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What does International Day of Happiness mean for our TV stars?

Our lives are full of struggle because of COVID-19 and there seems to be no solace expected in the near future. Amid the raging pandemic and its gloomy side effects, what does an International Day of Happiness, which falls on March 20 mean for the stars in our television industry? Let’s find out. A report in TOI reveals what our actors think about the International Day of Happiness.

Kunal Jaisingh: “I believe one need to try to be happy whatever situation it is. Being sad at times is fine and natural but being depressed is not. Looking at what we all are facing today, I feel we need to be kind and especially in response to the COVID pandemic. As we face an ongoing global crisis together, this year’s International Day of Happiness is a chance to find uplifting and positive ways to look after ourselves and one another.”

Shubhangi Atre: “Many people are struggling today to cope and are going through a range of emotions during this time especially after pandemic, and it is very common and understandable. I believe that ups and down are a part of life. But we need to try to be strong enough, and be happy. Happiness is key to unlocking any problems, including the worst of situations. We need to keep patience and trust and keep smiling.”

Abhishek Nigam: “I believe it is essential to be happy at heart and spread warmth and smiles around. For me, happiness is equivalent to family and making them smile makes me happy from within. The feeling of being loved by people for your work is inexplicable for me, and it brings me sheer happiness. I love and enjoy spending time with my family and friends, which makes me smile to the fullest.”

Kajal Pisal : “I feel problems in life are like the night, and they have a new fresh morning. And we just can’t get lost in the darkness of night, we need to wait with the faith that the sun is about to arise. I understand being happy all the time is not possible, as we are very emotional. I would suggest that when we see ourselves disturbed to a level., we need to run away from the situation or the problems but not ourselves. Life is the biggest gift. And being selfish for loving yourself and being happy is not a crime. But with a fact Jiyo aur Jine do. ”

Simba Nagpal:”I believe in bringing happiness in life one need to understand and learn to be calm, wise and kind. There are lot of things outside our control. Let’s remember to breathe and focus on what really matters so we can respond constructively while being calm. Making wise choices helps everyone. Let’s choose positive actions that support our well-being and help others do the same. We’re all in this together, even when we’re forced apart. Let’s stay connected and reach out to help others who may be in need. ”

Sofia Hayat: “There are some basic rights, which we need to follow and one of that is about being happy. We need to make time for ourselves, eat healthily, get plenty of sleep and exercise, connect with loved ones and try to notice what’s good. We need to make time to do something we really enjoy, get moving outside, learn something new or write down three things you’re grateful for.”

Ansh Gupta: “I think one should be happy because a happy mind can think of the solutions to any situation resulting in sadness or depression. I feel one can be happy involving themselves to the activities they enjoy most. For me, its listening to music or playing guitar. That really helps me to boost my mood and stay happy. And if not music then martial arts or workout helps.”

Sumeet Raghavan: “Being with my family, watching them having a good time brings a smile to my face. I believe spreading happiness is about being happy in others happiness and wishing good for everyone. I like to keep myself happy every day with my love for reading books, singing, playing instruments, and in my space. I believe we all should sometimes take a pause, look around and enjoy the small moments of life as that is how one can define pure happiness.”

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