekha : These eyes are magical and I just can’t stop myself from looking into them………

Dev : Rekha, I need to perform……Will you just stare me or

Rekha : Yeah……..Rekha smiles and Dev makes her to sit on the chair…….

Dev regained himself from the memory and looked again Rekha’s photo……

Dev : I needs to live in this daring world. For that I have to make sure nothing can stop me……

Dev ligtened the cigaratte lighter and started burning Rekha’s photo…….







Sun always rises and spreads light, but sun flower expect sun to lime light and may be sun is not able to do it. But sun will show care through twilight.True love will succeed

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