Categories: Vasudha

Vasudha 3rd October 2024 Written Episode Update: Chandrika Announces Avinash and Karishma’s Marriage

Vasudha 3rd October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sarika asks Chandrika what’s going on, and soon after, Kavita and Karishma arrive. Kavita questions Chandrika, asking if it’s true that Devansh ran away with Vasudha. Chandrika responds by asking if Kavita trusts her, then says she has faith in Devansh. Prabhat tells Kavita that Devansh would never do anything to harm the Chauhan family’s reputation.

Chandrika explains that Vasudha left the mansion last night, so Devansh went to find her.

Devansh arrives with Vasudha, and reporters begin asking about their supposed love story and marriage. The security guards block the reporters from entering the mansion. Sarika points out that Vasudha is wearing Devansh’s coat and that he opened the door for her.

The media rushes in, asking Devansh about his marriage. Sarika comments to Kavita that becoming a daughter-in-law of the Chauhan family won’t be easy. Chandrika then addresses the media, saying that Devansh would never make a decision without consulting her. She plays a video showing a police officer and victims thanking Devansh for saving many lives, including Vasudha’s.

She sternly tells the reporters not to question her upbringing and promises them breaking news. Chandrika calls Karishma over and announces that she is her future daughter-in-law, revealing that Karishma will soon marry Avinash. This shocks Karishma, Kavita, Sarika, and Avinash. The reporters congratulate the family and leave. Kavita takes Karishma away, mentioning that Ashok is waiting for her.

Outside on the lawn, Hanumant admits to Chandrika that he’s ready to take responsibility for any mistakes. Vasudha steps in, asking him not to blame himself for her actions. She tells Chandrika that since losing her mother as a child, she didn’t learn certain things and is willing to accept punishment for her mistakes. Chandrika notices Vasudha is still wearing Devansh’s coat. Vasudha removes it and hands it to Savitri. As she turns to leave, Chandrika stops her and orders Savitri to give the coat back to Vasudha. She then walks inside.

Devansh apologizes to Chandrika, who notices his injury and treats it. She tells him that she’s proud of him as a mother but also makes it clear that she doesn’t want to see Vasudha anymore. She adds that she trusts Devansh and leaves.

Later, Vasudha reflects on how Devansh saved her. Raghu wakes up from a nightmare, and Vasudha comforts him, promising never to leave him. She also mentions that she plans to get a job at Chauhan Mansion. While talking, she realizes her earrings are missing, and both Raghu and Hanumant help her search for them.

Meanwhile, Chandrika offers chaas (buttermilk) to Sarika, warning her that she won’t forgive the person who leaked false information to the media. Sarika nervously asks if Chandrika suspects anyone. Chandrika reveals that she knows a woman received one lakh rupees to give false information to a reporter. Sarika slips up, saying she didn’t get any money. At this, Chandrika plays a recording of Sarika’s conversation with the reporter.

Precap: Avinash in a drunk state says to Vasudha I don’t want to marry Karishma please do something. Devansh walks to Avinash and says if someone sees you in this condition it will make be a big problem. Avinash says how can she announce to media about my marriage without talking to me. Sarika tells Chandrika about Avinash’s drunk state. Avinash says to Devansh I hate her. He slaps him and says I can’t let anyone go against Mother’s wish. Chandrika standing outside room sees everything.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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