We are soulmates Garv Titli Sajeeri SS Part 6

We are soulmates Part 6

Garv:Titli…you were my fake lover before.But now I consider you as my real lover.I really love you Titli.If I get married my bride will be only you.

Titli became dull.

Titli took the red rose from him and put it in the flower vase.

Garv smiled:I want to hear your reply Titli.

Titli:It’s not possible Garv.I cannot marry you.

Garv was shocked:But why Titli?

Titli:Because I am not an ordinary girl like you think.I am already dead.I am just a soul.

Suddenly Garv burst into laughter.Titli was shocked to see his reaction.

Garv:Guess you are mad.But still I love you.I will consult the best psychiatrist for you and get you treated.You will be cured soon.Don’t worry.

Titli got irritated:Stop it.You think it’s a joke.Right?Then turn back.

Garv turned back.There he saw another Titli smiling at him in another costume.

Garv got scared and fainted.Titli became upset.

She lifted him up in her arms and walked to his bedroom.Then she placed him on his bed.




The next day…

Titli was finding it difficult to face Garv.She was nervous too.

Titli thought:How will Garv react now as he knows my identity?

Garv:Titli…you know yesterday night I saw a horrible dream.

Titli:What dream?

Garv:That you are a ghost.

Titli thought:Oh..so he thinks that it’s his dream.

Titli gave him a shocked expression.

Titli:Did I attack you?

Garv:No way.You were a sweet ghost.So you did not attack me.

Titli:Then what happened?

Garv:I don’t remember.I just fell asleep.

Titli gave him a pale smile.




Titli was walking on the lonely road.A police jeep was passing.It stopped infront of Titli.A police officer came out of the jeep.He went near Titli.

He:I am Inspector Renak.I was coming to your house.

She was stunned.


Renak:Because I got a complaint from some people that Garv has made a girl stay in his house without marriage.

Titli felt disgusted.

Titli:You are misunderstanding Garv.Garv is not that sort of a boy.

Renak:Then tell me whether you guys are married or not.


Renak smirked:If a man is making a woman stay with him without marriage that shows what kind of a relationship they share.I know what kind of woman you are!

Titli got hurt.

Renak:If I want I can arrest both of you.But if you want I can spare both of you.But for that you need to come to my house tonight.

Renak gave her a dirty smile.Titli was shocked.

Titli said in a sad tone:I will come Sir.

Renak smiled.

Renak:Won’t Garv question you?

Titli:I will come after Garv sleeps.

Renak smirked:Good idea.I will message you my address.

Titli was suppressing her anger and remaining calm.





Titli reached Renak’s house.Renak smiled lustfully at her.

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  • Garv expressing his feelings was so lovely. But sad that Titli can't accept since she is a ghost. I loved his concern towards her saying that she will be cured with the treatment of psychartist. Garv seeing another Titli and fainting was scary. Glad that he thought everything as dream only. Shocking that being a police officer Renak is such a bad person. He threatening Titli and Titli agreeing to arrive at his guest house was shocking. Waiting to see how Titli will rescue from this..

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