Fan Fiction


Links for previous chapter is here

Continuation of Ishu’s view from last part

To be honest with you, Om….I am not happy at all. We are now in two different worlds and sailing as lonely passengers though our hearts can never forget each other…Then why, Om ? Why you are not coming here ?

“Your habit of staring at entrance haven’t changed a bit , di”Image result for mona ishqbaazImage result for mona ishqbaaz

Ishu turned back and gets surprised to see Mona……They hug each other…..

Ishana ; So how was your training class ? All well ?

Mona : Well, it was good, I wanna ask why you’re always staring at entrance!!! No one is gonna come and meet you…..I thought you would have come and picked me at railway station….

Ishana : I’m sorry dear, I was engaged in classes…

Mona : Yeah, I know when I came here two hrs. before I find you taking classes as if you are going for a battle…

Ishana : Life itself is a battle, And we all have to fight it …

Mona : [interrupts] Pls, with Om jeeju you have also become Miss Philosopher…..I am not able to bear it…..Okay ?? [mona looks ishu’s eyes and finds them drenched in tears] I didn’t mean to hurt you, Di do you still have feelings for him ?

Ishana : Mmh….I think you should go home and take rest…..We’ll meet at the evening

Mona : Don’t try to hide di….I can read it in your face….

Ishana : Yeah, it’s true, but this will not bring a change……Nothing will change……

Mona : You’re punishing yourself as well as Jeeju and it’s high time you both should meet and sort out things…… One minute, let me call jeeju…..

Ishana : No, You’re not supposed to do anything like that , Is that clear ?

Mona : Di, I am not scared and let me remind you, my age is 18 and it’s my wish to see my di and jeeju together……

Ishana ; Mona, try to understand, everything needs time……. And don’t you think this was easy for me ? I can’t make you to understand the whole things, last but not least it’s our personal lives and I hope you get me ……

Mona : Why can’t you say it directly that I have no rights to interfere ?

Ishana : If you think like that, then it;s better……..

Mona : The frustration which you are showing me before is nothing your ego only…….

Ishana : Mona!![ ishu screams]

Mona : I am telling truth, di……You are an egoistic person and this so called attitude will not bring any benefit to you…..

Ishana : Enough, You have talked too much

Mona : Not at all……A small piece of advice, Just throw this ego and look back yourself ,you will realize what all things you have lost and the most important thing is you have lose your life, that is Omkara Jeeju…….Good bye di….. [mona walks away]

Ishana gets much sad with Mona’s words……

Scene shifts to Press Release 

Om arrives there in his usual artistic attire…..Related image He welcomes media people with a fair smile……

Reporter : After three years gap  Omkara singh oberoi is all set to launch his poetry work ? Is there any special reason for it ?

Omkara : I usually don’t like publicizing my works until it receives best reviews and also it should reach readers hearts……This time before it could reach publishers and readers, I want this should reach at a special person’s  hand….I hope she will watch this program or through any source of media she will get to know about this book……

Reporter : If it’s that much special then seems you both know each other very well……

Omkara : You’re right…..But please don’t cook any story on this , I am doing it because three years taught me much …..This poetry is a dedication to that person who emphasized my feelings and before any one should read this poetry I needs an approval from her for this and if she denies then I will never pen down any thing…..

Reporter ; What’s that, Omkara ? Don’t take this decision in hurry……We all want to know who is that girl and what happened among you both ?

Omkara : Pls, It’s personal……And don’t ask me further questions……

Reporter : But omkara…

Omkara : Pls I have work…. Pls you may leave now……

Khanna : Sir, I will manage these people……

Omkara : Thanks…..[Om leaves]

Scene shifts to Art Hub

Om starts working on a statue ……

He receives a call from…Om picks the call…..

Omkara ; Hello, Who is this ?

There was no response from other side…… Omkara : Ishana…….Is that you ?

Ishana : Omkara!!! 

Omkara takes a deep breath…….

Omkara : I was dying every day to hear your voice…….Ishu……Where are you ??

Ishana : Why you did this to me ?

Omkara : What ??

Ishana : I didn’t expect this from you……You played with our special memories and what was the necessity to mention me there ?

Omkara : So you have watched the press release function….. I didn’t took your name, ishu…..You didn’t left me any choice and I wanted to show you that I have changed……

Ishana : You should have come and meet me directly Om……Three years were not only tough for you, do you get it ?

Omkara : I am not that much brave to look at your eyes  and confess my emotions……..Omkara whom you want to meet , I am still trying on it….

Ishana : What do you mean ?

Omkara : I mean what I said…….Still I am consuming drugs……But ishu, trust me I am not addicted to it and I do remember my promise to quit it and I am trying ….But ishu I can’t lose you any more, Ishu and I was trying to reach you at any cost and that poetry is nothing my heart’s pain which I want to share with you……Without you I can’t live…..

Ishana : Just shut up, Omkara……..I always find you as pure soul and my decision to leave you was to make you realize that those harmful drugs can’t solve your problems, merely they are unwanted stuffs which tags you as a nomad only……I felt I am worthy for your life and certainly you will come back as the soulful artist to hold my hand….. But you have broken my trust…….I understood that now I have no space in your heart…..

Omkara : Ishu, Ishu….Pls don’t say like these…… I promise you this time I will quit drugs……

Ishana : Stop it Omkara…….It’s better you don’t make any promise which are good for nothing……I don’t believe in words of a drug addict…….[ishu cuts the call]

Omkara : Ishu…Ishu……. Om throws the phone and starts throwing things….Ishu’s words were raising so high that Om wasn’t able to manage himself……Om’s eyes went on the syringe and bottle which were fallen on floor……He took them all of  a sudden and stared ishu’s photo frame which was hanged on the wall….. 

Scene shifts to Ishu’s Dance Academy

Heart broken Ishu removes her anklet and weeps in tears…..



Ishana : Even if I wish also I am not able to hate you, Om…….I can’t do it …..”

“If you can’t hate, then I won’t ask you to love me, but pls don’t leave me……..Ishu…….” Ishu turns back and gets shocked to see Omkara….

Ishana : How dare you ?? Get out, Om…..

Omkara : Ishu  Om holds Ishu’s hand……. I beg you, pls stay with me ………

Ishana : Om!!! [ishu looks om’s eyes and finds they were turning red , om was finding hard to take breath……] Om!!! What happened ?

All of a sudden Om faints down…….  Ishu screams ….”Om”

Scene shifts to City Hospital…….

Ishana : Doctor , How’s Om ??

Doctor : His condition is critical……..Anything can happen………I think you should inform his family about this…….

Ishana : What ?? Pls save my omkara……Pls……

Doctor : Let me try my level best…..Rest only god knows….

Ishana rushes to observation room and looks Om’s face…….. She touches Om’s hand……..

Ishana ; Om, Wake up pls……I won’t leave you , pls wake up…..Pls wake up, Om…..

Doctor : It’s so hard for to make him conscious again…….Heavy dosage of drugs has badly affected his brain and his body has almost become weak…….He is such a young talented guy and I wonder why he consumed drugs…..

Ishana : Doctor, I want my Omkara back……

Doctor : Let me discuss with panel as this case seems complicated….Moreover if he gets back normal also, we can’t imagine what will be his condition……

Ishana : Doctor, pls…….Why are you saying so ?

Doctor : I am telling facts only…… Any ways I will check him after an hour……Excuse me….

Ishu looks Om’s face again and gets worried…….





Sun always rises and spreads light, but sun flower expect sun to lime light and may be sun is not able to do it. But sun will show care through twilight.True love will succeed

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