Fan Fiction

Weekend Shots by Verna – Journey of Omkara’s life Part 24

Hello my drs.. thanks a lot for ur lovely comments and San thanks for ur wonderful comment.. And I’m really sorry I can’t reply ur comment for few members, because I’m out of station for 2 days and have network issues. Sorry for tat darlings.. take sneak peak into last part
Part 22

I would like to dedicate this part to my frnd Uf because of ur idea to include Rudy in their life I’m getting many positive reviews and ideas to write each part.. this is what I was expecting from my readers and u really helped me in this.. also sara, kiya, sangeeth, and few others ( sorry forgot ur name but remember ur idea.. don’t worry) given ur idea and will use in upcoming parts drs.. Now lets move to Part 24..

Gauri opened door and screams, What is this? What r u doing here? She turned to Omkara and ask, What is this Omkar? With wide eyes. Om panics and say, Gauri.. wo.. wo.. I’m sorry.. Gauri interferes and say, I didn’t expect this from u Omkara.. stares with her big eyes which made him panic more and rushed near her to convince her.
Within the time he moved from his place and reached Gauri, her expression changed from starring to sweet girl look which made him to get confused. He ask “what?” Through eye contact. She turn towards room and tell him to look inside by her eyes. Om slowly turns to that side worried and amazed to see the view.. It was fully decorated with hanging balloons, colourful ribbons and scented candles with glittering welcome note as “Welcome Home Gauri”. Om and Gauri was awestruck by the view.. Om didn’t understand anything, as Rudy was sleeping with him whole night. He was amazed to see all those arrangements. Gauri side hug him by his arm and say, Thank u so much Omkara.. I didn’t expect such a grand welcome from u.. and the way u gifted my LuLu.. OMG! It’s just awesome 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 She run and hug her huge sized teady bear in full joy. She took that by hugging and round and dance with it. Her happiness was doubled by that. Although Om don’t understand how this happened he was happy to Gauri’s happiness with teddy.

Gauri is happy with her LuLu and pampering it like her kid and playing with that. Om was lost in her and admiring her childish side for the first time. Rudra, who is hiding behind curtains scratch Om’s back. Om didn’t find anyone and doesn’t mind. Then Rudra push him and signs he is behind curtains. Om slowly moved near him and ask, what r u doing here Rudra.. Still u didn’t go out from here? Rudra say, U dumb artist.. who told u to bring her here? Now its ur duty to take her from here.. stop ur romance and help me now. Om glares him. Rudy ask him to do something. Om say, Gauri.. enough of pampering ur LuLu..

Lets finish our breakfast and continue.. come. They leave from there. OmRu thumbs up. Rudra tries to escape from there and hold LuLu as his shield and hide behind it. Om and Gauri arrange groceries in fridge. Om tries to keep her busy by talking unnecessary things. Gauri say, u know something Omkara? I love teddy bears.. but since my childhood I had never owned any.. I really love this and I have to thank u for this.. Om ask, why? Sha say, yes because of u and ur wonderful performance we won this.. this is my first-ever teddy and a special gift from u. They share an eye lock. She say, I mean to say that a special gift from my special friend. Om slightly blushes as he have got promoted from friend to special friend.

Meanwhile Rudra tries to escape from his room. He hide behind LuLu and slowly walking like a cat. Om saw this and talk about how they won LuLu. Gauri say, actually the full credits goes to u.. because I did not know what to do and how start dance move.. u made me dance in ur fingers.. she said this and then remembered what she said and look at Om. He look at her, their dance moments flash in their mind.. how he held her, their moments r haunting them.

Then they were little embarrassed and turn aside. When she turned, she saw LuLu in middle of hall area and shocked. She say, LuLu? How did this come here? Om was shocked to see LuLu, because he know Rudra is behind this. Rudra too makes face like got caught. Om wanted to distract her and tries to manage. He say, Gauri.. its u who took LuLu here.. don’t u remember? Gauri say, no Omkara.. I left that in room.. I remember well.. how did this come here? And she move towards it. Om suddenly hold her hand, she startled and stumbles.. Om hold her before falling. They share eyelock. After coming to normal Om say, Actually Gauri.. I wanted to tell u about that painting. Gauri was lost in him and nod to say. He say, when I see that painting.. I remember us. Gauri ask, why with her eyes. Om points his hands towards painting and she followed his hand.

There she saw a beautiful art of ballroom dance with many couples dancing. But whole art was like sketch except on one couple. That particular couple had been filled with colours. Meanwhile Om signs Rudra to move from that place. She say, What is so special in that to think about us? And turns to him. Om startled when she turned as Rudy is escaping.. Om cups her left cheek gently and turn to either side. Gauri felt warmth of his hand on her cheeks and enjoyed it for first time. He sign Rudy to move and turn to talk with her. Rudra slowly move like cat with LuLu in front of him. Om ask, didn’t u notice anything Gauri? She say, Actually.. I’m not that much good in noticing art.. but I can see just one couple filled with colours and others r just looking like pencil sketch.. I didn’t understand anything more than that.. pls don’t ask me more Omkara.. she tries to turn when Om pulled her by waist and hold her close to him. She was stunned by his touch and gasp, when Om see Rudra moving near entrance door.

Om filled with this tension and now a bit relieved tell her, I don’t know what u understood in this.. but after a long time I found a new meaning for this art.. because of u Gauri. Gauri look surprisingly. Om look at that painting and say, Did u notice that colourful couple Gauri? Their body language, their eyes, their way of dancing style.. how adorable they r.. and just look at their eyes.. how intense they look when they see the other.. their body language and their way of holding says they r in love.. can u see that?

Gauri just admire his glitzy eyes that is shedding love all over the painting. She then understood how much he admire his work and love his favorite things. Her heart just gave her a passing message “then think how he will take care and love his own person ?????❤❤❤❤❤❤” she felt like her heart slipped from its place but didn’t feel any pain instead she felt sooo good… she was surprised with this change in her. Om continues, u can ask me what new meaning I found.. I’ll say.. This showed me when we r really with some special person, we can feel only their presence and others just don’t matter.. just like I saw only u while dancing. This words just slipped from his tongue when he admiring that painting and lost in her thoughts. Gauri was stunned and flabbergasted when he said this.. and look very intensely into his eyes. He too got what he said and look at her. They both lost in each other’s eyes.

Their moment was disturbed by a doorbell and they get away. Om goes to open door and found no one outside. Again doorbell rings and no was there.. he gets irritated and shut the door. Again doorbell rings and this time Gauri goes to open door. She too found no one, when she turned to leave she heard a pup’s noice and look at that direction. A cute little Pug ( Vodafone Dog ?? ????) was coming towards her with a small basket. It run and come to Gauri and placed that basket near her and bark looking at her. Gauri looking around for someone but didn’t find anyone.. she sat down and pampers that Pug for few secs and then opened basket.

Precap: Threat for Gauri.. Will Om save her?

Sorry for late update my drs.. as I said I’m out of station I can’t update yesterday.. so as a punishment I gave u a long episode (I think so).. Hope u liked this.. views and suggestions r welcomed.. take care my drs.. love u all 🙂 🙂


I'm fun loving and day dreamer.. lost in my own dream world.. do support and read my FF.. happy reading time drs..

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