Vampire’s Sweetheart #RiAnsh (Part 3) #Escape in vain !!..

” Aryan , shut your mouth .. or I will screw you .. ” Vansh shouted .. making Aryan fling ..

” Bhai , joke joke .. ” Aryan shift himself kept a distance between them … ” Bhai , Bhabhi .. go and check on her .. ”

” Hmm !!.. ” Vansh made his way out , but before glaring him once more …

” Bachh Gaye …!! ” Aryan wiped his sweatburd ..

Other side ..

Riddhima was in washroom , soaking the water droplets from chubby chicks .. though lost in her thinking ..

” He saved you riddhu , but still he’s a Vampire Aaa , Leave this , Now .. you have escape from here .. God knows when would he kill me .. But how , umm.. ” with her not so ended questions she step out of the washroom ..

But instantly gulped , ” Holy shit !!.. ” she muttered , not audible to the opposite person ..

( Kaun hai ??.. )

Riddhima blink her eyes to see , whether she’s dreaming .. She shook her bed , but no she was right ..

A girl with back facing her was sitted on the bed , as if she own her ..

She’s dressed up in a prefect gown , revealing her perfect curves .. Riddhima immediately palmed her eyes .. Not to make her virgin eyes , filthy ..

Whereas the girl , smell out the fresh blood near her .. and got up to meet a human ..

” You , blo*dy human .. Why are you here !!.. ” she raged up , as her whole mood got spoiled .. but calm down , when the aroma of blood again hits her nostril ..

” Umm , not bad .. Vansh brought a chubby girl with sweet blood umm .. I like it .. ” she whispered in Riddhima’s ears , which startled ..

And jerk her hand from her eyes , step back , when she saw the girl in brownish gray .. With fangs and blood shot eyes …

” Pl ..plz let me go .. I .. I request you .. ” Riddhima joined her her hand , with beaming tears …

” No dear , you are unknowingly caged here but just for sometime , because ( Smirks ) soon you will be with your beloved god .. ” she trace her finger from her ( Riddhima ) chicks dip in tears to her jawline ..

Riddhima squeezed shut her eyes .. and just one name she prayed ‘Vansh’ whereas the girl lean towards her neck , with her fangs ..

” Ragini ..!! ” With this voice the girl immediately took a step back from Riddhima ..

While recognising the voice , Riddhima immediately ran to … To ” Vansh ” she whispered pound on him ..

Encircling her hips around his waist , snuggling into his neck , cried ..

Whereas the girl , got super jealous with annoyed ..

Vansh who was got in his room , was shocked to find his mate scared and terrified .. he rubbed her back to soothe her , whereas one part of him was hell fuming thinking about what if he would have late ..

She silently sobbed in his arms like a cute baby .. , which roused the beast inside him ..

” How dare you touch her , Ragini .. ” His eyes got red blood ..

Ragini who was standing a little far got scared by his anger .. ” Va .. van .. Vansh .. ”

” Just shut up , remember I’m Count for you .. now get lost .. ” ragini gave a hard nod and made her way out , but couldn’t resist cursing Riddhima ..

” You blo*dy human , soon you will see the real Ragini .. ” she glared Riddhima .. while Riddhima rolled the other side not to meet her raged one ..

Vansh slowly marched to his bed , and made her load there .. the soon Ragini was out ..

” Are you ok ..!! ” Vansh caressed her hair ..

” Vansh .. plz let me go .. I’m a mere human , Whereas you , that girl here is a Vampire .. plz I promise , will never take your name out .. plz .. ” she engulf their hand ..

” Riddhima listen to me , you can’t leave this place now as .. ” he look down to avoid the eye contact with her puffy eyes .. He was about to continue when she questioned him ..

” Vansh , this .. this tattoo , it’s glowing why .. ” in the meantime when Vansh was busy gathering courage to talk with her , Riddhima’s eyes caught the glow on his wrist .. and to her surprise it’s same as she has the one at her back ..

” Riddhima , this is what I want to talk you , I am not just a Vampire , but Vampire king .. and .. I know .. it will difficult to accept it .. but .. you are my mate Riddhima and now we have to stay together .. ”

” What !!.. No no .. ” Riddhima instantly got up and looked him in disbelief ..

” This is the truth , and you have to accept it , till then be lock in this room .. ” Vansh hold up a stern face ..

” Never , Ever I won’t !!.. ”

” I don’t care , anyways you can’t run away .. enjoy your time .. ” with cold look Vansh left the place ..

” No , I won’t live in this Haunted Villa .. ” Riddhima got up from the bed , and stood near the window , it was all dark around .. ” maybe it’s night so !!.. ” Riddhima gave a reason herself .. but was it true ???..

Riddhima look down to figure out the distance between her and ground .. ” nearby 10 feet .. ” she calculated ..

With a quick steps , she inquired every corner of the room , but found nothing ..

” Shit , how to get down ??.. ” she held her head in frustration .. soon her eyes got on the curtains .. ” I know what to do .. ”



Leaving the room , Vansh got in his personal space .. where he sat near the piano table staring it attentively ..

” So , how was your time with that human .. ” Vansh looks back to find Ragini at the door step ..

” This is my personal space , and no one literally no one is allowed here , so who the hell are you Ragini ??.. ” though he wanted to throw her out , but can’t .. he can’t forgot that she is the daughter of his dad’s best friend .. Who billions of time helped his father ..

” C’mon Vansh I know , you like me .. so why to show off .. that you’re not interested in me .. and that human , seriously Vansh you choose a human to satisfy your desire .. I’m here for that .. ” she trace her finger on his jawline ..

” Which I’m not really , and to clear you .. She is not just a human , but my MATE !!!.. Do you get that , she’s mate , your would be .. no .. is QUEEN !!.. ” Vansh pushed her from himself .. while ragini’s face was all pale .. this was unexpected ..

From past .. , god knows from how long she was waiting to be the queen .. the first time she got face to face him , he was just 5 Whereas she 40 but still gorgeous ( 😏 jhut ) and now after whole freaking 25 year .. He found his not existed mate .. Which is a human ..!!

” That can’t be true , No way .. You .. you promised my dad that .. you’ll take my responsibility , so now what’s the matter of your mate , huh ?? , Answer me damnit ” she grabbed his collar in her both the fist , which he jerked up ..

” About your responsibility Which I am carrying still , but what’s your problem with MY MATE !!.. Wait , wait .. So you think , you will be my queen .. My .. joke , isn’t it Ragini .. ” Vansh smirk inwardly , but plastered a fake confusion look ..

” Ac.. actually .. I ..I .. ”



” Done .. ” she tied almost 4 curtains with each other .. at one end she clasp it with the bed’s edge and another she threw it down , though it couldn’t reach the ground , ” no worry , I can easily cover this gap ” , and slid her one hip across the window .. ” bappa bachha Lena .. ” and gripped the curtain , to step down ..

” Mummy .. this is so difficult , movie main to badhiya aasani se ho jata hai .. ( It looks so easy in movies ) ” she swing her leg in air to catch something ..

” bappa meri hadiya todwane se bacha lena ..!! ( Bappa , atleast don’t harm my fragile body ) ” she again swing her legs , because of which her both slippers fell down , helped her gripping the wall ..

” Aaaa , why .. why .. why me bappa , Why did you gave me small height ?? .. ” she look down the curtain was already short and now her height , how could she jump from 2 feet ..

” Ganpati bappa morya !!.. ” with eyes closed she jumped down , landing on her bump .. ” Ouchh !!.. ” she rubbed her back , with eyes closed..

Getting in stability , Riddhima examine her surrounding , Dark !!.. Like a haunted place , shown in a movie ..

” No problem Riddhima , soon it will morning and then everything fine .. I have read novels , which states that vampire are afraid of sunlight .. Great he won’t make to find me .. ” Riddhima smiles , and with small steps she rushed from there ..

In name of light , she could see was moonlight .. and now he will guide her path ..

But who knows , where we are leading , is it correct or wrong path ..

For a last time , Riddhima look behind , while running .. that’s when she bumped with someone .. and fell down with a thud ..

” Ahh , can’t you see .. ” she even cursed some colourful words which was not audible to the opposite person .. till now the man was back facing her .. ” Man atleast help me .. ”

And the man turn , while Riddhima smiles ” What a fate .. ” she again looked up to meet really hungry vampire ..

” Blood !!!.. ” he dangerously whispered against her neck , and smirk ..

Whereas Riddhima shift back .. but was hit with someone .. Another vampire ..

And then in on time she was surrounded by hundreds of Vampires ..

” Vansh..!! ”



” Speak up rag …. ” Vansh immediately hold on ..

” Vansh..!! ” Vansh could hear her whisper ..

” Shit ” Vansh ran out with his light speed where she was in a grave problem ..



All with one speed , hovered over her .. when a roaring sounds gave a jolt to them .. ” STOP !!!!! … ”

” Count !! .. ” everyone bow down , on their knees .. while with a burning rage Vansh marched towards Riddhima who was curled into a cute cotton ball , and picked her in his embrace .. she clenches his shirt , which instantly melt his heart …

” How dare you’ll touch her .. Is this what you all are , a ruthless , harmful and dangerous vampire .. Remember Never Ever touch what is MINE !! .. ” and left from there ..


Hii my friends !! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Hope you like it …

So precap : 🤔 ..!! Back to earth !! .. 😳

If they are not on earth then where ??? 😶

Anything you wants to add in next chapter ??? ..

Till Next Chapter bye …!! Comment plz ..

( I need enough comments for next chapter 🚶🚶 .. )


I love to be like I am .. If you don't like it's your problem ..

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