Hi everyone,
Im Vaishali and i have been watching tje show since the beginning and today i just thought to pen down my views on the show..
Guys, this is just my views and my take.. Hope u all wont mind and bash out your anger on me..
So here i go –
First, Guys there is no base of this show and the makers have wrongly depicted the history and the characters. There is no character named Nandini in the entire history. Chandragupta for sure married Mahapadma Nanda’s daughter but Nanda’s daughter was Durdhara and not Nandini.
Second, Was Chandragupta Maurya kiddish as shown in the serial?? Well we all know he was not, then why is Chandra shown to be so child like, never serious and being immature in his behaviour..
Im sure many of you would have seen Rajat Tokas as Akbar in Jodha Akbar.. Well the way Rajat portrayed Akbar, it seemed like a true king but with Chandragupta’s character it seems as if the makers have not been able to do justice.
I even find Nandini to be very kiddish and highly spontaneous.
Third, Many a times it seem as if we are watching the same Jodha Akbar story but with a different title and actors(Except Rajat Tokas).
Im sure many of you like me must have noticed a lot of similarities between Jodha Akbar and Chandra Nandini
To start with, both of the serials are depicting love between characters who at first hate and then fall in love with each other.
Similarly, in both the serials there are characters who are similar in their roles, meaning both Jodha Akbar and Chandra Nandini have characters who are exact same role and it actually seem like Deja Vu. Here is a list of characters from both the serials which i feel are more or less the same –
1.Chandra – Akbar
2.Chanakya – Bairam Khan(This is true, both were tutors and guardians to their respective Kings)
3.Nandini – Jodha
4.Helena – Ruqaiya [Both are First Wife of their respective kings, Have the tiles of Pat Rani(Helena) and Begum e Khaas(Ruqaiya), have hatred towards Nandini/Jodha
5.Helena’s mom – Mahamanga (I know there is a diffrence in relation, Helena’s mom being Helena’s mom and Mahamanga being Akbar’s foster mother but there is similarly in the way they both hate Nandini/Jodha and want their child to rule or have a say in the kingdom.
6.Madhav(Chandra’s brother) – Mirza Hakim (Akbar’s brother)
7.Malti (Nandini’s sister) – Shivani (Jodha’s Sister)
Guys just like in Jodha Akbar they showed Akbar’s brother falling in love with Jodha’s sister, here in Chandra Nandini also they are showing the same concept but with a twist (Here both Malti and Madhav like each other and perhaps will get married)
8.Chaya(Chandra’s sister) – Bakshi Bano (Akbar’s sister)
9. Malekatu(Chaya’s 2nd husband who has liking towards Nandini) – Sharifuddin (Bakshi’s 2nd husband who had liking towards Jodha)
In both the serials the first husbands of the sisters get killed and both are remarried to men who has liking towards their respective sister in law.
10. Chandra’s Mom – Akbar’s Mom
The mother since the beginning loved Nandini/Jodha dispite the hatred of their respective sons towards their wives and despite all the family enemity.
Guys there must be many other similarities but i think i should stop here and move on to the next point.
Fourth, Helena speaks hindi with all others but Why, like seriously why does Helena speak Hindi with her mother?? Fine i understand that to make us understand Helena speaks Hindi as we wont be able to understand her mother tongue, which is Greek but Dont you all feel that sometimes she should speak a few Greek or at least English words in order to make it a little realistic. Also why does she call her father as “Pitaji”(she referred her father as Pitaji while talking with her mother in yesterday’s episode).. I mean seriously?? Since when does the people of Greece started calling their father is Pitaji and mom as Ma?? Well i didnt knew that Greeks also use Hindi.. ?
So guys here i end my list
Im sure you all will share your views and im waiting to know your opinion on my take.
Take Care everyone ?
Hi Vaishali, totally agreed with u..this was the most awaited show after jodha Akbar..but it seems the makers wanted to make a Poor Show.. Its very baseless n nothing to do with History.. In JA Akbar was shown very wise n matured king..focused on his kingship, taking Good decisions..here this character of Chandra is a Disrespect to the real Chandragupta Maurya..he was the most wise king of history who was brave n matured.. Here what they r showing is so much childish..
About nandini I don’t want so anything ..its fictional character.. A totally Fake character in a so called Historical show..Shweta is wasted totally.. Jodha s character was so well written as a dignified princess n an elegant Queen.. Paridhi Sharma portrayed it so well that she has set such high standard s of dignity n beauty n dialogue delivery , fabulous acting that whenever any body thinks of a Queen or queen jodha it will only b Paridhi
Sharma ..
What the writers r doing in this show..
It seems they want to show a childish love story under the name of historical characters.
Thank you dear for sharing your views..? We all think the same about this show.
Hi vaishali yes I too agree to you. I don’t think during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya widow re-marraige was under practice. But this show shows that as well.
Similarly according to history nothing is mentioned about the family of chanakya but here that is also manipulated. Any ways we simply call it as a fictional story only. Because this show is mainly focused on the love track of Chandra and nandni. So it will contain only those aspects which every other drama serial has.
Thanks Suchitra for sharing your views ?
Dear friends, we have to understand that these serials are entertainment purposes only. I have not watched Jodhar Akbar serial to comment on similarities of both the shows however I enjoy watching this show.
In terms of history, how sure are we that the history is accurate? When I researched about Chandragupta Maurya, the history about his life story is vague in facts. There are mixed stories about his birth, wives and children.
This is the first time I am watching a hindi serial ( I watch the tamil dubbed showings from London) and knew about the main characters Mr Rajat Tokas and Ms Shewta and they are very well used to show their acting talents. I do not personally think that these actors’ including their co-stars’ talents are wasted as they do perform very well.
This show portraits scenes attracting anger, fear, comedy,shame, kindness, jealousy, happiness, love, revenge, fights,hate, surprise, sufferings etc through all characters and unlike many other serials I chose this as the best entertaining show. Story-line with fictional characters and unrealistic scenes are inevitable in such a show.
We have to appreciate the hardwork of artists and encourage the Chandra Nanthini team.
Agreed with you…. just watch if like… and move the channel if dont like. Thats easy… ?
Thanks Indriyani for the suggestion but dont u feel that destroying and manipulating history for entertainment purposes is not correct and i believe it should not be encouraged.
I agree wid u vaishali di
I completely agree wid u vany di… R frm TN
Rightly said Vaishali,
Even I had written about this on another post
If u go down u’ll see the historical mistakes.
Also according to this serial
Durdhara can also be ‘Salima Begum’ from Jodha Akbar (same characteristic:supportive of the lead)
I dont watch this serial but i am interested in History, so when I checked, I found the basic foundation plot of the story wrong
Thanks Mahashweta for sharing your views and yes the basis of thr story is itself not true and totally fictitious.
Agree with Vani. Ekta Kapoor has always said that this show is her interpretation. It is not factual.
This is art. It’s entertainment. If you don’t like it don’t watch it.
I’m a big fan of Rajat Tokas. I think he is a brilliant actor. There is similarities between JA and CN. But it is still entertaining. I watch it for their Chemistry and interesting storyline.
Dear my only concern is why Ekta Kapoor is manipulating and using a glorious characters like Chandragupta Maurya and Chanakya for making a fictitious show.. Its not about me changing the channel or not seeing it but Dont you think that its not good to see our great kings and history getting manipulated for entertainment purposes?
I agree wid u… V wud understand dat input wen ppl make a different story abt your fav actor/actress which is not real nd which defames dat person… Dat wen v wud realise d pain
@Jayani dear i agree with you and thanks for sharing your views ?
Agree Vaishali, but I am unsure abt Madhav and Malti as I haven’t seen them in ChandraNandini.
Dear the current plot in the serial is about Malti and Madhav only..
I dont understand the need to manipulate and fake historical characters for entertainment purposes and for TRP’s.. This should be discouraged.. Dont u feel so?
See this serial is only for entertainment purpose…and about historical facts we too are not sure about the truth.
Chandini dont u think it is wrong to manipulate history for entertainment purposes, using characters like Chandragupta and Chanakya for making a totally fictions drama might downgrade such great characters and ppl who r unaware of history might believe in whatever shown.
Hi,i too have been watching the show fom day 1. Its fictional story revolving behind history. Until unless people are entertained..it shouldnt bother…its creative freedom of director…if we dont like…stop watching..no one forced us to watch…every1 has opinion…n are opinionated…whether she speak greek or latin..all i wanted is wat she speak..and how the plot goes….its a cute love story wit animosity..one day full of venges..other day full of love..it needs guts to portray the story in such way..lets respect directors opinion or just ignore…
Jey dear its not about me watching the show or not.. My point is that merely for entertainment purposes and in the name of so called creative freedom how can anyone manipulate history and its characters..Also viewers who r unaware of the characters and the history might believe in the fake story being shown thinking it to be real.
Narration is an art…sometimesi feel ur narration is so poor..u dont bring the essence of the scene..
Jey i believe u r confused.. Its not a fan fiction but an analysis of the show and what is in it which u were not able to get it??
I totally agree agree with you vaishali ‘this is worst show in the name of history ‘if they want to make a fictional love story than can make a fictional raja rani story but don’t use a great warrior cgm name just for entertainment they give wrong information about history to children who does not know what is the difference between fiction or real history but truth is that jodhaakbar mai sab real history ke liye Larne ke liye ready thai but there is no one fight for poor cgm image ekta maiya spoil his image harshly by saying there is no facts about cgm ‘if there is no fact than why ekta use his name for making money is she has right to dothis in the name of fiction &show wrong things about a great king
Ekta dear totally agree with you.. So right, even im trying to say the same..
I’ve been watching the show as a regular since the haldi ceremony but as I have with other shows, I went back and watched it from the beginning. It is very obvious that CN is a creative production and only a few links to history, such as the Chanakya Chandra and Chandra Durdhara relation where she is the mother of his only heir. All actors in this show are excellent and with Arpit doing Mahabharat (2013) before this, I doubt he would take up Nand’s role so easily and the same goes for Manoj (?) sir who I think essayed the role of Maharishi Dadichi in Mahadev – there must be a cause to doing the show for all actors because clearly, most of the history has not been adhered to. However, the plot has been dragged and sped up at precisely placed points in the plot. Even when Roopa ka raaz viewers ke saam ne khula tab bhi showing confusion among characters was well done and Chaaya’s realisation was great. Shweta, who, I personally have never seen on screen before. She is an amazing actress with exxcellent screen prescense. As always, I watch this show for the plot, actor’s efforts and BG music
Thanks Diya for ur views ?
I agree wid every point of urs diya di
Hi Vaishali, if you feel Chandra Nandini is similar to Jodha Akbar then stop watching Chandra Nandini as you have already watched Jodha Akbar. Don’t discourage others who really like this show because of the chemistry between Rajat & Shwetha. I don’t think Rajat & Paridhi were looking so comfortable and good together as that of Rajat & Shwetha. It is not necessary that the character is to be shown serious, what it Chandra/Nandini is shown as childish/kiddish. Sit back and enjoy if you wish.
And Parijat, you told if you think of a queen, Paridhi comes to your mind then it is your problem. How can you expect all others to have the same feeling.
Sree its not about me watching it or not.. My only point is how can the makers manipulate history and use historical characters for a fake story merely for entertainment purposes?? I have no issues with the actors but destroying thr image of such great characters is not good.
Yes, i support u, my Friend,…..these people have no work except criticizing the historical show…
Vaishali according to me u have very harsh and unnecessarily critical judgement on CHANDRA NANDINI. JODHAAKBAR was classic and we RAJAT TOKAS FANS LOVE it to distraction. As JA and CN are from SAME EKATA KAPUR MAM and RAJAT as LEAD comparison is bound to occur. BUT JA is past and will remain as beautiful memory.but CN is present and everyone is DOING VERY fine job and hard work and show is shaping up nicely and doing fine on top chart and ARDENT RT fans are HAPPY with it .if u have so much negativity about show just stop seeing it .India is democratic nation. As per history according to Jain and Greek texts CGM indeed married one of nand s daughter named dharini/ niadrus. So show is not TOTALLY inaccurate. Historical CORRECT is misnomer and there are 2.3 versions of history . So creative Liberty can be TAKEN of love story between nandaputri and CGM. WHEN TALENTED RAJAT TOKAS IS ON SCREEN WHO CARED ABOUT HISTORY AND WE RT FANS ARE FINE BY IT IF U DON’T LIKE STOP WATCHING IT BUT DON’T SPREAD UNNECESSARY NEGATIVITY.
Aditi im not spreading negativity, its called spreading awareness about our history. I have no hatred towards the actors. what i believe is one cannot manipulate history and destroy such glorious characters in the name of so called Creative Liberty.. Chandragupta did married Nanda’s daughter and her name was Durdhara and not Nandini.. Nandini is totally a fictitious character.
i appreciate you, Friend…..
Nicely re-written and showing the history……
Love u, “Chandra Nandini”??
Dear Vaishali,
If you don’t like this serial then don’t watch it. Simply change the channel. Or instead watch Jodha Akbar on the internet. Like many people have commented above, I also watch the serial bcuz of Rajat-Shweta’s amazing chemistry. I agree with you at just one point that Helena should address her parents in Greek. Your negative views are not needed.
Aliya it doesn’t matter if i watch or not but there r several people who r watching the show thinking it to be a historical show since it has great historical characters and my only concern is why do they need to manipulate and use historical characters like Chandragupta and Chanakya merely for entertainment purposes??
Actually I also felt this after some time. She could have instead created a fictional drama.
U ard absolutely correct…i support you ????
Chandragupta Maurya was a great warrior and was responsible for the Maurya Empire which extended upto and including Afghanistan and Persia.
His mentor and advisor was the greatest of all – CHANAKYA. ( the man who wrote the Artha Shastra – on how to rule/ govern. He has also been reduced to an unintelligent person.
I am glad that there are fellow Indians who feel strongly about these film and tv shows distorting Indian history to the point of making CHANDRAGUPTA MAURYA marry 3 women and they are just trying to harm one another. Sad depiction of womenjind too.
He did marry Helena when he turned 40yrs and she learned Sanskrit and Indian culture. She was not his 1st wife. Dhurdhara was his wife and mother of his only son BINDHUSARA (father of Emperor Ashoka) DHURDHARA died during childbirth from ingesting poisonous food that was meant for CHANDRAGUPTA MAURYA.
So, CHANDRAGUPTA MAURYA was never married to 2 or more women at the same time.
Thank you Meena for agreeing with me and sharing the information regarding Chandragupta Maurya..?
Thank you for the info, much enlightened and informative. History is an amazing subject for me..I may have left school and long time ago but history always fascinates me. I believe if writers are unable to carry out storylines according to history , they shouldn’t attempt to do so, all they achieve, is to distort actual events and that’s an injustice. Historical facts should be just that….history.
I completely agree with u Naz dear ?
Totally agreed
Thanks Nina for sharing your views ?
The title of this show is Chandra Nanthini and not ‘Chandragupta Maurya’ (like Ramayan/Mahabharat) to expect to be accurate in history.
I think a blend of fact and fiction will encourage in the subject of knowing and encouraging viewers to find more around the subject.
The most important thing for a show is to have a great story and creativity is necessary for entertaining shows. We have to stop judging as ‘have they got everything accurate and right’!
Thanks Vani for sharing ur view but dont u feel that it is wrong to use the name of such a glorious character from history for entertainment purposes?? Well i dont think so its the right way..
Well in fact… D Ramayan nd Mahabharat shown in star plus was also not completely accurate… Nothing in d world nd no one in d work is is accurate
Every serial uses cinematic liberty to some extent. Like in Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat of Colors, they added fictional characters like Noor, Justin, Siamak whereas if we search in wikipedia they don’t have any existence. Similarly in Chandra Nandini also they are making use of cinematic liberty. But I too agree that Chanakya’s character shouldn’t be degraded like they are doing in this serial.
i totally agree with u…..????
in fact, these publics are watching historical drama and thinking of a documentary…….
how funny they are!
The point here is not just entertainment but about distorting history and upto which extent history is distorted here under the name of cinematic or creative liberty….
If the makers wanted to show one man with 2 or multiple wives they should have created a purely fictional love story because the production house likes to show this topic..one man staying with his wife n ex wife or ex girlfriend under one roof and nobody seems to have problem with this..in this era also same theme of polygamy is currently shown in series like Kumkum Bhagya ( Abhi -pragya – tanu), Yeah hai mohabbatein ( Raman – Ishita n ex wife of Raman). Kasam ( Rishi – tannu – malaika)..and so on…
this theme has become the selling material for the makers since many years..ppl get entertainment n trp goes up..
But here the point is about the disrespect of historical characters.. Which was not expected..
I totally agree with you Parijat..? No one should have the right to destroy and show such a weak image of a king who has such a glorious place in history..
Hi vaishali. Totally agree with u..
Thanks varsha for sharing your view ?
Worst show
Thanks Keerthi for sharing ur view ?
Dear vaishali, MOURYAN PERIOD Is not well documented as Mughal period.there are ATLEAST 4/versions of CGM birth origin his political life and death. Controversy starts from CGM birth some say he of ROYAL birth from MOURYA clan some say he was real charvaha and ACHARYA CHANAKYA groomed him as king. Helena is first wife is said in “discovery of India by JAWAHARLAL NEHRU SOME say CGM MARRIED helena at later age .for durdhara some say she was daughter of CGM maternal uncle some say CGM has TOTAL 5 WIVES. So there are different versions of history only true is CGM MARRIED nandaputri whatever her name is and held her in respect. SO HISTORICAL EVERYTHING IS INCORRECT IS NOT AT ALL CORRECT .IT’S BIASED.SO EVEN IF UR HISTORY BUFF THEN U SHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE DIFFERENT VERSIONS BY DOING RESEARCH. AS FOR SHOW EXCUTION THERE CAN BE THOUSAND VERSIONS AND UR IDEA MAY MATCH MAKERS.WHICH IS COMPLETELY OK FOR BOTH SIDES.AS A FLAGBEARER OF PATRIOTISM THEY ARE SHOWING THEIR VERSIONS OF HISTORY WHICH U MAY NOT LIKE . I A ND MANY FANS LIKE THIS VERSION AND FINE BY IT .IF DON’T LIKE ANYONE THEN IT’S OK BUT IF U ACTIVELY DISLIKE AND MADE SUCH POST THERE WILL BE OTHER VOICE OPPOSING U.NO PERSONAL GRUDGE.
i support you ????
Hi ! I’ve been watching this serial some time back because of Rajat Tokas. I loved the serial Jodha Akbar so much and when it ended, I was depressed…seriously! So I followed Rajat here…..that serial was beautifully scripted and depicted. Rajat was born for the role of emperor, I will forever see him as Akbar the great. I don’t think this serial does him any justice, he comes across as not strong a character and I know it’s not right as per history’s accounts of Chandragupta. As you’ve mentioned and have drawn the parallels in both serials, I can’t agree with you more…you’ve analytically done a fabulous job of the similarities in the characters…I commend you for your foresight. I’m a silent viewer of the serial.
Thank you so much Naz for sharing your views and agreeing with me..?
Like you,i too feel that Rajat Tokas is born to act as an Emperor, he does it so naturally.. As Akbar he rocked and over here also he is good but then he is not being able to show his full potential and talent, all bec of weak story line..
M actually watching dis serial only for d ppl nd especially for Rajat, Shweta nd saanvi… I enjoy d jokes btw dese 3 of dem coz d others seem 2 b very serious nd behind separating ? nandini… I hav not seen Jodha Akbar but after reading is comment I understand dat d serial is just d same!!!
He seems 2 b lyk a born king wen he dus d role… Hats off 2 Rajat for working wid Ekta even after dese many flop serials ???… I had first seen him in naagin as d nevla nd I just luved his acting… Nd dat wen I became a gr8 fan of his
Jayani dear Rajat’s face has the charm of a King.. I love him so much for his acting skills and his face which is full of expressions..?
Even I agree di he is d best person in d world for s king nd his acting skills r d best!!!
Hi. I have read all the comments and everyone is entitled to their opinions. I too have something to say. I love Rajat Tomas and watched all his shows. I agree with some comments that he is wasted on CGM. Very childish also Nandini’s role is a waste of time. Ekta uses history but does
not know anything about it. She ended Jodha Akbar so abruptly that so many story lines were unfinished. She jumped into CGM saying that it was what she wanted always. Exactly what she said about JA.CGM will end very soon. To save the show they should research the history and also replace Helena because she is awful in actress and not pretty at all.
Thank you Reshmi for sharing your views..?
I totally agree with u that this show is also gonna end abruptly just like Jodha Akbar ended..
Helena is not dat bad in her luks… If u hav a luk thru d first few epis of cn den u wid realise d drastic change in her make up
You r right Jayani dear, In beginning Helena looked natural but with time she has changed with all the makeup and stuffs..
Dat’s true coz my sis was crazy abt dis serial at first so she wud take d vdo of sum scenes if she luves it!!! So wen I was just going thru my phone, I saw dat vdo nd den I realized dat change in d make up but I don’t think I wud hav been able 2 identify d change if my sis wudn’t hav taken dat vdo
Hi. Sorry about one spelling mistake on Rajat Tokas. Spellcheck automatically did it.
Helena is CM last wife not first and nandini is a real person but she never married CM he just had two wives durdhara first then Helena and nandini isn’t padmanads daughter I think so she his eldest son child I think you got for so much show off knowledge friend .
Thank you Chandra for sharing your views and this is the point which many of us r trying to clear out.. Why is there a need to show Nandini as Chandra’s love and his wife when she was perhaps his daughter in Law..Not liking the way makers r manipulating history and relationships.
Jayani…if possible..look at Jodha Akbar serial, you will find the episodes on YouTube. That serial sealed it for me that Rajat Tokas was born to do the role of emperor. In CN ,his full potential is watered down because of weak storyline and I can’t understand why Ekta kapoor went ahead and made identical serial, probably hoping to recreate the magic of love..but this serial has fallen short. As Vaishalijha has astutely pointed out, there are way too many similarities between both serials. The love between Jodha and Akbar was splendidly portrayed and was culminated in a beautiful crescendo, it remains one of if not the most beautiful love scenes ever on telly….if there are any other, someone please tell me. This serial, I hold close to my heart. Love is indeed a splendid feeling!! This serial doesn’t come close.
Naz dear i can guarantee that anyone who will see or have seen Jodha Akbar will fall in live with Rajat and his axting skills.. You truly said that love is splendid and the way it is being portrayed in Jodha Akbar was so touching and it felt real..
Thnx for d idea naz… Will try 2 watch it nd tell u asap… Ok???
Let me share this with you Jayani… After watching Jodha Akbar, I held both Rajat and Paridhi close to my heart, they made me believe love is possible after all!! I did much much research on the Mughal empire and I eerily felt the writers were talking about Rajat, he personifies the Mughal emperor exactly how Rajat carried the role and so much I was into the research, I felt that I was walking along corridors and columns, in the courtyard, I could see into my minds eyes that the inhabitants of that era was walking around me like how it was portrayed in the serial. The only thing that was disappointing was that the serial ended too abruptly. Although the serial started with Jodha and Akbar having a conversation over their burial site, I had wanted to see their deaths portrayed as well but it didn’t…. Sigh… Suffice it to say… I cried like a baby when the serial ended and was depressed for months….i still hold Rajat close to my heart as an emperor, don’t like this role much in CN but I still get to see him, I’ll follow him wherever he goes… Amazing actor….
Thnx for sharing ur views naz… I just luv his acting 2 d core!
Hi.. vaishali?I
You missed durdhara in this list….durdhara charecture is same that of salima begum I think…..
And like you I am also a viewer of jodha akbar and now a big viewer of c.n serial…………………I know the serial does not maintain history but it is also true that maurya history is not cleared still as that of mughals….
Even many books have mentioned that ?chandra Gupta maurya is son of maha padmanand and his concubine Moora!!!!!!!
?DURDHARA is daughter of Chandra Gupta maurya own uncle (mama)!!!!!!!?helena is last queen of cgm…….and in Greek literature helena and sandracotas (cgm) lovestory? is very famous……….
So god knows what is true and false…..
I am also a ardent lover of history and Indian culture.so firstly this all also troubled me a lot…..but now I consider it as a regular serial and enjoy it in full stream..nice to meet you.
Vaishali ji and all others if we like it we see it. If not leave it. Putting your thoughts in other’s mind is like explaining how water tastes like.. Of course it is not factual but I see it for fun and for a time pass…..
u don’t like the show, y u r forcefully entering ir ideas in other’s mind??
what u want to prove?
Listen, if a sérial is based on Indian history, and its manipulating it, then it is prohibited by the government, and, moreover, “Chandra Nandini” is receiving positive responses from all sides…..
and that’s why, Ekta is “Ekta” , and u r where u r……
its quite natural, that everyone has his own thinking, but, keep it upto yourself……
have u researched, which story is true and which one is false?????������
Remember, the show u r talking about, has been seen by everyone, Ekta Kapoor also knows it…..
What u want to prove?
Ekta Kapoor is a renowned and great writer cum director……
Mahabharata, Jodha Akbar, etc. all were criticized at their beginning, but now they are appraised by all,
This time also, “Chandra Nandini” is receiving criticism from public like u, but it has much more and still growing no. of fans…..
What the hell??
Are u out of ur mind??
How can u personally attack and question anyone just to defend a show??
U r so sick !!
Subham i believe whatever Vaishali has written its her point of view and she has full rights to express her views and in whatever manner she feel like doing it, you r no one to stop her and to ask her not to write or express her views..
Another thing is u said that Ekta is where Ekta is and Vaishali is where she is..May i ask you if u know Vaishali.. Im sure u dont then how come u can question things like where she stands.. The way u just wrote abt her shows ur cheap mentality and in the beginning of her analysis Vaishali has clearly mentioned that she has no intentions to hurt anyone then i dont get why the hell r u getting so touchy and the way u just wrote about her shows what kind of cheap person u r.. Its u who is behind publicity and not her.. The kind of publicity u r doing for urself is called CHEAP PUBLICLY !! And trust me we dont need ppl like u to comment or give ur views. U advised Vaishali that if she has problems with the show and if she has to write -ve then she should keep her views to herself.. So Mr. going on ur advice i would advice u the same and next time think a 1000 times before writing anything about any individual..
Hope to never see ur comment.
Come on, you people shouldn’t fight over a serial. Someone like it and some do not. Vaishali doesn’t but many people like shubham like it. Its simple.
isme , “Sick” hone wali baat kis angle se lagi?
sahi toh kaha,
tum bolo toh thhik , or hum bole toh bura lagta hai, or kya galat ya “cheap” kaha maine Mr/Madam?
But Vaishali should stop propagating Jodha Akbar. It’s quite irritating. If she doesn’t like CN she can say that. But why unnecessarily
drag Jodha Akbar in between.