Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini the unsaid truth prologue

on the wedding day , all are searching for swara, all are worried for her,sujata says maybe this girl just like to run from wedding,rp says shut up it is not time to joke,sujata becomes quite . Laksh notices ragini missing and tells everyone sanskar shouts i think ragini kidnapped swara,sharamistha says ragini cannot do it with her sister,shekhar supports sanskar and says when ragini can try to kill her sister, why not again,massi fills dadi’s ears again that see maa jiju is supporting his bengali daughter not ur lado, dadi gets angry and says shekhar my lado will not do anything wrong,sujata tells we know that and seen that,dadi again shouts.sujata thinks oh god i knew this 2 sisters will make the house mahabratha playground to fight ,oh god save my house from this fighting of this sisters.
on the road
swara is driving the car very harshly and thinks ragini how can do this? I will not leave u today,u hidded this things from me,today u should answer me ragini, u cannot lie to me more,and comes out of her thoughts and sees ragini standing in front of the car and slows the car and comes out.

ragini:swara u ran from ur marriage have u gone mad,all are worried,thank god i saw u running and followed u now come,sanskar is waiting for u.
swara:ragini have u ever thought me as ur sister or atleast ur best friend, how can u hide this from me,the truth from2 years, u could said me once or u thought to become mahaan or godness,ur already goodness.

ragini: what the hell and what truth please stop this nonesence.
what the heck u two are again fighting,swara today is ur weding u will have whole fight with her,hurry up go to the mantap. Swara and ragini were shocked to see kavitha standing back and shouting there.
kavitha: even couples will not fight as u fight,swara i did not except from u this,ur fighting leaving ur wedding.
swara:kavitha stop it, u know ragini what she did.
kavitha: i understand she betrayed you for her love and broke our friendship of ten years.
swara: that is the truth u showed the world ragini right.
ragini: what truth.
swara: u will accept right i am tired and takes dairy and throws at ragini and ragini ur phone is with me,ragini is shocked and do not know u react.kavitha is shocked to react and goes towards dairy to read it but b4 that ragini picks it up,atlast kavitha takes ragini’s phone from swara’s hand and tries to open it but it is password locked,kavitha asks swara who is teary eyed what is the password , swara replies the best friends group name ,kavitha understands and types besties forever and phone opens and she sees the message column and is shocked read the messages,she also shouts ragini what the hell cannot u tell us one time the screen freezes at teary eye faces of kavitha,swara and ragini.

Precap: the unsaid half truth revealed and arshi mysterious connection.

Credit to taani


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