Fan Fiction

Weekend Shots by Verna- Journey of Omkara’s life Part 39

Hello everyone.. hope u are fine. Take sneak peak into last part if u have missed it..
Part 38

Moving to Part 39..
Om was in cloud nine when Gauri said that she fell for him at their first meeting. His happiness have no limits and suddenly he took her in his car and head to his place. His excitement made him to drag her into his art studio next to his apartment. Gauri was amazed to see his studio. It was not less than his art gallery. It was just start of dawn light spreading through the sky.. Sun will make entry in few mins. There was his hand made statues and paintings which decorated that place. Om take her to the next room and there was two doors Inside that room. Om opened right door and they walked through the passage and went up stairs. He asked Gauri to open the door with that key inside box. She wonder and did as he said. When Gauri put key and opened door suddenly Om blindfolded her eyes with his hanky. Gauri startled and say, hey Omi.. what is this? He say, shhhh.. just walk like I direct. Gauri smile and nods. He stood behind her and hold her shoulder. They walk like he directed. At some point Om made her sit on couch and ask her till he unfold her eyes. She can hear the sound of switches ON/ OFF, curtain hangers moving and arranging furniture. She have no idea what Om is upto and questions him in excitement, Om.. pls tell me what is going on.. I can’t even guess. Om say, its good to be like that.. u’ll get ur answers in few mins.. just wait for that moment sweetheart. Gauri lean back on couch and wait till his moment. Om come and sit near her, when she felt him she smile with shy and lean on his shoulder. Om too kiss her forehead and lean on her by side hugging. After few minutes he tap her shoulder to wake up, he unfold her eyes, he ask her to open eyes and when she opened it was her lifetime treasure that he presented her. It was all her candid photographs that he clicked in his office and apartment. She is surprised also happy with all those pics. Om look at her happy face and feel happy. Gauri ask, so u use to visit ur love in this room before.. but Y did u place that key specially in box with Shayari? That Shayari is for ur love but who? Om say, that Shayari was written by having ur thoughts in my mind and heart. Gauri read it again and say, u have written that, u liked me without knowing my name.. but when we met at pool we got our intro.. what does it mean? Om smile and say, I’m glad that u really noticed each and every line of my Shayari. Even in that line I mentioned u. Gauri is totally confused.

Om laugh at her and say, okay.. don’t get confused. (He switched off lights with his remote control, Gauri hold him in fear. Then the curtain behind them slowly opened and new Sun’s rays fall on a cloth opposite to them. Om gave a remote to her and tell her to press button. When she did, cloth unveiled a photo frame ( remember when he asked his PA to make those Wayanad pics as gift for proposing her for first time in Pune? Same frame and pictures). There was pictures of her beautiful face that was enjoying rain, enjoy playing with droplets that falling from rooftop, her eyes, lips, earrings.. pics was detailing each and every part and curves of her face which made her fall in love with herself even more. She was mesmerized to see herself in such detailed view. She convey this to Om and he mildly whispered in her ears.. even I fell in love with this beauty at first sight. After long time in my life, u made entry in my life through this pictures. And u know what? My focus was actually a rare species of bird.. but that bird went in out of focus and this happened. Rudra and Shivika teased me a lot when I showed ur pics to them thinking it was that bird. I even addressed these pictures as my lifetime dream to them, Shivay and Rudra took the chance and teased me till I hate my life. He get nostalgic to the days they spent in Wayanad, Kerala. He explained all happenings that happened ( take sneak peak into Part 1, Part 2 if u forgot or not read). He then handover her a painting and when she opened it, that was like a magic she us is watching in front of her eyes. It was none other than Om’s painting of her when he was drawing the landscape view from Chembara peak where Gauri was standing near Heart shaped lake ( pls check Part 3 last paragraph to know detailed). Gauri’s surprise reached sky, she say, did u notice this Om.. I I have the picture of u when u was drawing this pic (check last part of Gauri unveiling gifts for Om) and u have my painting on same.. What is all this? Did life want to convey something to us through this? How did all this happen? U saw me even before we met.. when we me, I fell for u by that second. Then we parted ways but then met in Pune and tried to unite, even then we parted because of my wedding announcement. Then it was cancelled, I reached Mumbai and exactly came to interview in ur office, then our fight, again joined ur office, had feelings for each other, again parted because of ego and now we r here. What is all this? What life means to teach us? I’m really confused about this.

Om was just admiring her talks and emotions filled face. Gauri shake him. Om is outvof his admiration and say, even I don’t understand this fate game. But I just know this, u can’t get rid of me and I can’t live without you.. so fate play hide and seek with us by parting us and joining us. I understood one thing well, whatever happens, we have to face it together and lead our life. Just tell me.. r u ready face all ups and downs of our journey by holding my hands till last breath. Gauri just look at him with tear filled eyes for few mins and nod yes happily. They share an emotional hug. After few secs they heard some machine running inside their tummy and break hug, they understood what and have good laugh. Gauri caressed her tummy and say, Omi I feel very hungry.. I did not eat since lunch yesterday.. pls get me something to eat.. plsss. Om hold his tummy and say, even I too feel hungry.. come let’s go home and check in fridge. They both run like kids who were running to get their ice cream from ice man. They open door with thud and rush to refrigerator. Both of them open each doors and check like naughty Tom in Tom and Jerry. Gauri found some leftover breads and apples while Om took egg and peanut butter. They had bread with peanut butter and omelette and Apple juice. They had all this like they never seen food in their lifetime. After finishing their breakfast, they were really tired and wanted to take a power nap. They laid down on their dining table in sitting position. It was almost 8.30 A.M. when Gauri woke up. Gauri saw Om still sleepy and doesn’t want to disturb him. Gauri slowly, silently cleaned that table and dishes, she went to washroom to refresh. Just then Rudra woke up and came to kitchen. He found Om sleeping in dining table and feel sad for him. He say, it all because of me and my stupid plan.. poor O.. he would have convinced Gauri for whole night.. but I think it didn’t work.. so he came home, cried a lot and slept here.. how can he think to go to his room, its some God’s blessings that he came home safely. He would have not have food since that fight I have to prepare something for him.. before that I should inform this to my team. Rudra made protein shake for him and called Saumya. He explained the happenings (actually his own POV ???) Prinku AnniYa feel sad for Om and Gauri.

Annika and Saumya tell him to be moral support for him. Annika try to call Gauri but she don’t attend and Annika gets worried (Gauri left her mobile in her apartment). Annika scold Rudy for his stupid plan again and tell him to solve their problem at any cost. They disconnected call. Rudra thinks and drink his protein shake. Om just then woke up and saw Rudra next to him, he wish him good morning with bright smile. Rudra was waiting to console him with puppy face, but this smile in Om’s face made him to think again. Without waiting for Rudy’s words or actions Om moved to his room. Rudra is totally confused and don’t understand this behavior.. he think, by this time his face should be tired and sad, but this lambe baal wala prani is giving opposite reaction? What happened to him? (Thinks and screams) oh nooo.. he got mad.. oh god what will I do now.. its all my foolishness, I regret for my stupid plan. That is the reason for my O’s situation now. He got mad..and cries. I will call Gauri.. I have to solve this and take his mobile. He sensed someone behind him andand turned. He was shocked to see Gauri and suddenly hold/ close his cheeks in fear of getting slap from her. He say, Ga.. Gauri.. (He stammer but manage to talk gathering some courage) I’m actually.. I was.. its not him.. I planned.. I’m sorry.. pls don’t misunderstand him. He make puppy face and stammer lot to speak. Gauri move forward him with serious face and he move backwards saying, pls don’t slap me.. it’ll pain.. pls. Just then Om come out of his room and curiously look at them. Gauri go near him simply raise hands and Rudra close his eyes and turns face. Gauri smile and pull his cheeks and call him smart and cute boy. OmRu amazed and Rudra totally confused. Gauri winks at Om.. Rikara laugh at him. Rudra think, what’s going on here? Actually they should fight or stare each other.. but these two r laughing.. did these 2 get mad? Oh no how will I manage 2 mentals at a time? Om and Gauri come close and do hifi and laugh at him. Rudy scratching his head in confusion. Rikara see this and laugh even more.

Rudra slowly move to Om and say, O.. what’s going on yr? Yesterday night she slapped u and went angrily.. then u went to beg for apology.. now u both here.. laughing? R u guys ok? Rikara can’t control their laugh and burst out laughing. Rudra get scared and say, O my Mata!!?!! These 2 r really mad.. I’ll call Bhaiya and inform him. Om ask, who u r calling. Rudra say, I want to tell Bhaiya about ur mental health.. what if u guys bite me. Rikara look at each other and ask, do u think we r mad? Rudra say, then what shall I think.. u guys fought yesterday.. now u r like this? How come this possible between friends.. friends means we have to show little bit tadi, scold each other, beat each other and and there are many more steps and rituals to follow before we r back to normal.. but u guys.. how is this possible over night? Om say, oh.. so that is ur doubt.. he look at Gauri and Gauri say, U r right Rudy.. usually friends have to go through this steps and rituals.. but not for lovers right? Rudra smile and does logic sign and say, U r right.. (shocked) what? Lovers? Ahh.. Gauri.. I didn’t here u.. what did u say? Om pull her closer and Gauri lean on Om’s chest and say, I said.. we r not just friends, more than that.. both say together, we r lovers. Om hugs her. Rudra cups his mouth in shock. Rikara look at each other and smile. Rudra ask, No.. this can’t happen.. How can u guys become lovers in one night? We were planning very hard andan serious to bring you guys close.. but how did u confess? I’m confused. Om say, she asked me will I marry her? I just gave a nod.. Gauri say, He said he too love me since he saw me for first time so we r lovers now.. happily in a relationship. They both hug again. Rudra faints.

Precap: Shivika, Rumya, Prinku and Janvi congratulates them. Happy days in Rikara life.

Sorry for delay my babies.. hope u like this.. comments and suggestions r welcomed.. take care my drs.. love u all babies 🙂 🙂


I'm fun loving and day dreamer.. lost in my own dream world.. do support and read my FF.. happy reading time drs..

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