Fan Fiction

vBelieve Me (swasan ss)Shot 3 by Mars

Believe Me(swasan ss)
Part 3:
Maheshwari Industries:
Swara entered inside nervously as first time she is going for job and above all she is scared from adarsh but she took deep breathe and went to reception.
Swara: excuse me.
Rep: yes
Swara: I m swara gododia and wants to meet adarsh sir.
Rep: okay let me ask.
Receptionist called adarsh and he told to send her in his cabin.
Rep:go to Sir’a cabin on first floor.
Swara:thank you.
Swara went to adarah’s cabin and knocked.He asked to come in.
Swara entered inside and wished him
Swara: good morning Sir
Adarsh:very good morning dear.
Swara felt uncomfortable listening his tone.
Adarsh:Sanskar has told me that u need job.
Swara:yes Sir.
Adarsh(got up from his chair): I will give u job buy for that u have to fulfil my condition.
He came near swara, her heart beat increased.
Swara: what condition?
Adarsh caress her hand and said
Adarsh:since I had seen u I can’t control to take u to my bed.
Swara got shocked. She jerked his hand and got up.
Swara: what rubbish is this?
Adarsh: don’t u need job and I m serious. Do u think I m stupid to give job to someone who is still studying ofcouse there should be my benefits.
Swara: u r disgusting.
She turn to leave when adarsh pin her to the wall.
Adarsh: here u have come with your choice but will go with mine.
Swara:leave me.
Adarsh:I can’t baby(trace his finger on her cheeks)
Swara: if sanskar will get to know he will not leave.
Adarsh: he is my brother and nothing to u(laughs)
Swara: have some shame I m committed to Sanskar.
Adarsh;ohhh so u r his girlfriend well good choice he have. Me and my bro is very fond of sharing our things.
Swara(push him): how can be soo cheap.I can’t believe that really sanskar is your brother.
Adarsh:just shut up (held her shoulder)
Then only there was knock on door.
Adarsh moved back and said come.
Peon came with some files.
Swara taking chance ran to door.
Adarsh: swara
But she ran away. Adarsh got angry on peon and shouted at him for disturbing him.

Swara came out of the office all sweating. She is a normal girl who never went close to any boy except sanskar but here someone misbehaved with her. Tears are flowing from her eyes non stop.She is walking on the road all lost. After sometimes she realized that he has to take taxi also.
Soon taking taxi she left to the house.

Swara’s room:
Swara came inside and closed the door. She started crying sitting on the floor. She never thought that the day she thought will be best turn to worst.
How much she had imagined that she will help her parents once she will get job.She keep on crying there sitting for hours.
Later he heard knock on the door. Her hairs were messy, pale face and completely tired. She with great difficulty got up and made herself presentable and opened the door.
Sanskar was standing there annoyed.
Sanskar: why you took so much time to open the door (he said little clumsily)
Swara: I was in washroom.
Sanskar came inside.
Swara closed the door and turn to see Sanskar standing near bed. She can’t control anymore and tightly back hugged her. Sanskar got confused.
Swara smelled alcohol and came in front of him.
Swara: u r drunk Sanskar?
Sanskar(pull her closer): yeah there was party.
Swara(thinks): I can’t tell him anything now as he is not in senses.
Sanskar smashed his lips with her and started kissing her wildly.
Swara is so lost in her grief that she didn’t reciprocated back. Sanskar got annoyed.He broke the kiss
Sanskar(shouted): kiss me back damm it.
Swara came to senses and both kissed each other passionately. She pulled him more closer. His touch was soothing her pain. She is feeling relief.When they were breathless they broke the kiss.
Swara’ s eyes are filled with tears but sanskar is least interested to see them.
He is busy in kissing her neck. Today swara don’t want to stop him as she just want to wash away adarsh’s disgusting touch.
Sanskar’s phone ring. It was from one of his friend who called him to come.
Sanskar;I have to go now. Ohh what about the job u got na?
Swara: I will tell later.
Swara thought to know that whether really Sanskar love her or not as he is drunk he will tell truth.
Swara:do u really love me?
Sanskar stare her for few seconds and said
Sanskar (whisper in her ear): I love only two things myself and music.
Swara got shocked by his answer.
Sanskar:okay bye.
Swara(held his wrist): plzz don’t drink more and go safely.
Sanskar: I know don’t teach me.
Sanskar left from there. Swara felt little better after meeting him but still she can’t recover from the incident that easily. She went to washroom to fresh up.

Swara is sitting on the bed still lost in that incident. She can’t even imagine if she didn’t ran away then what would have happened. Above all she is hurt to know sanskar don’t love her but she don’t want to accept it.
Swara: no he was not in his senses that’s why he said like this and I know loves me alot.
She keep on convincing herself unaware that reality will hit her badly soon.
Then only kavita entered inside excitedly.
Kavita: swara u got the job?
Swara looked at her blankly. She is like a sister to her and understand very well.
The emotions which she was not able to share with sanskar now she can’t suppress her feelings. Swara tightly hugged kavita and started crying.
Kavita(shock): swara what happened?
But she was so busy in crying.
After crying for long she stopped.
Kavita:swara I m getting tensed tell me what happened?
Swara: kavita u know what he did…
Kavita give her water to drink and then she calmed down.
Swara:he misbehaved with me.
She again started crying.
Kavita: swara plz tell me clearly.
Swara took deep breathe and told her all that happened in office.
Kavita: what??? How cheap. U talked with Sanskar?
Swara shook her head in no.
Kavita: why?
Swara:he came here but was drunk.
Kavita: tell him tomorrow and then we will complain in police.
Swara:no kavita.
Kavita:swara don’t act timid bcoz the girls don’t take any action such bastard get more courage.
Swara:I need some time and firstly I want to talk to sanskar.
Kavita; don’t worry take your time my uncle is in police then we will tell him.
Kavita: now u take rest just relax.
Soon when swara slept, kavita left to her room.
To be continued…

Precap: swasan break up.

Guys I has many updates where I had to reply to your comments. Actually its getting little difficult to write and reply at same time but will reply soon plzz don’t mind.
Tell me whether u liked it or not?

Thank you
Take care.


Love Helly Shah Hellyholic SwaSanholic Riansh🥰 My wattpad I'd is mars_111

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