Fan Fiction

Vishkanya ff epi-36 (Final Epi)

The episode starts with Apu comes to kalpana and tells about yug.. But she does not respond.. Apu comes back and sees harshavardhan and smiles.. She comes there and holds his chair and pushes him.. He rolls and falls down and dies! Nanditha comes there and sees apu doing this.. she gets shocked.. She tells I will bring u r truth out now itself!! She was about to tell it to Malay.. Apu throws something on her face.. She shouts in pain. Apu comes there and stabs her with knife.. She gets shocked.. Eyes her and falls down.. Apu smiles and comes inside.. Malay comes to Hall and sees them dead and gets shocked.. She shouts apu!!! she comes there and sees them dead and acts as if crying..

Apu smiles and comes out and sees kalpana house burning in fire.. She gets shocked.. She rushes there and shouts kalpana.. She comes inside and brings her mother out.. With kalpana.. All their face was burnt.. Malay cries and sends their body in ambulance and comes there and sees their state and gets shocked..

He comes there and sees apu and asks her if she is fine? He tells if anything happen to u means I won’t live in this world! Allah warriyan plays.. She cries.. Kalpana jumps into fire.. Seeing her face.. Didi also falls mistake due to kalpana sari.. They both dies.. Apu cries.. She falls down and cries.. Malay holds her hand and tells I am there for u!! She hugs him..

Yug comes there and laughs.. Apu comes near him and takes out her Nail and stabs him.. He dies.. She comes back to Malay and tells I love you so much.. She tells but I betrayed u.. She opens up killing Rasik,kumkum,vishal,nanditha and harshavardhan.. He gets shocked.. She tells I took revenge but it came back to me.. I lost all.. She cries..

He tells I even accept u now.. He tells I love u.. I don’t have any person other than u..!!.. She smiles and tells I am not the girl and upto u r trust.. Malay asks what r u saying? She takes knife and stabs her.. She becomes alive again.. He throws it.. She pushes him and jumps.. She shouts I love u Malay.. He shouts her name!!! She falls on fire.. Apu shouts and dies.. Malay cries.. He also jumps inside and he also dies….

The End!!!

True love never ends.!!.. A love can be defeated but not destroyed!!! This quotes remind us about love!!

I hope u all liked it.. I ended it soon becoz I can’t concet on my studies.. So only.. I am writing u r my life ff so there we can see.. Horror and fantasy also.. So sorry guys.. Bye.

Credit to: Narendran

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