Fan Fiction


Hello, IKRS Family, hope u all remember me…won’t u ? Guys….Am back with an article for viplav and dhaani…..which is focused on their inspiring love just like the beautiful show…. Almost characters are similar, and like show dhaani was a widow and viplav is a lawyer….But their meeting and their story will be very different in this article….. Pls go through it and express ur views……And I have planned 2 make it as a fanfiction with a pretty no of episodes…..Based on ur response I will think about it…..So pls comment guys…….
Note : In my article suvarna and dhaani are very close 2 each other….they are best friends and suvarna is very close 2 dhaani’s maa….and she consider dhaani’s maa as her own maa only….And suvarna will play a vital role in uniting dhaani and viplav….And once again am telling u guys that I didn’t know much about vidhani since I didn’t followed the show regularly……So comparatively this will not be gud……But I just felt 2 write for them…..and that’s why am writing this article……

Scene – 1 @ Railway station
{The story starts from current year ……Dhaani left the aashram and went to Mumbai for a major task before 4 years……Finally task is completed and she is returning 2 her home town…..Dhulari maa and suvarna are excited 2 welcome her…… }
Dhulari : Kaisi hogi meri buchiya ??
Suvarna : Maa…I have heard that girls in city do not like 2 have long hair…they will try some oot-patang styles in hair….I am sure when dhaani will arrive, we will find some thing like that….
Dhulari : Shut up……dhaani is not like that….I know my daughter will not make any harm 2 her hair…….
Suvarna : Of course…. dhulari’s maa’s “dhular” is the secret behind dhaani’s long hair……
Dhulari : May be….{dhulari gets emotional by recollecting the sweet memories with dhaani}
{She couldn’t lost much in thoughts, as she heard a gentle voice “Maa” ……She turned her eyes and gets surprised 2 see Dhaani…..Dhaani in a pretty yellow salwar was looking so bright and beautiful……}
Dhulari : Buchiya!!!!
Dhaani : Maa….suvarna….{she rushed and hugged them}
Suvarna : {released herself from hug} How are u ??? And tell u did it ?? Don’t u feel scared ??
Dhulari {interrupts}: Enough……she has just arrived now…..only….And u are asking too many questions…….Just stop talking…..ok!!!

{Mean while dhaani’s eyes were searching for the special person only….Suvarna notes it and makes fun of it}
Suvarna : Dhaani……raaj lakshmi will be coming soon…..Don’t worry…….
Dhaani : Haa……Even I was also thinking……raaj…..mmm….{dhaani fails 2 lie}
Suvarna : Oh!!! Ur raaj…I mean ur prince charm……..u really miss …..viplav jiju…..
Dhaani : Haa….No……nothing like that….I was just looking….why…he….
Dhulari ; {interrupts} I know….beta……u are eagerly waiting 4 him…..But …u looks so tired now…… So first we should go home and u have 2 dress up well……
Dhaani : Dress well….I didn’t get u……
Suvarna : Arrey!!! Pagli…..Jiju will arrive our home @ evng…..
Dhaani ; What?? {dhaani feels heavenly……She smiles with wet eyes and stares them…..}
Scene shifts 2 Tarini vidhvaa Aashram…..
{Dhaani arrives @ her room and stares it in a glance…..She felt nothing has changed in the past 4 years…..She walked forward and take a photo frame which was placed on the table……It was a beautiful pic of her price charm, viplav only……She entagled her fingers through it and stares the ring on her mid-finger……A pretty smile came on her face and she placed viplav’s photo close to her chest and lost herself in thoughts…..}
[Next scene onwards u will find viplav and dhaani’s boundless love , which will be presented through flash back scenes….]

Flash back….Scene – 1
[Viplav had a fun time with his friends while attending the bachelor party, latenight….When it was over, he was simply driving his car through streets and on the way he find a beautiful girl alone in a bus stop in white salwar….Viplav stops his car and he felt that the girl was in trouble…..He moved towards her and stared her for a while…..He find some books and a file in her hand…..While viplav was staring her, the girl was simply looking @ her wrist watch only……]
Girl : I think……the bus has gone already…..{tensed}
Viplav : Mm……Don’t worry…….next bus will come…..
Girl : But…..that was the last bus…..{girl was simply saying it, but soon her eyes went on viplav and she gets shocked…..}
Viplav : Hai……don’t get panic….I will drop u…….
Girl : Excuse me….Who are u ??
Viplav ; I am viplav…{he extended his hand towards her, girl stared him in confusion and take her eyes from him …..}Mmm….Its late night…..and I don’t think u will get any rickshaw or taxi ….So …….
Girl : {interrupts} So what?? I didn’t asked ur help……Mind ur own business…..
Viplav; {feels bad} Oh!!! Madam….am not interested in helping u…..Just because u are a girl and u was standing alone ……I just felt 2…….
[Girl didn’t listen 2 him and starts walking from there…..Viplav gets anger on her behavior]
What she think about herself……Her attitude……oops!!! Viplav tripathi…….forget it……and just go home and sleep well…..Bhalai kaa zamana nahi raha……{viplav moves towards his car and gets in}
[Mean while the girl was walking too fast 2 reach home…..But she was feeling extremely scared and she was really feeling vey tensed only…….@ a point she felt pain on her legs and she stopped walking herself by sitting @ the corner tree of road……She was unable 2 control her fear and she starts literally crying……]
“Take it and wipe out the flow of ganges “ {dhaani turns behind and gets mesmerized 2 find viplav with a hand kerchief….Viplav and Girl stare @ each other’s eyes…..Ishq ka rang safed plays…..}
Girl : {takes hand kerchief from him } Thanks…….
Viplav : Relax….. I will dop u…….don’t worry…..
{Mean while girl finds hard 2 get up as her leg was paining since she walked long distance……Viplav takes her in his arms and moves ahead….Girl feels shocked}
Girl : What are u doing ??

{Viplav didn’t utter a single word and place the girl on his car …..He also enters the car and stares her}
Viplav : Pls don’t misunderstand me…..I took u because I saw swelling in ur leg……And u was finding hard 2 walk…….That’s all…..{the girl stares her leg and finds that he was right….she stares him and smiles} Thank god!!! So u know 2 smile……By the way what’s ur sweet name?? {vipav stares her with a cute smile}
Girl : Dhaani {smiles}
Viplav : Cool….finally flow of ganges has gone and filament of bulb has come…..
Dhaani : Flow of ganges…..and filament of bulb…..I didn’t get u….mm….
Viplav : Viplav…..Myself viplav……And flow of ganges means…..the tears which were flowing continuously through ur eyes…..I must tell u when u spoke 2 me in bad way I felt that u are truly bad…..But when I find ur tears….i felt myself bad and don’t know why I just felt I should talk with u……{viplav and dhani share an eyelock}
Dhaani : And mm…filament…means……{breaks eyelock}
Viplav : Filament means the beautiful smile which u hided in bulb…I mean in ur heart…..Really when u smiled..i felt u have smiled from ur heart only…..which is really wonderful dhaani….
Dhaani : Thanks viplav…….and sorry also for hurting….
Viplav : {interrupts} Ah!!! Leave it dhaani……Now tellme…..where is ur home ??
Dhaani : Tarini Vidhvaa Aashram
Viplav : What!!!! {shocked} Are u joking ?? Won’t u ??
Dhaani : No viplav…its my home…….its my identity and bitter truth of my life……{dhaani and viplav share an emotional eyelock……Ishq ka rang safed {female version} plays}



Sun always rises and spreads light, but sun flower expect sun to lime light and may be sun is not able to do it. But sun will show care through twilight.True love will succeed

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