Hey guys i am back. Actually i am going outside the city for 3 days. My exams are getting over on 8 and on the same day i am going and i will come on 10 and after that i will be free. No not totally free as i have to give enterence exams for diff schools. But i will be free most of the time so i will read all your SwaSan and RagLak ffs and os.
Some important points:-
There were many fake people on TU and Me and my friends made Tanisha.25 on tu to revel these types of people so i request you please DONT GIVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER TO ANYONE its very harmful
I hope you all like my os —-
Sanskaar- Just shut up swara
Swara- you shut up why did you do that
Sanskaar- no i did not do that
Swara- yes you did it
Girl1- come on swara leave that mad sanskaar
Boy1- yess sanskaar leave this mad girl here
Swara(to girl1)- what did you call him you called him mad
Sanskaar(to boy1)- did you call her mad
Swara- i can call him anything you cannot call him like that
Sanskaar- i can call her whatever i want you cannot
Swara- I know him from childhood he is my best friend i can call him anything
Sanskaar- she is my best friend i can call her anything
Swara- for you he is ONLY SANSKAAR
Sanskaar- for you she is ONLY SWARA
The boy1 and girl1 goes fuming.
Swara- Time Please sanskaar we will continue our fight after some time i am tired
Sanskaar- yes swara you are right i am thirsty and also i have my class
This was seen by Girl2 and boy2
Girl2- They both are so wierd
Baoy2- yes ragini you are right
Ragini- I mean on one side they fight with each other they call each other mad duffer and everything but on the other side they don’t like anyone other calling mad to their best friend. Laksh you are Sanskaar’s brother naa you must be knowing something about them naa.
Laksh- they both are like this only from childhood they fight a lot but care for each other too they share a very unique bond. I am seeing this from childhood. Once a boy bashed sanskaar and swara she just killed him and a girl bashed swara sanskaar took a Lizard and gave her as a gift and that too in her dress
Ragini- what a weird relation. DO that love each other??
Laksh- no they hate the word love between them they are just best friends
Ragini- they used to fight like this in childhood too
Laksh- yess and when they get tired they used to take a break for drinking water and again start fighting and sometime they used to record the topic of fighting so they don’t forget it. They about loved fighting.
Teenage Sanskaar and Teenage Swara fighting
Sanskaar- why did you keep it here
Swara- I did not keep it there
Sanskaar- i am thirsty lets take a break we will fight after some time
Swara- ok but first record on what we were fighting
Sanskaar- leave it we will get a new reason to fight anyway
Swara(laughing)-yes you are correct
Sanskaar(laughing)- ok lets go now
Laksh- lets go ragini its time for our class
Ragini- ok lets go
SwaSan continued their tom and jerry type of relation.
A boy named Nikhil entered their lives. SwaSan and RagLak became good friends with him but no one know he came with an evil intention. He loved swara and wanted her but he know till sanskaar was here he could do nothing.
So one day when Sanskaar was out of the city for some work he followed his plan.
Swara was talking on phone with sanskaar.
Sanskaar- i will be back soon
Swara- ok sanskaar bt i don’t know why i am not feeling good i think something is going to happen
Sanskaar- don’t worry nothing will happen now i will directly meet you i am boarding the flight byee
Swara- byee
As soon as she kept the phone and turned she saw Nikhil standing there with a knife.
Swara- Nikhil what are you doing ??
Nikhil- Swara baby come to me i love you come with me
Swara- i don’t love you what are you doing leave me and go
Swara started screaming HELP HELP
RagLak came to help swara but they were stabbed by Nikhil and he forcefully took swara with him.
Sanskaar’s flight landed while RagLak were taken to hospital. Someone called sanskaar and her went there hurriedly
Lak and Rag were in the same room.
Doctor- they both have very less time meet them fast
Sanskaar went there and hugged both of them.
Ragini- We are not having enough time we both are happy dying together but you save swara save her
Laksh- Promise me you will save her from Nikhil we both are going now promise me
Sanskaar(crying)- i promise lakch and ragini but you don’t talk like this you are not going anywhere
Hearing this they both smile and see each other. They both hold each other’s hand and die peacefully knowing that sanskaar will save swara.
Sanskaar hugged their bodies and cried. After some time he tried to find swara but he was unsuccessful.
At night
sanskaar was driving the car with full speed amidst the dark roads. it was raining heavily. thunder crackled.. sanskaar felt immense pain. But he was determined to save swara. He was think about it and suddenly his car hit someone. He came out and saw a girl lying in pool of blood.
Sanskaar went to see her face and was shocked!!! It was none other than swara.
He picked her up and took her to hospital. Doctors operated her while he was waiting. Doctors came outside.
Doctor- Mr.sanskaar come in the cabin i want to talk to you
Sanskaar followed the doctor
Doctor- see Mr.sanskaar she has lost her memory due to the accident and yes i think she is physically assaulted by someone
Sanskaar was shocked
Doctor- so its better if you don’t make her remember the thing as her brain is weak and remembering all these thing she might slip in to coma
Sanskaar was shocked listening this. He came to swara’s room and sat next to her. He was just staring her. She suddenly starte murmuring and woke up.
Swara- where am i?? Who m i??
Sanskaar cupped her face.
Sanskaar- you you are Swara and you met with an accident
Swara- who are you??
Sanskaar- I am sanskaar your husband
Swara was shocked listening this. She was able to feel the care in sanskaar’s touch but love was missing. She was feeling safe with him.
After a few days swara was discharged and was going home.
Swara- sanskaar sanskaar
Sanskaar- what happened??
Swara- mere pati permeshwar i cannot walk properly help me
Sanskaar- pati permeshwar !!
Swara- haa now help me
Sanskaar went to help her but she was not able to walk. He carried her and make her sit and car and they drove to his house.
He picked her up and brought her in his room.
Swara- who arranged our marriage??
Swara- don’t tell me it was love marriage
Sanskaar- why?????????????
Swara- you are so unromantic
Sanskaar- So??????????
Swara- it was love marriage?
Sanskaar- yes it was now i will bring food for you you quietly sit here
Swara- was i mad before that i loved him huh
Sanskaar cam with food and made her eat it.
Swara- where are our families??
Sanskaar(with a sad smile)- we don’t have any family you were orphan and my family died in an accident when we were 10
Swara- you know me from childhood
Sanskaar- yes we were best friends
Swara finishes the food.
Swara- sanskaar come here
Sanskaar- what happened
Swara- come here
Sanskaar came near her and she pecked his cheeks and he was shocked but he felt good.
Swara- thank you for helping me
Sanskaar- Thank you vank kyu nakko re baba (don’t laugh all of you Don can add her dialogue anywhere)
Like this only sanskaar handled swara and his office and they started loving each other more deeply. They went to
mall, fun park etc etc on Sundays and enjoyed a lot.
One day
Swara was at home and she called sanskaar as she was not feeling good.
Swara- sanskaar i am not feeling good
Sanskaar- i am coming home wait
He hurriedly went to home as he knew last time swara told she was not feeling good what happened.
Sanskaar- swara where are you see i came
Swara came and hugged him.
Sanskaar- you are not feeling good and i will tell you something funny
Swara- ok tell me something funny about you
Sanskaar- ok when i will small my all friends were of 10 std N knew many thing. A lady living near was pregnant so ovoio her stomach was out my friend told me that if any person’s stomach is out he/she is pregnant i asked them about my uncle Adarsh and they told yess
Swara- omg!!
Sanskaar- and one day when i was painting and my father was doing his work i asked him “Papa is Adarsh uncle pregnant”
Swara- then
Sanskaar- then what he beat me a lot
Swara started laughing and sanskaar also laughed but this moment remained for a short time.
Nikhil- swara baby you look awesome while laughing
They both were shocked seeing him.
Sanskaar- Nikhil why are you here what do you want??? You killed our friends what else do you want??
Swara was shocked listening this.
Nikhil- Awwww sanskaar i want swara and for that i can do anything (takes his gun out) i can do anything
Sanskaar was shocked by his move
Sanskaar- wait Nikhil i will not leave you if you even touch swara
He stepped forward and there was a gun shot.
Swara closed her eyes and shouted sanskaar.
Swara opened her eyes and saw Nikhil holding his blood covered hand. There was police on the door.
Swara remembers how she dialled 100 when sanskaar and Nikhil were talking.
Police arrested the Nikhil and took him.
Swara holds sanskaar’s hand and smiled.
Sanskaar cupped her face and said
Sanskaar- I love you Swara
Swara- I love you too sanskaar
They both hug each other
Swara- no one can separate us
Sanskaar- no one has courage to separate us
The end
Thank you for reading this
I am sorry if it was boring and bad.
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
Nice dear…but did she had her memory or not..
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
I also dont know that as i directed only this much story
but i will surely try to give a sequel of this os
Than I am waiting dear post soon
Thank you so much
Awesome dear…??
And idhar bhi apna signature dialogue
‘thank you vanku nakko re baba’ chipka diya????
You said this once to me also…
Keep writing like this , all the very best for your exams????
Take care?
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
Don apna dialogue kahi bhi laga sakti hai
uski marzi
take care
my exams got over
love you
Ishiiiiiiiii, someone kill me please.!! Oh God! duno why I laughed so much reading the word “Unromantic”..! bacchi u n ur thoughts.!
5g ka jamana hai naaa.! Here your police was too fast.! I love those police..!! ?Loved it Ishi, loved it..! Best wishes from my side. Thnk u.. ;-*
DIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i will cut hands of the one who even tries to harm you
hehe i was also laughing writing this
yess its Don’s Police
hehe sahi hai
love you dii
take care
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
awesome dear…
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
loved it
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
awesome ??
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
Superb dear
Unromantic patidev????
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
Awesome ishuuuuuuu
Sanskar is unromantic?????hehe
I really laughed when I read ur dialogue…:D
Awesome story loved it n love u always
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
i was also laughing while writing
love you shrinju!!!!!!
Superb ishi ?? don can add her signature dialogue anywhere ??
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
Yess Don can do anything she wants
hello guys…i’m new here…i love swasan n got to know people r writing stories on swasan…as i’m missing them want to read stories on them…and this story is awesome dear..n pls tell me how to register our name in telly updates…
hii dear welcome to our family
you can register by Register option on the uppermost bar of this site
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
i hope it helps
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
Nice os..
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
bahut badiya don ji
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?
nice dear…
Thank you so much dear
It means a lot for me ?