Categories: Vighnaharta Ganesh

Vighnaharta Ganesh 28th December 2020 Written Episode Update – Prabhu Mahadev blesses Chandradhar of saving his children’s lives.

Vighnaharta Ganesh 28th December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Chandradhar continuing with the story narration to his children’s telling them about the thief that he didn’t lose faith in himself inspite he reached till midnight but then he came down from the tree & lighted wood pieces under the tree thinking somebody might arrive seeing the light but instead he waited for long & Prabhu Mahadev emerged in front of him.
The thief is pleading Prabhu Mahadev to forgive him due to his wrong deeds & do not punish but Mahadev tells him I am not here to punish you instead to bless you & he gets confused asking how & Mahadev tells him that you offered bail patra’s on my shivling statue under the tree in this season & also offered water by washing my shivling statue thereby lighting woods in front

of my shivling hence your liable for boon & he reminds whatever he did earlier unknowingly so he praises Prabhu & asks him only one boon that to release him from all this evil deeds & Mahadev blesses him with his wish by which he started helping people instead stealing in future & lead his life very nicely.
Chandradhar tells them that this is the way my Prabhu is ultimate whom I am Dedicated Devotionally to him & so I wish you too have to believe only in him & nobody else & they accept his advice.
Nagmata Mansa expresses her feelings to Mata Kadru that now Chandradhar has also taught his children’s to devote only for God Mahadev & nobody else that’s why I do not wish to go ahead with the plans but her Mata insists her to not to back off now & go ahead which we will definitely get to learn something from this & she accordingly accepts her Mata’s advice.
Chandradhar’s children’s tell him that we have arranged & packed all materials to send while Chandradhar appreciates them taking part for helping in his business & directs them after I come from temple you can go to load the materials into boat.
Chandradhar’s sons go near the sea to load materials in the boat while his wife also lights woods at cooking place & after his children’s load the materials they feel happy thinking their father will feel happy about them but Mansa sees this & sends her snakes to attack them while they are getting scared seeing the snakes & shouting for help & at the same time Mansa shows her snake image to Chandradhar’s wife too by which she gets scared confusingly thinking why this snake image in light so Mansa emerges introducing herself & intimating her that to inform your husband to become my devotee also as your children’s are in problems & if he doesn’t than face the outcome in life & his wife gets scared thinking about her son’s.
Chandradhar’s sons are shouting for help while Mansa thinks emotionally how to trouble such small children’s but stops the snakes from harming them & tells them I can help you while they feel the snakes have stopped & Mansa telling them that to devote yourself for me so that I’ll achieve the title of Devi but they instead tell her that we won’t as father has taught us whatever happens in this world is only because of Prabhu Mahadev so to only meditate for him hence we won’t meditate for you & they are insulting her saying that what kind of help you’ll do for us who itself asking help from us to achieve title of Devi like a beggar & she gets wild sending the snakes to harm them.
Nagmata Mansa leaves warning Chandradhar’s wife while she is scared crying & thinking about her children’s so runs to call Chandradhar for help while villagers come running to inform him that his children’s have fallen unconscious biting by snakes & he runs to see them who have fallen apart unconscious & his wife is crying.
Mansa thinks emotionally why I became so wild punishing children’s only because of my selfishness but they insulted me then too why I gave orders to my snakes to bite them? Nagmata Mansa to trying to go to help them but her Mata Kadru stops her telling that now do not back off on your decision & let it happen whatever is happening but then too Mansa isn’t feeling good about what all she did so trying to go but Mata Kadru puts her condition to sacrifice this wish one more time for her of not going & she stops.
Ganesh tells Mata Paravati that it seems father is testing all of us as they are watching all this happening.
Chandradhar is watching shockingly all his children’s unconscious while his wife is crying but reminds what Nagmata Mansa had told her & she insists Chandradhar to pray Nagmata Mansa for help & he understands who has done this so he egoistically says that I will definitely pray but for Mahakaal while Mata Paravati including Ganesh are shocked & Mansa gets depressed so Chandradhar prays his only Prabhu Mahadev intimating about his pure & deep devotion which is never failed by him so to help get back his children’s back to normal life & hearing his prayers Prabhu Mahadev opens his eyes from meditation helping his children’s getting back their lives while Mansa is getting more & more depressed & Mata Kadru asks her what happened & she tells her that father helped his devotee to get back his children’s lives again & her Mata blames Mahadev why he did this but Nagraj Vasuki tells her there must be reason behind he helping him so not to blame Prabhu for this.
Chandradhar shows his proof of devotion to all villagers appreciating himself as Mahadev’s ultimate devotee so nothing will happen to him as well as his family. All villagers praise his devotion.
Mansa asks Mata why father did this while Ganesh comes to tell her to go & ask father on your own as he’ll only answer you now.
Chandradhar is moving all around his village praising Prabhu Mahadev’s name & all villagers are praising him but one of Brahman tells him that you are ultimate devotee of your Prabhu but take blessings from our village Mata also hence come inside but he egoistically says I prayed her but I do not wish anybody’s blessings as I have my Prabhu’s blessings & seeing his this ego all villagers are shocked while Prabhu Mahadev also watches telling Mata Paravati that this I never wished from him that he’ll become so egoistic in my devotion & won’t respect other Gods & Goddesses.

Precap : Nagamata Mansa takes promise from Prabhu Mahadev that if you wish I should achieve the title of Devi then you won’t interfere to help your devotee Chandradhar again & Prabhu Mahadev promises her accordingly.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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