Vani Rani 17th October 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
All kids are in room. Adhi says you are so stupid Kaviya. She says it was not my mistake. Ma won’t understand don’t worry. Sartak says enough we will get caught. Rani says caught for what? Kaviya what is this chit? You wrote it right? Sindhi and date. Siddharth and Nandani Sidni. I am not that fool. I didn’t expect this from you sid. You lied that day as well. Is it making you happy? When we fool someone we break their trust. I trusted you all always and this is how you opened my eyes.
Adhi says ma Rani says I am talking to Sid. Sid says forget about this girl. Its not a movie. Radhay will kill you aand you know Vani as well. Don’t even think about this marriage. Sid and Nandani will never be Sidni. Got it?She tears the chit and leaves.
Rani comes
Scene 2
Adi calls Anjali. She says yyour mom must be so nice that she agreed. People do so much in love? He says how do you know? She says enough and laughs. They keep talking.
Radhay is in court. his lawyer says don’t worry I will hand;e everything. He sees wedding notice in the court. Radhay is dazed. Radhay reads the date 23rd October. The lawyer comes and says I have.. Radhay says I have another case.
Rani gives Sid Nandani’s dress. Sid says shouldn’t this be for Sartak’s wife. Rani says I will buy for him too. Adi says buy specs for her nerd instead.
Prabha tries to understand what ae they upto.
Adi and Sid are on their way. Rani calls them. Prabha is following them with binoculars. They enter a jewelry shop. Prabha says Rani must have asked them to buy jewelry.
Rani comes to aajay and says I want to talk to you. He syas about sid? He had been acting weird. Vani calls Ajay and says have you see Sid? Parkash comes and says have you sent sid for jewelry shopping? Ma called she saw them there. Ajay says where are your bangles? Rani is silent.
Prabha says they sold bangles and bought mangal sutra. Is he marrying? Parkash says who? Sid marrying. VAni is also listening on call.
Precap-Radhay comes to Vani’s office and says this wedding can’t happen. She looks at the paper dazed. Vani says you can’t come here like this. He says i can and if I see him around my daughter I will kill him.
Update Credit to: Atiba