Arjun : Your step dad molested you Maya !! This is so shocking …..

Maya : I lost my ability of speech for long time after that horrible phase…..With so much treatement I got cured later almost after an year…..My mom understood things but she didn’t allowed me to report this to police. In my native place police are also like his loyal dogs only….That much influence he has in our place….Afterwards that my education was never happened at my native place…..My mom some how managed me to send away from the town and I became very bold almost like a boy….But this man …now he is keeping eye on me…..I will never get a normal peaceul life of a girl….

Some times I feel to end my life but If I go like that then he will not leave my mom….My mom wants to see me as independent, working , strong girl and after studies I will do job and I will take my mom away from that person’s clutches….God I don’t know how long I can remain strong and can fight for myself ? I feels to cry louder sometimes but crying means I have become weak and I don’t want that…..Maya can never cry….

Her tears came down and Arjun gently touched her : Maya !!

She hugged Arjun immediately as if she was longing to get some body’s shoulder so that she could burst out her pain..

Arjun : I am with you Maya ….Trust me that man will be arrested soon….I never know that you are supressing these much pain at your heart ….You are such a brave girl Maya and I admire you a lot for your courage and confidence….I can sense how much tears you have hidden from every one but before me you don’t need to hide anything……I will always spread my arms for consoling you ….Maya..

Maya released herself from Arjun and looked his eyes

Arjun : Maya I will always stand with you life long and I want to hold your hand forever ….

Maya : Arjun!!! Seems you are….

Arjun : Maya !! I can’t hide my feelings for you….I literally mean it and trust me that harsh incident doesn’t makes any impact on my life ……Soon that man will be behind the bars and all I want to know is what you feels for me….Do you also feel the same for me what I am feeling for you….

Maya : I felt so much peaceful when I hugged you…..I mean I always want to be in your arms Arjun….I find it as the most safest and secured place for me……

She hugged him emotionally and he pat her back…

Arjun : Like your mom wished, you wished first you finish your studies and then become an independent working person….I will wait for you…Because I love you so much and I will do anything for you Maya for making you as happy…

Maya : I too love you Arjun…..I feels now I can go ahead bravely by holding your hand forever….

Arjun cupped her face and gently kissed at her cheek

They both looked intensely and started romancing each other

Enu helali naanu hosathana 

Hege idharu nanna jeevana 

Neenu kanuva prati nimishavo

Arjun lie down at Maya’s lap and Maya gently waved his head with her fingers….

Naanu kaayuva prati kshanavo

Kavithe kavithe nanna kavithe…..

They both pressed their foreheads with so much of love

Enu helali naanu hosathana 

Hege idharu nanna jeevana 

After spending some time together Arjun said : Maya as part of work I won’t be in collectorate for two weeks. Actually home minister has given me an important work and for doing it I need to go out of the city…But we will be in touch through phone….

Maya : I will miss you a lot…

Arjun : I will also miss you….But after two weeks I will come back and I will give you a surprise….

Maya : What’s that ?

Arjun : Maya surprise surprise hota hein…How can I tell it now ? I want to see your excited face while disclosing surprise okay…..

Maya ; At least one clue..

Arjun ; Not at all….Any ways…Now you may go hostel and sleep well with sweet dreams.

Maya : Today definitely I will have sweet dreams as you will be arriving in my dreams…..

Maya blushed, Arjun held her closely

Arjun ; Take care Maya..See you soon bye…

Maya : You also…Bye Arjun…..

Maya goes back to hostel room….Gopika was in washroom and Maya sees Gopika has written something and has kept that one in an envelope. On the envelope she sees the address of Arjun’s collectorate….

Maya thought : What Gopika might have written in this letter ? Should I need to open it ? No can I open it and read as it’s her letter to Arjun…Since Arjun is Arya it might be some poetry only…..What else ? Recently Gopika became very happy with the way Arjun appreciated when she sang college at the Arts day. If I will tell Arjun is out of station she will feel sad as she is very sensitive….But this letter….

Maya opens the envelope and reads the letter…

“You said nightingale should be free …What does it mean ? I want to be yours Nightingale ..I mean I want to sing all your poetries Arjun Sir ….Through them I feels I can fly like a free bird in the vast sky…..Your poetries in my voice I want it lifelong as you have stolen my heart Arjun Sir…Do you feels the same for me ? Your admiring fan Gopika ”

Maya gets shocked to read the letter.

Maya : That means Gopika is developing feelings for Arjun….But Arjun loves me and If I tell the truth it will affect Gopika badly as she is very much sensitive and innocent. What should I do ?

Meanwhile Gopika comes from washroom . Maya quickly puts the letter back and turns towards Gopika….

Gopika : What are you checking at the table , Maya ?

Maya ;Nothing….Just I saw this envelope….But I …

Gopika : Relax, I know you will never read my personal letters…..You don’t need to explain anything. In fact I was about to give this one to you only…

Maya : Me..

Gopika ;Yeah…As you are more close with Arjun Sir and he came as the Chief Guest when you invited him to our college I felt better than you no one can give this letter to him…

Maya ;You can post this one also…

Gopika : It will take time…And I don’t have that much patience. You personally knows him naa ….So please I need a help from you…

Maya ; What ?

Gopika : See I will never be able to tell my feelings to him….So I have written them in this letter and I want you should give this letter directly to him …..Because you know him well may be he will read it soon even if he is a busy man …..

Maya : And what reply are you expecting ?

Gopika : He also had a poetic side and I guess he will like me…

Maya : You should be real in front of a man rather than showing poetic side….

Gopika : But poetries describe the feelings of heart with beautifying words ….Else so many world classic love tales won’t be remembered forever…

Maya : The world of fantasy and the world of reality there is a difference between them…

Gopika : Then why people are fantasicing romance ?

Maya : That’s upto the mood of the lovers ….But not always two people in love will fanatcise things…Come out from this imaginary world Gopika…..What if he won’t see you that way ?

Gopika : Why he will not see me that way ?He promised me that he will complete the pending poetry and advised me to fly like a nightingale…..

Maya :You are misunderstanding the things. He was trying to say that you should break the shell and…

Gopika : Will you do this help for me ? Else I myself will go to the collectorate and will meet Arjun Sir…

Maya thought : Whatever I will say Gopika is not ready to listen it…If I say Arjun loves me and just few hours only we both confessed it will seriously break her heart ….I guess I should make things clear to her at any other day rather than trying to convince her now..

Gopika : So you are jealous of me , right ? That’s why you are thinking so much…..An ordinary girl like me got the attention of Deputy Collector Arjun, he is also like a person who loves poetries who enjoys it like me….Perhaps all men are not the same Maya…..There are men who likes simple girls like me….


Maya : Gopika , what are you trying to say ? Why I will feel jealous for you ?If a man likes you I will be very happy for you…

Gopika : See I told you you are my true friend. And when I will like some one I will tell you first and see I have told you I like Arjun Sir..And you are not happy…

Maya  : Not at all…..I am really very happy for you.

Maya pretends a smile..

Gopika : So you will give this letter na ?

Maya ;Sure….

Gopika : That’s my friend..I know you can never say No to me Maya….

Gopika hugged her happily. Maya hugged her by controlling her tears…

Maya : Gopika I feels so tired….Can we sleep?

Gopika :Yeah….Sweet dreams ..

Maya recalled the way Arjun wished her sweet dreams .She smiled and said : Sweet dreams to you too Gopika…

The whole night Maya was confused how to make Gopika understanding the reality…Next morning Gopika said : Maya I will also come with you at the collectorate at lunch break…..

Maya ; You won’t trust me ?

Gopika : Maya !! Of course I trust you….But I want to see Arjun Sir..

Maya thought : If Gopika comes with me she will get to know that Arjun is not there and it will take two weeks for his return from the staff there….Till that time she will start imagining more…What should I do ?

Maya : A new collection of poetry has arrived at the library …..Better you refer it…You will like it….

Gopika : Is it ? Then I will check it surely….But Maya the letter.

Maya : I will give it naa….Don’t worry…..

Maya thought : What to do ? Today I can’t tell Arjun is not here to Gopika…She is so much excited….

Maya seeks the help of her classmate Mariam and they meets secretly at the canteen.

She shows the handwritten lines written by Arjun to her…

Mariam : What you want me to do it ?

Maya; Please you should write a letter in his handwriting ….You are an expert in copying handwritings of any one….

Mariam : But Maya ..

Maya : Please …..Don’t say No…

Maya tells something to her and listening it she writes the letter ..

Mariam : Maya I don’t know why but I feels this is not right….Gopika is very sensitive person…..

Maya : I know it….But whatever I am trying to say she is not ready to listen. And moreover she is so happy now and feeling herself as very much active….Let her be happy for some more time …So please you also don’t tell anything to her….

Mariam :Okay….

To be continued….

View Comments

  • Poor maya did not commit suicide fearing that her step dad will try to hatm her mom.hope like she wishes she will be able to be independent and save her from him.hope arya will arrest the step dad soon.arjun consoling her and arya love confession was emotional. The arya moments in the song were romantic. Good that maya realised that gopika loves arjun.maya saying to gopika that she should try to be real...there is difference between fantasy and real world was true.but gopika is not wrong either.because those who love poetry try to convey their feelings through poems and that's their reality.i am shocked that gopika asked maya whether she is jealous of her.she saying that there are some boys who like simple girls like her was like taunting maya.sad that maya didn't tell her the truth fearing her heart break.but maya is doing the worst mistake now by asking Mariam to write letters to gopika in arjum's name.because what maya is doing can only give temporary happiness to can give long lasting pain to gopika later.perfect pics.

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