Categories: Vish

Vish 6th August 2019 Written Episode Update: Aditya proposes marriage to Sabrina

Vish 6th August 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Alia shouts at Aditya for help. He runs towards the cliff. Sabrina is coming from other side. She is followed by 3 huge snakes. Aditya jumps and holds Alia’s hand. The tree nearby gets uprooted and falls over him. He gets hurt on his head because of which he loses conscious. Alia shouts his name in shock. Sabrina comes there. She looks at Alia. You set that fire because of which I lost my focus and Vishaila. You too will have to lose your love now! I will snatch your Aditya from you! You are lucky though as you wont live to see that. She thumps on Alia’s hand. You were so keen to meet the Vishkanya. How does it feel now? Alia points out that one has to pay for their mistakes. Sabrina tells her to stop lecturing. You are an ordinary girl while I am the most dangerous Vishkanya of this world. We are no match

for each other. You will die the second I will bite you! I don’t want you to die an easy death. I want you to be the meal of the crocodiles in the lake under you! More crocodiles gather in the lake. Sabrina’s insect crawls near Alia’s hand. She lets go of the cliff in fear and falls down. Sabrina laughs. Now Aditya will be my Vishpurush. We will rule this world together now! It will be a happily ever after.

Hamari Adhuri Kahani plays. Sabrina drags Aditya away. Alia recalls her meetings / moments with Aditya. She falls in the lake. The water turns red.

A month later:
There is a party in Kothari Mansion. Aditya dances with Sabrina on Bachna Ae Haseeno. Maria looks at them in confusion. Everything changed in a month. She looks at Mohit’s photo on which a garland is hung. I still remember that night.

Sabrina brings Aditya home. Maria asks her about Aditya’s condition but Sabrina quietly puts him on Mohit’s bed. Maria gets slapped the moment she touches Sabrina. Sabrina warns her not to touch her ever again. Stand quietly in a corner. She complies. Mohit wonders what Sabrina did with Aditya. Sabrina tells him not to cry. Your brother was lucky that he escaped. You should thank God. I lost my Vishaila today yet I am not crying. Life does not stop when someone dies! You find another partner just like I found Aditya. With Alia’s death, there isn’t anyone between us now. Aditya will become my Vishaila now. I am waiting for him. I have to do something the moment he wakes up to make sure he marries me. Our poisonous kids will rule the world now. It will become a Vishloka! Maria asks her how it is possible. Your first husband is very much alive. Mohit is sweating / shaking by now. Sabrina finds logic in her words. She looks at Mohit. You aren’t at fault but this is the rule of your world. I cannot marry my BIL while you are alive. You have to give this sacrifice for me. She bids him adieu and bites him.

Aditya wakes up. Sabrina is holding his hand. He shrugs her hand away and asks about Alia. Sabrina says I was so worried about you. Aditya asks about Alia. Where is Bhai? He asks Maria to answer him. Sabrina thinks he was better when he was unconscious. He has become angry young man as soon as he woke up. I must do something. Sabrina thinks to do something. She hits him on the head using something. He passes out again. She adds a certain amount of poison in his drip shocking Maria. Sabrina leans closer to Aditya. This will control your mind. Now he will do as I say. He will dance to my tunes. Now he will neither be sad about Alia nor will he be worried about his brother. He will be only mine. My good days are here finally! Aditya’s journey of becoming a Vishpurush starts from here.

Maria thinks this has started happening since Aditya has got Sabrina’s poison in his veins. She watches Aditya and Sabrina dance. I know I supported wrong Mohit Sir but God knows that I was helpless. I had to save my son. Please forgive me for this Lord. Please stop Sabrina. If Vishkanya wins then your world will be finished. Please don’t let this happen. Is there no one in your world who can stop Sabrina?

Bhairadweep Police Chowki:
Inspector is talking rudely to a woman. She tells him to relax. You have a high BP and even forgot your medicine. Constable calls her a woman who knows black magic but the Inspector calls her a drug peddler. She looks at the clock. I must leave now. We will talk at length some other time. He asks her how she will go in handcuffs. She switches them to his hands in a split second and walks out of the police station.

Sabrina tells Maria how Aditya was dancing closely with her. He is trapped in my love. He is in love! It is time to give a new name to this relationship. It is time for our unison. Maria asks her what she means. Sabrina says we will marry. Maria asks her if it does not seem too rushed. Mohit passed away recently. Aditya says it is me who is in rush. Why should I wait when I have found my soulmate? Maria says I was saying it just like that. Aditya replies that Sabrina has saved his life. My life is hers and I am just giving it to her. I want to marry you asap, Sabrina! Maria’s eyes widen in shock. Sabrina smiles shyly. He is clearly under Sabrina’s spell. Maria begs for help silently. This shouldn’t happen at any cost!

Precap: Alia wakes up after a month. She meets the same lady who tells her that she gained conscious after a month. Alia decides to save Aditya. Don’t know what Sabrina would have done to him. On the other hand, Sabrina mixes Vishaila’s ashes in a juice and asks Maria to give it to Aditya. Alia shouts Aditya’s name and runs towards him. He looks at her in trance like state.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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