Vighnaharta Ganesh 24th February 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode starts with bhakan praying kartik & the child Jayant too prays kartik & kartik blesses him while evil sooravansh curses him & tells bhakan to forget about kartik’s prayers & work as per my orders & also orders gods to do as I say. Tells child Jayant also to act accordingly but he performs prayers of kartik while sooravansh is scolding him & her mother soorasahi too stops him but he arrests the child & child Jayant tries to explain him about his deeds to be stopped or wrong things will happen towards him.
Kartik is appreciating ganesh & ganesh explains & asks him how about the tour of temple & also explains kartik the Pooja performing how to do. Also ganesh is explaining kartik how Pooja was performed in the past in the times
of mahadev, Narayan & brahmadev. Kartik is appreciating the past story narrated by ganesh & expresses his feelings towards his father mahadev in this place. Ganesh tells him about how mata annamalai brought light on this earth.
The prisoners are being rigorously treated in prison as the child Jayant is thinking how annamalai’s evils treated the prisoners. Jayanat is telling them to stop this while annamalai’s evils are arguing with him. Jayant is praying kartik while annamalai is shouting him & telling him to take name of soorapadman & Jayant is explaining him how to pray god kartik & to take his name is blessings from him. All gods are confused how to be tackled with this annamalai’s evils by this child.
Devsena’s mother is in confusion how to save Jayant while devsena tries to calm her but she still is in confusion how Jayant could be saved.
Jayant is praising kartik while devsena too explains her mother how kartik will save Jayant.
Jayant & all are praying kartik doing prayers for him. The evils are getting affected by the powers of kartik.
Soorasahi is talking about kartik who is not to be taken so easily & need to see him. Kartik is asking ganesh to introduce annamlai mata & he starts narrating the story of the past about mahadev & mata. Mata was playing with mahadev & while playing tries to close mahadev’s eyes but all over darkness spreads & she realizes it while all gods too got shocked.
Precap: Kartik tells ganesh to immediately arrange to perform Pooja of srilangan. Soorasahi also thinks of playing evil towards kartik.
Update Credit to: Tanaya