Vishkanya 23rd July 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on
Kalpana pours kerosene on herself and says she will burn herself for the insult she is bearing because of Apu. She asks Malay he brought Apu here to protect her, this is how he protected her. Eunuchs come and start torturing Apu. Neighbors start their drama and badmouth about Apu that she is characterless and should be kicked out of their society. One of them says he will sell Apu in brothel. Vardaan is shocked and says no…Apu hides behind Malay and pleads to save her. Ladies drag Apu and torture her and gents hold Apu. Nandita smirks. Malay sees Apu being tortured and reminisces all the recent events. He pushes all men holding him and then fills Apu’s head with kumkum saying she is his wife now.
Neighbors leave yelling it is their usual drama. Kumkum yells Malay did this to save family’s dignity, but whatever Kalpana and her daughter did is unforgivable, Apu should be thrown in brothel. Kalpana says whatever Malay did with Apu, she herself will throw Apu in brothel. Kumkum says this marriage is not real and tries to wipe Apu’s sindhoor, but Apu holds her hand and warns to back off, this sindhoor is her life now and pushes her.
Kalpana congratulates Apu for her new life and taunts Nandita that they are samdhi now. Apu tells Vardaan that she will be respected as Malay’s first wife always. Malay and Vardaan stand in a shock.
Precap: Apu looking at her sindhoor says it brought her self-respect and pride. Vardaan locks herself in room and tries to hang herself.
Update Credit to: MA
apu rocks!!
first to comment it means u r our’s today’s gold medalist congrats di will give u the gold medal when she will free
Hi rini… First to comment…
Means… Today’s gold medalist…?
It is better you just kill yourself other than getting killed by apu with her poison
she will not die so easily it will become her act to get malay’s attention don’t it so cheap
Yes oshi, she is really very cheap
did u want to join our family if yes then welcome to the family and keep commenting i asked this to feel u that u had option and welcome u because if i am not wrong u were not our family member other wise decision s ur’s
i can see some ray of hope
Shai you dint commented on my ff I love you
oh i will dear
congrats for what u said
Precap is really nice nd all the three apu,malay, chipkali are wrong in their own way.apu is nice bt her attempt to get malay is so cheap,malay an another idiot if his love is pure for apu he would hve called off his wedding nd he will nt develop feelings for chipkalli. Chipkali she is so stupid before the wedding itself malay said that he will not force her to marry him nd she got married to malay. Nd now y she is worrying abt apulay. Even though I’m happy with apulay bt don’t know y i am thinking tat apu should get another hero who loves her a lot nd true bcoz malay nt even trying to find her truth of her disappeaance on the wedding day instead of doing tat he is wasting his time with idiot chipkali
Yes Dharhu ur right…
agreed to u
They have portrayed apu as the antagonist and that’s so pathetic. I feel that The storyline of ‘Vishkanya- ek anokhi prem kahani’ could have been much better than this.
Agree.. This show could have been better… Then this…
This appu is really becoming witch…….she is disgusting year…….I just hate her character
no one’s character is perfect u hate apu’s character what’s ur opinion about malay’s character
Yes come on do it ..chipkali ..go for it …
Chipkali’s ek aur drama…. Will see what happen…
Anything that would alleviate visual and aural torture of viewers – is most welcome…in the instant case – Vardaan’s death.
Shame on the makers for bringing this on. That Apu is a villain, how could they possibly turn the story into this nonsense? Malay and Vardaan were perfect for each other. What bullshit is this?
Coz these Makers are stupids…
Makers are brainless
r u sure apu is villain check serial’s name first
Precap is nice nd in my point all the three apu,malay, chipkali r wrong in their own way. apu is nice bt her attempts to get malay is so cheap,malay who is an another idiot if he loved apu truly he would have cancelled his wedding instead he married to chipkali after he should have tried to find the truth of apu abt her absence on their wedding day nd he knows apu loves him truly bt he is trying to move on with chipkali nd developing feelings for chipkalli nd this chipkali is a great idiot malay clearly says on the wedding day tat he will nt force her to marry him bt she married him for herself nd now y she is worrying abt apulay. Even though I’m happy with apulay bt don’t know y i am thinking tat apu should get another hero who loves her a lot and true
Happy now!! Vardhaan u itself die!! Epi was awesome!!???Hats off to writers.. Atleast.. They brought apu as second wife.. Malay rockzzz
Hey today ur favourite Heros birthday right????
Yes.. Yesterday. Over.. Today going to kabali!! Movie!!????
happy that u r happy
So cheap apu , till now I was having a soft corner for you but you are really a vish.
vardhan instead of hanging just leave him , he is not worthy it .
Malay you loved apu , I agree but vardhan loved you soo much and she didn’t except anything from you but …
I can’t see your anokha pyaar , it’s too dangerous pyaar
soft corner???? really???
Same expression from me too…
we can’t measure any one’s love not apu’s neither chipkali’s and every thing is fair in love and war i didn’t favor apu but it’s a famous saying may be she do this because he is the one who love her and whom she love
Apu take your pride and hang yourself
she already gave her life twice for her love…it’s malay who showed her the dreams,she did not go to him,in fact she said him to stay away from her,everytime she tried to protect him by sacrificing herself,but when the question came on her family,which was destroyed by the good old mittals,she couldn’t contain herself….and nobody will i guess…but she never thought to harm malay as he was innocent….she even saved the first wife of malay i guess,if she could she could have killed her,but apu said as the girl is innocent,i will not harm her,she gave her warning a lot of times,but in vain…apu’s life is already devastated by the great mittals,so what she could do??
correction the girl/chipkali is not innocent
agreed to Shai i left a reply for pari on previous page
Nice episode plz chipkali commit suicide it will be the right action taken by u . but I have a fear that will Malay will be able to love appu as earlier by forgetting chipkali?
Chipkali… Trying to hang herself.. Coz she knows Malay will stop her in On time… One more melodrama… From mahan chipkali…
correct di
Yeah di..again a Malay will be in a dilemma..he will feel bad for vardhaan n he will feel guilty that he has cheated her n so on..
Omg I hope vaardan doesn’t get to die I will quit watching the show..I just love maldaan lots than apu?????
it’s ur mistake as heroin waas hoped to be apu since begining
i hatee apu…she is soo cheap…nd poor vardaan…..i love malay and vardaan..they r perfect for each other..
thanks for sharing ur point of view
Hi guys is anyone here ?
Am here dear… This moderation killing me…??
I am here Nandana
Congrats rini first to comment and ur medal will be given by kathy di
Thx. MA mam for the update
Ayesha I want to correct ur misunderstanding actually mona don’t told that you are faking actually she wanted to tell that your is faking it was just a typo that’s why this much big misunderstood was created.
Tnx MA mam for the update…
“Never let the darkness or negativity outside affect your inner self. Just wait until morning comes and the bright light will drown out the darkness. Today has been difficult, but tomorrow will be another day.”
Good night guys… Sleep well… Sleep tight….
Good night di
Apu is the best and she deserves to get married to Malay coz she was only his lifestyle at first thank Vardaan but in my opinion I thinking Malayand Apu are the best couples they suit ech other even though she is vishkanya but who cares she is gorgeous but to be honest I will say that vardaan is more beautiful than Apu but beauty is inside and outside of the person so if Malay loves Apu for who she is then that is enough for her

I love you Malay u are looking hot and I love you Apu stay happy at all the times ??
thanks for sharing ur point of view
They have no feelings for the thought of marriage. If he wanted Apu so much then why didn’t he marry her in the first place. This show is a frickin joke and it’s pissing me off.
I like Vardaan better at least she wasn’t trying to kill her elders…
evil should be punished if it doesn’t then it increases
Nice episode thanku makers for dis episode love u appu malay
Finally they have shown some positive things.
But this Chipkali as usaul will spoil it by her suicide drama ???
agreed without any doubt
Good morning Kathy di, Shai, Shiddi, Rufina di,Ooshi api, Nandana di, Narendran vaiya and other members of Vishkanya Clan
good noon dear
Good afternoon anika
Good afternoon dear… How u doing???
Good afternoon dear
I hate Malay. Now that he married apu I feel sorry for apu coz I know he won’t love her back. He already started having feelings for vardan. I wish apu kills all his family. Stupid Malay
we will see other wise he is malay who develop feelings for chipkali/vardaan while he loves apu so anything could happen
Good morning Kathy di,Naren,Naagma di,Adito,Shai,Ooshi,Mauritania, Nandana,Dharu and Says.Have a nice day
good noon
Good afternoon siddhi dear… How is ur mother now????
She is okay di
Good morning naren, Ayesha Akka, ooshi , Shai, shafaq, rufina , siddhi, nagma, Tara, harshan, kavya, Arpita, Mel, mukti, shammu, sharaya, sharadh , shradha, chitali, prakriti, Elsa , Eva , Ayesha, Fiza , Dharhu , Adito , pinky , nandana , Mona , ridhima , khathri, Sonu, Anika, n Shaikh family… Very good morningto all … Have a wonderful day ahead.. Keep smiling … ????