Riya & Rova were newly married couples…there deicide to shift from city to some town & to celebrate honeymoon there in nature…
A town of huge buildings,temples,malls,..at morning with Lovely birds singing & with awesome brighter sun shines at all a sides of town…It was lovely seen ever…At all the houses of the town there was only young couples..there is no children’s,old peoples,but only young couples any
Riya & Rova readying to shift…At there city house..first Rova packed his Certificates,dress,shoes,ornaments & his favourite *_______*….
Riya feels very happy…because she loves towns than cities…she loves greeny lands with birds singing & with fresh and also nature gives Romantic moodz….
Now Rova was strict professor.He was n’t that much romantic than Riya expected from him…
At evening time Rovq drives a car with Riya…He drives a car Slowly & carefully…When there feels angry,Rova stops the car & had some coffee…There asked one new person ,any lodge near here to stay…he after a few kilometers there was some town but some say noone there…but there no other towns here And then he started a car…he not talks to her with romantic words but only with Some boring words…
After few kilometres there car breakdown at centre of two ways there is two towns…
When there notice someone singing at near the town at left,it was sweet voice ever heard…
Then there entered a town without a car…There was a big lodge…It was huge & with many love quotes outside…it near the entrance of town names *Lovely Dark Land*…
When Rova enter into that town…He puts his hands to Riya’s shoulders…Now sweet smile on Riya’s face…”””He bend his neck & his head close to her forehead,…”””hmm hmmm!!!,Riya.but was sudden dream to her…
he with fear only he catch her shoulder tightly…Riya Irriated…Rova scared of Nights Riya*::: Ufff…
That Lodge enters with no one but some recorder…
Rova & Riya close to the recorder…there was question Asked who are you?…Rova aswered we are ne..e..w married couples &..a..n..d….
Suddenly the gate opens without hearing full of the reasons…Riya shakes her body lightly because there is loud music booms suddenly & there enter the room ….
At Lodge big hall…Many couples were dancing & there was a big poster
*Welcome Riya & Rova*
Riya shocked when he saw Piya & Jova there…
There saw them before there marriage…when Jova’s family not accepted there relationship & there hidden somewhere…
Rova confused & got fear to know the truth :E …
Couples only allowed!..
To be continue….comment by using
Down website ?
Dark superb
Nice thrill..next ep ..waiting
Chooooo thrilll pa…nxt ep??
Wht happens???nxt ep
Wht happenzzz?
Different theme…episodes episodes different superb
Hmmm summa..next ep plz
Awesome title…it suitable to this story…ep 1 & 2 Upz & Downz
Omg!! Nxt ep
Thank ü
…. C u @nxt ep
Tq #Swara <3
Thank you
Good pa
Nice ..
Aww…nice ma..
Thank ÿou all…
Jugal <3 Julie
Nice articles easily available at Google :’Soundariya Velsamy’ & ‘Article Series’ at facebook…