Fan Fiction

The Wait is over… A Nairan Two shots

Hello guys… There are some issues with my swaragini FF story so it’s on a halt for some time but I assure you that it will be posted soon…
Till then enjoy this one…

A girl is seen sitting on the​terrace wall and playing the mouth organ…
She plays the tune of Meri yaadoin me tera zikra sada… Tum Hi ho female version…
A couple comes on terrace… They look at the girl and smile seeing her… They seem lost in the music as they enjoy it holding each other’s hand…
She stops playing the music and hugs the mouth organ…
The man “Seems that you are missing him even more now-a-days…”
The girl turns… It’s Naina… And the couple is Kunal and Meghna…
Naina “This is not fair jiju… You always pull my leg… And nothing like that… I just felt like playing it and played it…”
Meghna “It’s OK chikoo… There’s nothing to shy about… We all know your and this mouth organ’s relation… ”
Naina blushes…
Meghna “And by the way… Your wait is almost over now… His had called Kunal… He will be reaching home till evening..”
Naina gets extremely happy hearing it…
Naina “di… You are not lying, are you…?”
Meghna “Chikoo don’t you trust your di..?”
Naina nods…
Kunal “No need to stand here and shy… Go and express your happiness as much as you want… You are going to meet him after whole six months… I know you have to do many arrangements for his welcome… Go now… Run…”
Naina nods shyly and runs down…
Kunal “Naina is so happy today…”
Meghna “She is bound to be… She will meet Karan after six months… ”
Kunal “Finally they will be together They have beared much distance…”
Meghna gets sad hearing it “You are right Kunal… Even I have been a reason for their distance…”
Meghna taking Naina away from Karan…
Nairan try to hold hand but Meghna pulls Naina because of Karan’s disease…
Naina cries… Karan is also pained…
Meghna is in tears…
Kunal wipes her tears…
Kunal “Topper… It’s ok.. you were thinking of your sister’s betterment… And Karan also didn’t wanted Naina to get his disease… And stop thinking about the past… Be happy…”
Meghna nods and smiles…

Naina runs down towards her room…
She collides with Nirmala and stops seeing…
Nirmala “Naina what happened… Why are you running..??”
Naina “Sorry maa.. I didn’t see you…”
Nirmala “it’s ok… But tell me what happened…”
Naina blushes….
Nirmala notices her and understands…
“Ooo… Now today he will come… And you are eager to do the preparation… Don’t worry… I won’t stop you… Go now very little time is left…”
Naina nods and runs towards her room…
She enters the room and smiles broadly thinking of Karan…
Naina “What special shall I do to welcome him… He will also be waiting restlessly to meet me…”

Karan is shown in sitting in the car…
HE is holding his phone in his hand and looking at Naina’s pic…
Karan “You can’t even imagine how much restless I am to meet you… It’s been six months and we haven’t talked or seen each other… Now no more wait… This distance is going to get over… I am coming Naina… Be ready…”
He recalls their final meet…
Karan is leaving home with his bag…. He then takes everyone’s blessings…
He then looks for Naina…
Meghna “Just wait I will call her…”
Naina is in her room all tearful…
Meghna comes…
Meghna “Chikoo… Karan is leaving… Won’t you say goodbye to him… ??”
Naina “No di… You go… I can’t see him going… I am sorry… I don’t have that much courage…”
Meghna nods and comes out…
Karan is still looking at his room… Meghna comes and shakes her head in no…”
Karan dejectedly leaves…
Naina is standing at window and sees him getting in car…
Karan feels her and looks at the window… She hides in the nick of time…
Karan sits in car… He keeps looking at his window while peeping out of Window…
The cat begins to move…
He sits sadly….
Naina comes running out from the house and follows the car…
Karan sees her running reflection in the side mirror and stops the car…
He gets down the car and they both stand facing each other…
Naina just looks at him…
Karan “I thought you won’t come…”
Naina “I had decided this only but then I couldn’t keep myself away…”
Karan “It’s just the matter of some time… Then we won’t be away…”
Naina “Promise..??”
She forwards her hand… Karan looks at her… He also forwards his hand and they promise each other without touching…
They turn opposite side to leave but then they turn and hug each other (without touching…)
Karan waves bye to her…
Naina also waves bye to her…
Karan leaves…
Naina bursts into tears…
Meghnal comes and consoles her… Naina hugs Meghna… She consoles her… Kunal hugs both the sisters…
Naina also think the same thing and and turns tearful…
Naina “This distance is going to end now Karan… Just see how I make this meet of ours a memorable one…”
Karan “Today the distance between us will end… The wait is over Naina… I am coming…”
Nairan thinks of each other and smiles…
Tu piya plays in the background…

Naina plans a special welcome for Karan…

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