Hey guys im back with another part. lets go…
In maheswari mansion there is a puja held for Ragsan’s engagement. Gadodia family also arrived there. Both family members were sitting infront of the radha krishna idol. After doing puja pandit ji asked ragsan to do arti. Following them all family member did arti.
After puja all family member setteled down in hall.
Anu- Ragini you came here first time, after few days it will become your house.
Sujata- Its your house now only.
Dadi- im very happy my laado get a great family.
Sujata- Dont worry kakisa ragini is also our daughter.
Sharmi- Its your greatness. Now my sona also get a good family.
Swara- no no i will never marry. I have to eat dadi’s head for my full life.
Dadi- bhagwan cant fulfill your dream. I will die after some year then whom head will you eat? And you cant spend your life without eating someone’s head. So you have to marry.
Swara(stummered to herself)- some word bhagwan also listen.
A lonely tear escaped from her eyes, nobody notice it. all get busy in their talk.
leap of some days
At engagement day
Sanskar and Ragini are sitting in stage. Sanskar is wearing a black 3 piece suit & Ragini is wearing peach saree with pink and blue border. They both looking stunning. Laksh is wearing a blank and white 3 piece suit and swara is wearing a white golden lehenga. She is also looking gorgeous.
After sometime Uttara come to stage and said- attention everybody. today is my sweet brother and cute bhabi’s engagement. So how can be it so dull? Lets do some crazy… hmmm what about dance? So our hot couple will dance now.
Ragsan get up and started dancing with the song Tum jo mile.
jaise tum ho aisa koi na mila,
koi hai dhaga jo hai humko jodta,
( sanskar put his hand on her waist and they both started move slowly)
tumhein kaise main bataun,
ki lafzon main samjhaun
( they looked passionate in each others eyes and fall in their own land)
tum ho to main hoon jee raha,
tum jo mile to mil gayi hayi hai har khushi,
tum jo mile to mil gayi hai zindagi,
tum jo mile… tum jo mile
The song gets end but they didn’t leave eo so swara shouted _-di jiju its over. Abto chod do.
They get embarresed and leave eo. Then swaragutt dance in Jhallah wallah. After that our couple’s started dance togather in song Gal mitthi mitthi bol. At the end of dance swara felt uneasy and fell down. All come towards her. She insured them that she slipped and now she is ok.
After the incident Ragsan come in stage and stand face to face each other. Swara give the ring to ragini and uttara to sanskar. They both put ring in each other’s finger. They hug each other. Suddenly a voice echoed in hall- SANSKU???????????
(LET you tell the function is held in MM)
All looked at the owner of the voice and mf get shocked.
Sanskar- Kavita???!!!!!
Kavita- Haan Sansku your kavu. Why your house become that much beautiful??
Sanskar- kavita what happend to you? Why are you behaving like this?
A lady enter there and said- Because she is mentally unstable. She is like a 10 years old. She always want to come to your house but I didnt let her. But i cant her stop today. Sorry for disturb. Lets go kavu.
Kavita- No no i will not. I will stay with my sansku only. Please sansku dont let me go please. She run and hug him. And whisper how is my acting?
Sanskar- Kavita??!!
Kavita- Yeah its a acting. I went fro there after that incident. I came back here and get to know about you so come here for surprise.
Uttara- You are killing. But who is she?
Kavita- She is my aunty Sushila. I just tell her to do this. Sanskar let me introduce to your would be.
Sanskar- Yeah. Ragini she is my bff kavita, and kavita she is my would be ragini.
Ragini- hi kavita.
Kavita- what hi? Let me hug you.
They hug each other.
I know its not like that what i said in precap. I just wanted to do some twist. And very very sorry for no ragsan scene and short update. In next part i will fulfill both. Let me know your review. And thank you so much for your comment like and dislike..
Nice di..
thanx dear
thanx di
Awesomeee. How are you now ?
thanx di ? im fine now.
thanx di ?
Awesome. Update soon
thanx di ? will try to update soon
Awesome yaar. Waiting for twist
thanx di ? Just wait a while.
thanx di ?
Ossssooommmmmmmmmm is kavitha character is positive or negative?
thanx di ? Wait for a while will reveal soon.
thanx di ?
thanx di ?
thanx di ?
thanx di ?
thanx di ?
Amazing dr. Waiting for ragsan scenes.
thanx di ? will give it in nxt part.
Superb. Is that kavitha is acting?
thanx di ? will reveal in further part…
thanx di ?
thanx di ?
thanx di ?
Awesome. Yup want more RagSan scenes
thanx di ?
thanx di ?
Superb dear. Very short update??
Superb very shot update.
Superb dear, wanna see what Kavitha is upto
Awesome sissy. Don’t bring any twist for RagSan.
Awesome dear