Vighnaharta Ganesh 14th February 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode starts with mahadev immerging to bless thinna & he is very delighted praying him. Thinna offers food to mahadev & eats so thinna becomes very happy. Ganesh explains this was towards a devotee that his god is for him but could not stay for long & swami comes accusing him & some people come to lift him & they beat him a lot doing this kind of work of offering non-veg to prabhu. Swami stops them telling you go away now & leave him alone & swami comes to temple saying that to please forgive him & I won’t allow him to come to you now but mahadev is pushing swami with storm as swami sees & bends down explaining him that you should not do this as my devotee should come to see me always but swami discusses about what he was doing wrong then
mahadev explains him & leaves while swami is surprised how the storm was stopped.
Thinna comes to temple again trying to offer food again & saying about why you did not stopped those people but trying to give food & mahadev does not take then he asks why or did swami told you anything & he is talking about pure love which I have for you who has for his wefe, his children’s, his parents etc. Still thinna is trying to give food but sees tears in prabhu’s eyes so he is depressed what has happened to you prabhu & tries to wipe tears but can’t stop & sees tears coming out of it continuously so he brings some ayurved to cure to stop but it does not & again surprisingly sees red tears coming out of it so he is shocked & says is your eyesight gone then I’ll give you my eyes to you & he cuts his eyes with arrows & places on prabhu’s eyes & he is continuously doing trying to give his one by one including third eye saying you itself said I’ll get third eye too but meela comes running to see all this while mahadev & paravati mata come to bless him & they both are delighted. Mahadev tells him I am impressed with your such devotion so ask me what you wish then he says nothing now as you have come to bless me but mahadev then too says I will give you because you have to do lot for this world & so I bless you with you bhakta kannappa who will show eyes to everybody & mata boons meela his wife who’ll be half body for him who too will bless people.
Swami praises as bhakt kanappa to thinna & also kartik too praises. Ganesh explains this kind of devotion which made thinna bhakt kanappa & this kind of devotion is there between husband & wife too.
Devsena is thinking why nothing is happening & prays swami saying I will keep praying for you till you do not come here.
Ganesh & all are praying in the temple of srikalhasti while kartik asks we did not bring any bhog for god then ganesh explains him that there is no need to bring bhog here as this god can accepts flowers & petals so you can take this & do Pooja so he does accordingly.
The evils are trying to send its bull form to destroy the mountains while the raja understands & tries to stop retaliating.
Precap: To see new form of mahadev in powerful immergence.
Update Credit to: Tanaya