Fan Fiction

Vampires Vs Werewolf (epi 16)

Hi friends.tina(suha)here.guys i am in my knees.. i am begging you pls do one thing for me.i need to know the numb of readers that i have.pls drop even a single word in comment box.pls…. pls pls..

After few mins nikhil came
Abhi shared a hifi wth him
A,good job bro.thanx.
N,hey no need of thanx.anything for friends.specially in love matters(staring @ tanu)

A,fuggy baba shall we go for ll be nice in night.
N,really.i am already like a dirty pig after making tents.
T,what about champu then.
A,he wont come now.let him be here.
P,abhi do you know any place to have a bath.
A,han why not when i was small i used to hunt here.come with me..

Four of them went to a place sorrounded with rocks and one coner few large stones are arrenged like a piller and from the top of it water is falling like a waterfall..around it large pond is there wich is sorrounded by rocks.water is glowing due to the moon light.
P,wow are so wonderfull.
A,not me fuggy.these are the wonders of nature.nikhi lets go to walk until they have a bath.
P,abhi dont go far away from us.come soon asap.
T,ha nikhil.i ll make a sound when you need to be here.
Pranu climbs on to the stones and step towards the water…
P,help me…abhi….(loud screaming)
Tanu is looking at pragya with unblvble look.abhi rushed to the pragya at a second with his powers.
A,fuggy are you ok..
P,(pout) no…. water is very cold na.very very called.
A,omg omg check my heart beat.i scared time dont shout like that.fuggi dont do that again.water is cold bcoz it comes from spring.
T,hahaha i m so sad about you abhi.before become a father you have to take care of a kid.
Pragya throws water to tanu.(Tanu didnt touch water yet)
Pragya continously throws water to tanu.
P,nikhil you also have to lookafter a kid before become a father.see she is screaming like a baby.
Thanu pushes pragya to water but pragya catch tanus hand before falling to the both fall on water together.
P,i feel like i am frerzing.
T,han me too.
Both of then played in water for few mins and pragya blinks at tanu.they both started to trow water to abhi and nikhil.
A,stop it fuggy.its very cold na.this is not fair.
N,yes tanu.pls stop throwing water.
Both of they tried to escape but no use..they went few feets back from the pond and in next second the ran and jumped over the rocks to pond..
Pranu were supriced bcoz their jump.
P,jumping jalapeno jackrabbits is really suit for both of you.what a jumb.if i am possible i ll nominate both of you for olympic.
Four of them played in water for sometimes.
Pragya begings to sneez
A,pragya now both of you leave to tents.we’ll come soon.if not you’ll get cold.
T,yes pragya.lets move.we have to make something for dinner na.
Pranu left the pond holding their hands.after they left abhkhil too left the pond.. and they are on the way to tents
N,i am really hungry after havingbath
A,me too yaar.pranu will made dinner
Nikhil brust in to laugh.
A,hey why are you laughing like a donkey.
N,i know the taste of tanu’s foods.we’ve shared in the school na.sometimes she bring her hand made foods.when she force me to eat them i always pray to god.
A,ha haha But still i didnt eat pragya’s hand made foods.should try bro how you pray for god when eating.
N,i ‘ll tell “pls god.listen me.i have to eat these foods for her plesure.i have to sacrifice my life.i will come to you.but if i come to you she will follow me with her foods to heaven if you love your self dont let me die.”
A & N laughs lot.. and they came to one is there.they checked champak’s tent..there is a letter
Dear friends.
I am leaving.i joined to your team becouse pragya.i had a mad crush on her from the day she came to our class.i knew that abhi and pragya had lil bit i thought to join you and have my love at any cost.but today i get to know that pragya wont change ever.she loves abhi i no need to be here any more becouse already i had done my project about lizards.hope you understand.sorry pragya.i love you..but not more than your abhi.take care friends.

N,if he is not here where is our girls.
A,lets search..
They search for hours.but no use..
A,dude we have one option.turn to a can find them using your nose na.
N,omg idiot you have to tell that before na.
Nikhil turns to a large werewolf within few minutes.and he signs abhi to get on abhi get on him he ran in a jet speed to a direction..
Nikhil stops and turned to a human.
N,they must me here.
A,(shouts )pragya… tanu…
N,i belive my nose dude they must be here.there is a cave.lets check it.

Its dark but both of they can see in dark na. Tanu and pragya are near the enterance to cave.
N,both of they are fainted.
A,but how they came to this much distance.
Frist lets take them to tents.
N,you lift your fuggy.i’ll take tanu with me.lets move fast.i feel something fishy in this cAve.
A,hmm. I too felt the same. I feel this drag me towards this.

Precap P,how we become this much small.even tree leaves are looks like gients.look at that bird.its hundred times of us.are we in liliput.(hang on abhis neck with teary eyes)

Friends i ll write other two ff s when i got time.. and thanq every one for commenting..
sorry for grammer & spelling mistakes.i updated all the ff s from my phone upto now.bcoz my mom never let me to touch lappy untill i finish my exms. Sorry for every mistakes.. pls.. just drop a comment or no need to be a comment.even single letter is enough. Thanx again


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