Fan Fiction

Whats My Fault Episode 11

Hi Friends thank you so much for the lovely response and giving me support and I’ll continue as I plan….so now lets start Swasan Tashan…..!!!


Previous : Swara in Sanskaar’s Office as his PA….!!!


Part – 11

IN Sanskaar’s Cabin

After making a call Sanskaar started to wait for the person impatiently,…….

After sometime……
Sanskaar’s Cabin door open and there comes a Handsome Man….Arjun(Arjun Bijllani)

Arjun : Sanskaar’s best friend….a fun loving guy and knows everything about Sanskaar and Swara…in short Sanskaar’s bestie…. Well it’s a positive Entry….so chill guys….!!!

Arrjun comes in Sanskaar’s Cabin and sits infront of him casually….

Arjun(casually) : what happened Sanskaar…why you called me so urgently….is there any problem…,???

Sanskaar(holding his head in his hand and said frustratedly) : you don’t know Arjun there is now only problems in my Life….that Swara has become my head pain….I don’t know what to do….I just…I just don’t know yaar….(he’ll angry)

Arjun(makes him calm and gives a glass of water which was present at table) : Relax Sanskaar now tell me….in detail what’s the matter….and why are you frustrated…???

Sanskaar sighs and tells Arjun everything from starting Swara’s arrival…marriage…torture…and now PA….he was looking at Arjun and wishing that he could suggest him a way to get out from this mess….

Arjun(exclaimes in happiness) : OMG…you mean Swara is alive….it’s good news man…now you don’t have to live in guilt anymore….And what an amazing girl she is…(amusedly)she Swara make you scared….(laughs loudly)hahaha…man I can’t imagine your situation….hahaha(laughs more hardly)

Sanskaar(irritated from his laughing and shouts on him and walks towards window) : Arjun….I called you here for my help…not laughing at me…if you have a solution for my plroblem than tell….(shows the door with hand)otherwise get lost….!!!

Arjun(controls his laugh somehow) : Oh man relax….ok ok I’ll not laugh now…happy??? Ok so you want a solution….(question him)why haven’t you tell her yet about Her Mom and Dida…may be listening to this she forgives you….what’s say…

Sanskaar(happy but still confused) : hmm it’s good idea….but…

Arjun(asks him) : Now what…???

Sanskaar(still has some doubt about Swara) ; if she still didn’t get ready to divorce me than….(walks in cabin angrily)what will I do….I don’t think she will leave me that easily….the way she is toturing me….I don’t know yar….and this marriage…it’s like my biggest punishment….you very well know that I Love Kavita….

Arjun(tries to tell him) : but Sanskaar Kavita is….

Sanskaar(emotionally) ; I know Arjun she is not alive…but still I love her man….and I can’t betray her…what she will be thinking right now….that I betrayed her and marry with Swara….i….I just can’t man…I can’t….

Arjun(shouts on him seeing his delimma and tried to make him understand) : For God Sake Sanskaar….forget her….she is your past…and Swara is your present and future….consantrate on her….

Sanskaar(confused) : what do you want to say….??,

Arjun(calmly) : if you want my opinion…than honestly Man…I’ll give you suggestion to make place in Swara’s heart….I know she wants her revenge for her pain….but you should give her support…after all this whole mess in her life is due to you….and she is a strong girl….she suits you…I think you should forget about divorce and tried to make this relationship work….(tries his best to put some good thoughts on his mind)Sanskaar marriages are not play……when we feel like we marry and when we feel it’s not good we broke it….I know she did wrong by giving you drug and force you to marry her….but you also did the same right….(tried to makes him remember a seen)don’t you remember once you yourself told me that….that you have seen Kavita’s Shadow in Swara….don’t you Remember how you was about to cross your limits(I’ll tell this FB later)….these all are signs to show you both that you both are MADE FOR EACH OTHER….and it’s true if this wasn’t true than Swara would have married with Laksh till now….

Sanskaar(Roared) : ENOUGH Arjun…what are you saying….are you in your senses….the things which you are talking about is just a coincidence….nothing more….and me and Swara for each other….it’s all just your thoughts….

Arjun(angrily) : ok I accept all this is my foolish thinking….then what wrong is in this….(walks towards him and places his both hand on his shoulders)I want to see my one and only best friend happy in his life is it wrong??? And what about the seen where you was almost about to kiss her…tell me….ok if you still don’t want this marriage than file a divorce and I’m sure….you will not be able to get divorce too before….6 months as you both are newly married….and for divorce we need a reason…what will you say in court that you want divorce from Swara because you think you still love your dead Kavita….

Sanskaar(tries to argue) : Arjun….

Arjun(angrily) ; don’t shout Sanskaar….I told you what I felt us right….rest is your wish….I’m going…if you need any help you can call me anytime….

Sanskaar was now so much confused from Arjun’s Talks and was thinking what to do His words”you was about to cross your limits” we’re echoing in his mind….

He sat on the chair and rests his head on the back of chair and thinks something….

*******Flashblack Starts*******

Note : It’s time when Swara was in hospital with Dida when she was coma….when she woke up and found herself in hotel

That time Sanskaar gave her drugs and was taking her with him to hospital….Swara was totally unconscious…….

Sanskaar takes Swara with him to hotel room…..he puts her on bed and was about to leave but he sees hee
face and for one second he was totally lost in her innocent face…

Her silk black hairs were falling on her face and for one second he imagines Swara as Kavitha….

He slowly bends on her as he was totally hypnotized by her echanted beauty and tuckles her hair behind her ear….who were dustubing his view…..

Swara’s pink cheeks Jasmine fragrance and red blood lips were attracting him…. he was about to kiss her but came to senses listening to phone rings…..

He hurridly gets up from bed and left from there worriedly as how he was about to cross his limits…!!!

*******Flashback Ends*******

Soon it was time to left office both SwaSan left to MM but in different cars and Sanskaar was already frustrated and he don’t wanna see Swara’s face…..



Soon after the dinner everyone goes to there room but Sanskaar was still in lounge….

Arjun’s words and talks were irritating him like he’ll so he left the mension angrily…. Swara who was standing at upstairs sees him leaving….she calls someone and instruct him to follow him….


IN SwaSan Room

Swara was in room sitting on bed and thinking something seriously…she was confused it can be clearly seen from her face….but why is she confused….???

Soon she received a call and After cutting the call she gets ready and left the mansion as well…..



Well it’s not fully a PUB ….it’s mix resturent and PUB….at one side there were tables where couples were sitting and at one corner there was a Bar where People were drinking…..Dance floor was at the mid where some couples and boys girls were dancing…..

We See A Man in his mid twienties was sitting at one table and is seen having Wine…..guys it’s not that he act wine to loose senses…..

The man was drinking just than His eyes catches a figure….who was standing at entrance and he was totally suprised not suprised he was shocked seeing that Person…..

So who is that Person???
Who is that Man???
Where is Sanskaar and where did Swara go???


Next : Sanskaar’s New Plan And Swara’s Hot reaction….!!!


So here I’m ending the karti hope you all will like it….but I’m thinking its boring please give your views….!!!!!

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