Hii dears…happy tat u all liked the prev parts…tq all fr ur likes and cmnts…love u all…here is the nxt epi…
Shyam was hell shocked seeing alia in tat state…some blood was oozing out frm her head and she was unconscious…shyam took her out and placed her on his lap…
Shy:sweety..sweety…wat hpnd to u…uto na…wat is tis…u cant go frm me…u promised tat u ll be wit me forevr…u cant break ur promise…get up na sweety…sweety….
He cried out aloud…ten he lifted her and rushed to hospital…as soon as he reachd hospital she was admitted and doctors started treating her…othrs were waitng at the airport…pragya calld him…
Pra:hello…shyam…wat hpnd y u both dnt reach still..its gettng late…
Pragya was panicked hearing his sobs…
Pra:shyam…wat hpnd…y r u crying…is evrythng ok…
Pra:haan tell…wat hpnd to alia…
Shy:alia…alia met wit accident…
He broke down…pragya was shocked…tears welled up in her eyes..she lost her balance…all were confused…
Abhi:pragya..wat hpnd…wat he told…tell na…
Pra:alia..alia met wit accident…
All were shocked…
Bul:dii cme lets go soon..dnt waste time…
They all rushed to hospital…
As they reachd hospital they saw shyam sitting dejected and broken…
He came back to senses…he cried seeing them…he ran and gve a hug to abhi…
Shy:jiju…see na my alia…
Abhi:ok ok relax…frst tell me wat hpnd…
Shy:i dnt knw hw tis accident happened..i was not wit her…all my mistake oly…i shld not hve left her alone…i got stuck up in traffic…so oly i told her i ll meet her in airport..but on the way i saw her in tis state…all my mistake oly…my mistake…
He sat down shattered and cried hard…all consoled him…
Pur:shyam..pls relax..nthng is ur mistake…dnt wry nthng wil hpn to her…pls calm down…
Pra:yes…dnt lose hope shyam..pls…she cant go frm us like tat…i ll kill her…she said me maa na…nw let me see hw she leaves tis maa…
Pragya too cried hard…
Bul:dii..u consoled him…nw u dnt cry…nthng will hpn to our alia…
Aftr sometime doc came out…
Shy:doc..wat hpnd..is she alryt…nthng serious na…can i see her…
Doc:arey young man..take a breathe frst…dnt wry nthng has hpnd fr ur love…she is fyn…relax…its jst a small accident..luckily she dnt hit hard on head..she is fyn…u can discharge her…
Abhi:tq so much doc…
Doc:u r welcome…
Doc left…all went in…alia saw them and gve a weak smile…
Pra:dnt smile nw idiot…hw dare u…cant u be careful while driving…y r u dng like tis…do u knw hw much we got scared…
Alia:arey iam sry bhabhi…
Abhi:haan sry…dng evrythng and sayng sry so easily na…wat will we do if anythng hpnd to u…
Pur:idiot…dnt hve any sense at all..
Alia:puru..u too…
Pur:haan buddhu…did u atleast think of shyam…wat will he do if smthng hpns to u…
Shy:i ll die…
They all saw shyam entering in wit tears…
Abhi:shyam stop talkng like tis man…
He came near her wit tears…he held her hand…
Alia:vo..i…iam sry…
Shy:throw ur sry in dustbin idiot…u took my life in tis one hour…
Alia bent her head down…
Shy:did u think of me idiot..wat will i do without u…
Alia:arey pagal…by thinking of u oly i crashed…
Alia:haan…i was thinking abt u itself and dnt concentrate on road…i was worried if i may not meet u in airport…
Shyam cried..
Shy:iam sry…
Alia:arey buddhu…i jst said simply…leave it na…arey look iam fyn nw na..ten y r u crying…
Shy:no all my mistake oly..i shld not hve left u alone…my mistake oly…
Alia:arey nthng like tat leave it na…
Abhi patted shyam…
Abhi:iam proud of u my boy…iam so happy tat my sister got such a lovely man who loves her so much…
Shyam smiled…
Shy:look iam.not gng to leave u alone anytime hereaftr…
Alia smiled…shyam got up and went to abhi..
Shy:abhi sir…nw as ur employee iam.askng u…will u pls gve me resignation frm my job…
Abhi:wat…but y…are u mad…
Pra:shyam wat r u tellng…
Shy:yes pls…i want to resign tis job…
Abhi:but y…
Shy:coz i cant leave my love..my soulmate…my jaan alone…
Alia looked at him confused wit tears…
Shy:iam gng to go wit her abroad…
Shy:haan..i cant afford to lose her sir…iam gng to go wit her..be wit her till her studies are over and take good care of her…so pls sir…
Pragya felt happy..abhi hugged him..
Abhi:as a boss i wnt grant tis…i ll gve tis as a proud brother…iam so happy…i gve u permission both as her brother and ur boss…go man…go and live ur life happily wit ur love…
Shyam smiled and hugged him….purab and bulbul clapped in happiness…pragga patted shyam…as shyam went near alia she cried and gve him a hug…he too hugged her…she kissed him on the cheeks…
Alia:i love u so much…tq baby…
Shy:love u too dear…
Abhi cleared his throat…
Abhi:excuse me girl…remember tat ur bro is still here…and one more thing evn aftr gng thr be in ur limits as u r gng to be alone…
All laughed…pragya beat him…
Abhi:ok ok jst fr fun…
Pra:ok cme lets go home…we hve to tell dadi abt evrythng…
Pur:haan…ten u must also go and pack shyam…i ll book tickets fr u both fr tmrw…
Shy:ok sure…
They all left…
Nxt day all went wit them to drop them in airport…pragya hugged alia…
Pra:take care darling…study well..complete evrythng successfully and cme back soon both of u…
Alia:sure bhabhi..tq..u all take care…will miss u all…love u bhabhi…
Pra:love u dear…will miss u too…call is daily ok…
Abhi:hey princess..no hug fr bhaiya haan..
Alia:bhai..u r always my frst…but wat to do nw bhabhi took ur place…but its ok…u both are same oly na…
Abhi:nice excuse u naughty girl..
She laughed and hugged him…
Abhi:take care my princess…read well…take care of him also…be happy…
Alia:sure bhai…dbt wry will call u and torture daily…
Then she hugged purab and bulbul…
Pur:wil miss u aloo..take care…
Alia:miss u too my bro…
Bul:take care…dnt torture shyam bhaiya a lot..
Alia:oye badmaash…
All laughed…Abhi hugged shyam…
Abhi:hey take care yaar..no need to say to take care of her..i knw u ll do tat well..be happy…
Shy:tq jiju..dnt wry…i ll take care of her….
Abhi:of course…ok cme its gettng late fr flight…
They bid bye fr all and left to thr flight…they sat in flight…alia lied on his shoulder and smiled…he caressed her hair…their journey started…
10 days passed…purab and bulbul completed thr exams…they were hvng farewell in thr clg…all were wit tears of losing all thr frnds…bulbul and sheetal hugged each othr wit tears…
Bul:i dnt knw hw iam gng to be without all our masti…
Shee:yes..me too..iam gng to miss our clg life a lot dear..
Nik:can u both pls stop…dnt make us also cry…
Pur:haan..u r crying as if we will not see at all…we are nearby oly na..we ll be in touch oly na…
Bul:idiot…we too knw tat we ll be in touch oly but tats not like being in our clg daily na…all those silly fights…bunking classes…teasing each othr…we will miss evrythng na…
Pur:haan ryt oly…but dnt talk tat itself and make us also cry pls…
Shee:ok ok fyn stop tis…
Days passed…purab and bulbul were making preparations to start a business…abhi was helpng them…alia and shyam were talkng wit them daily through video calls…all were happy…
One day abhi was gettng ready fr office…pragya was making breakfast…bulbul also came thr to go out wit purab reagarding business wrk…
Bul:hey dii…wat special today…u knw i dnt eat today at home…i told maa tat i ll eat here..its been long time i ate ur preparation…
Pra:ok ok cme..its ur fav oly…sit…
Bul:whr is purab and jiju…let them also cme..i ll eat wit them…
Pra:haan ok…
Abhi calld pragya frm room…
Abhi:fuggy…fuggy…cme fast na..my file is missing…
Pra:look properly..its thr in the draw oly…
Abhi:arey its not thr…cme na…
Pra:uffo..tis abhishek is killing me…
Bul:go dii..i ll arrange here…
Pra:wait iam cmng abhishek…
She rushed to stairs…as she climbed 3 steps she felt giddy…she lost her balance and held the staircase arm…bulbul saw her…
Bul:wat hpnd dii…
Befre she could complete she fell down..bulbul ran and held her…
Bul:diii…ohh no…jiju..cme soon…dii fell unconscious…
Abhi ran frm his room…
He came and patted her…
Abhi:fuggy..wat hpnd..uto…bulbul wats tis…
Bul:dnt knw jiju…she was abt to cme to u but she fell down…
Abhi:ohh no..dnt knw wat hpnd..fuggy..open ur eyes…
Pur:ohh no..bhabhi wat hpmd…
Abhi:purab call doc immediately..i will take her to room…
He lifted her to room…purab calld doc…doc came aftr sometime…she checked pragya and came out…
Abhi:doc is she fyn…wat hpnd…
Doc:mr.mehra too bad..i dnt expect tis frm u…
Abhi:wat hpnd doc…
Doc:haan…she is too weak..u dnt take care of her properly…
Abhi:wat but..ok iam sry doc..hereaftr i ll take care…
Doc:yes u must take double care of her…not jst coz she is weak…its coz she is two soul nw…
Abhi:wat..wat do u mean doc…
Doc:haan..nw u must take care of both ur wife and ur baby…
Abhi:haan..but doc..i…
He realised wat doc said…he was surprised..he was mad wit happiness…he had tears…purab hugged him…he too hugged him and bulbul…
Bul:ohhh god jiju u became papa…congrats…
Pur:haan..bulbul u became maasi and me chachu…
Dadi:and me great grand maa…
All were so happy…
Dadi:abhi frst go in and see her…
Abhi:yes dadi..tq doc…
Doc:its ok…take care…
Abhi went in…pragya looked at him blushing…he sat near her and held her hands…she took his hands and kept on her stomach…he smiled wit tears…he hugged her and kissed her forehead…ten he kissed her tummy…
Abhi:oye my darling..cme out soon..papa is waitng fr u…
Pragya smiled…
Abhi:iam so happy fuggy..love u…
Pra:love u abhoo…
All came in and wished her…bulbul and dadi hugged her…
Screen freezes wit all thr happy faces…
Hope u all liked it…and one thing i must say i will end tis ff in 50th epi…jst 2 more to go…sry but wat to do tis cant be dragged further…and i dnt hve time also nw…hope u all undrstand…if iam free i ll write some os…keep supporting..love u all…stay blessed…bye????????
Super lovely
Tq dear????????
Superb didi I think so you will make this episode to 100 with love from your unknown sister
Iam so happy fr ur love dear but iam sry really i cant continue more than tis…pls hope u undrstand tq fr ur love and support love u loads????????
Its OK didi take care
Tq dear love u??????
Hey dear. So sorry for not replying in the previous updates as i am going to have class 11 board exams. So busy in studying. They were all amazing. And this one was adorable especially the last scene. And shyam and alia look good with each other. You are going finish this ff soon but dear i am going to miss you. Really i have become your fan. Please keep on writing. Don’t leave this talent. You are very talented dear. Take care sis. Love you loads dear. Going to miss you.
I can undrstand all ur love fr me dear but really iam not able to continue hope u undrstand..i ll write wenevr i get time sry dear…tq fr so much love and support love u loads darlu?????????
Yeah whenever you get time. I know that you are also a student like me. Its ok. I can understand it.
So sorry. Just now i saw that i wrote very long message.
Awwwwwwwww lovely lovely lovely cute cute loved it dr keep rocking eagerly waiting 4 ur nxt updt

Tq darling love u???????
Superb episode

Loved it
Alia and shyam???
Shyam is awesome??
Abhigya to become parents????
Everyone’s happiness listening to this news?
Very sad that u r ending this??????
But as u are ending so plz add more abhigya scenes and abhi care for pragya in this condition
Super excited for next
Post ASAP dear
Love u loads
Stay blessed???
Sure dear tq fr ur love and support love u loafs dear???????