Fan Fiction



Hello Ishkarians, First of all Happy Ramzan to all……May god give u all more and more strength to live life to the fulliest way….. Thanks a lot for the response for previous parts. Kindly read this one and please drop your views.

Continuation from last part

Ishu walked towards the verandah with a heavy heart. She felt ….“I really felt I knows Om well, but something has happened in his life and he is unable to reveal that incident to me which brought him to this state of mind…..I need to find it ?”

Ishu’s eyes quickly strike at Khanna who was rushing towards the room…..Khanna looked Ishu’s eyes …

Khanna : Wooh, wooh Omkara sir !!!

Ishana : Khanna, what’s happening with my Om ??

Khanna : I didn’t get you, Ishana mam

Ishana : You were the only person who stayed with my Om during these past three years and I think better than me you knows him very well…….Pls tell me the truth, when and why Om started consuming drugs ?? Pls…..

Khanna : Wooh..

Ishana : Khanna, It’s really important for me, I can’t lose him ……

Khanna : Mam, it’s too late……I know it and Om sir has prohibited me to reveal his pain, he is been separated from his family , his brothers and can you ever imagine about that ? ?

Ishana : What ??

Khanna : His own sister blamed him as the murderer of her husband Ranveer ……..

Ishana : What !!! Om told me that it was an accident !!!

Khanna : Mam, I can’t explain any more , Om sir has a habit of diary writing and it is kept at the store room of Art Hub…….Whatever he wants to tell , whatever he wants to share with you, everything is there…….

Ishana : Khanna, The way doctor has explained Om’s condition , I feels I should inform about this to his brothers, at least to Shivaay bhaiya……

Khanna : No Mam, Pls don’t take any step in hurry as that will make Om sir’s mind…….

Ishana : I do understand this as doctor explained me how his brain has been severely affected due to this dosage of drugs, He hasn’t gained consciousness till now……

Khanna : And I am worried once he open his eyes if he didn’t get heroin , then what will happen ??

Ishana : If it’s that much hazardous, then I will stand with Om and make him to fight with his full power for resisting it….

Khanna : It’s not a game for kids, Mam…….He will become violent and don’t know how he will react at that time…..He will punch his hand, he can break things and some times he will attack whoever stands with him if he didn’t get it…..This can hurt you much….

Ishana : I don’t bother about hurt as I am still alive with a willingness to face everything even after being hurt by the one whom I admire and Love to the extreme level….. I am always Om’s Love and will stay as his love forever and if I got injured or hurt or may be if it leads me to death also, I am not scared and I am not broken any where as I love om very much…..I love Om very much…….

Ishana breaks into tears and quickly ran  towards  ward and started knocking on door….. Khanna called her back, but she didn’t stopped….

Doctor : What’s happening there ?

Nurse : Doctor that girl…

Doctor : Tell her to come inside……

Ishu rushed inside ….Ishana : Doctor, Omkara……You have to save him at any cost……Doctor…

Doctor : Relax, He will get his consciousness within few minutes and I told you to stay away because it’s  a matter of risk….

Ishana : Risk, my foot !!! If you can’t save him,then why are you here ?? I will take him to another hospital…..

Doctor : Wherever you take him, every one will say like me……Some will say it more clear and more rude also…….Got it ??

Ishana : Om!!! Om!!!! [ishu screams in pain and sits beside Om]

After a while Om started blinking his eyes and started taking breathe fast……His hands were shivering and seeing Om like that Ishu hold his hand ……. Om tightens the hold and and started turning his head here and there……His whole body was shivering in pain and Om screamed “Ah….” Om scrolled on bed and sprung upwards which made every one shocked…… Ishana quickly  hugged Om ……

Ishana : Om, nothing has happened……Calm down, Om!!! Calm down…..

Doctor : Ishana, stay away from him……

Ishana  didn’t listened to doctor and moreover she was trying to hold Om more close towards her body…..But this went worse effect on Om as his mind was habituated to hallucination and Om pushed ishu from his body and ishu fell down at the floor…… Om rise up from the bed and started walking towards door, mean while doctor signed nurse to call guards…..Ishu stood up and  tried to stop Om by holding his hand tightly……

Ishana : Om, Om…….Calm down……

As ishu was not ready to leave hand, Om bite her wrist vein constantly until guards came and made him to lie at the bed……..Nurse dressed ishu’s wound quickly…..Guards tied Om’s hand with rope……

Ishana : No!!! You can’t do this to my Om……

Doctor : Why don’t you understand, Ishana ? He is mad and aggressive……If we will leave him then he will find any way to get drugs and it will be horrible, we can’t imagine what will he doing next time…….Now he has bite your hand and next time he can hurt you brutally , may be at madness he will try to kill you……

Ishana : So you are leaving Om like these only??? You can’t do anything……

Doctor : See, nurse has injected antigen and it’s a temporarily solution which will brought him back to normal after some time……But ishana, seeing this hallucination and examining his reports ,it’s hard to say whether we can make him ready for the operation ………I have talked with experts and by tomorrow they will arrive here…….They will study this case and tell details…..You  need to take care of yourself also…….

Ishana : Yeah……

As they left Khanna came inside and looks Om….Om has again fallen asleep…..

Khanna : Ishana Mam…

Ishana : Before saying anything , I just want to say onething…….I want to read that diary , Khanna……Pls …..It’s a request….

Khanna : But!!!

Ishana : My Om is not able to handle himself because he himself is running away from his heart and if it continues then Om will never be back to the world of colors ……I feel regret for myself that at his difficult time, I stayed away from him , my heart’s hurt is not prior than that of Om’s life……..I want to know what all things happened in his life……Pls…..

Khanna : Ishana mam, Omkara sir always said me to leave him and some times he slapped me also for hiding drugs…..But once the madness get over he hugs me and weeps like a kid and I would have told you all these earlier……But the truth is that the day when he ran away from rehab centre, he realized he has become a drug addict…….And when you questioned this he reacted to you rudely and ask to end things because he knows if he will open his heart then you will never go as you loves him very much………He don’t want to put your life in risk…….That’s why he behaved like that……

Ishana : And I felt I have no space in his life and I separated myself from him, in fact he separated me from him for the sake of me, this love is so strange, how much tests it gives and how much conflicts it brings us,but every time you need to understand that you have fallen in love , it’s not a game to quit , not a place to leave …..It’s a feeling of heart……. Om has loved me more than what I expected and I can’t leave him as he has promised me to become the pure artist Omkara whom I admire from heart and he has to do it for me……

Khanna : Mam,still you have time……Think once more….

Ishana : I am with my Om , can’t you see that, Khanna ?? And if it’s a matter of leaving, then you would have left him already, won’t you ?? But you didn’t did it, because I knows the Omkara which we admire is alive and one day we will be able to see that wonder……

Khanna : You’re right mam……. I will expecting that day to see his canvas doing wonders…….I will bring diary……

Ishana : Thank You……

Khanna leaves…..Ishu stares Om and removes the rope………Om started twirling his eyebrows, ishu keeps her palm on Om’s cheek….Om slowly opened his eyes and looks ishu……

Omkara : Ishu, Tum!!!

Ishana : How are you feeling now ??

Omkara : I feels pain on my head and feels like it has hit somewhere……..I…I…..Water!!

Ishana makes Om to have water, Om passes his fingers on her palm…..

Omkara : This wound!!!

Ishana : [smiles] Nothing serious!!! It will heal soon…..

Omkara : No!!! A mad man has done this to you and the way he has brought wounds to your heart, it can never be healed soon……What will you gain by staying with me ,ishu ?? As you said u can’t trust words of a drug addict ,I am reminding that truth to you again……When I can’t trust myself then there is no use of being with me…….I asked you to stay with me at that time because I felt I will never be able to see you again…..

Ishana : Om!!!!

Omkara : Ishu, I ate one sleeping pill, just one only……. I thought to ate whole bottle, but my desire to see you stopped me in midst and after eating that one pill, I drive towards the dance academy ……..Just wish your presence at my last breath!!!

Ishana : Om!!!! Pls …..don’t say like that……

Omkara : Now I have no pains as you are with me at this painful moment……. [om kisses on  ishu’s wounded palm and stares ishu] I am sorry!!! Let me tell you again ishu, pains can’t be healed……..[om takes her palm from his cheek] I don’t deserve you, and your love to me……[om shuts his eyes] Just go away ……Ishu…….Go from me…..

Ishana : If you have courage to say “Go away,Ishu” then open your eyes and look at my eyes…….And tell it before my face…….Just like that day you said to end up everything….

Omkara : No!!!! I am unable to do like that again, I can’t bear your tears before my eyes……Those tears are severe than pain and I am not able to see them at any cost…..

Ishana :  If you really wants me to leave from your life and your heart, then ….You have to do it, Om!!! You have to look at my face and speak ……..

Om opened his eyes and stares ishu’s eyes……..Without a second thought Om hugs Ishu……. Omkara : I can’t live without you , ishu………But I can’t assure you anything……I can’t promise you anything as I can’t keep my words……

Ishana : I don’t need any assurance and not any promises, Just keep loving me like these……Whatever you feels just hold me to your chest and I will hear your heart…….Pls don’t separate me from this heart……..

Ishkara release themselves from hug….

Omkara : You can’t find any rhythm there , no more beautiful poetry exists as it is away from purity , no more art is there as nothing inspires it and what you will find is unending conflicts and the poisonous intoxication which is killing my soul every day, every minute and each second……You wants to stay at these kind of heart ?

Ishana : I want to stay because you have said truth to me and it need much courage, Om…..You’re honest towards your heart and what else I need to stay there ??

Omkara : Ishu!!! Do you think it’s possible forever to stay at my heart ?

Ishana : I don’t know about possibility , Om….What I knows is at this time we are together and our hearts are together……

Omkara : This togetherness started in lending your blood and I don’t know next moment what will happen to me and how I am going to behave ?? If I will wring your neck , then? [ishu smiles] You’re smiling, you don’t feel scare ?

Ishana : Why should I feel scare ? Whatever happened I know you intentionally didn’t done it and I knows you very well..

Omkara : Ishu, this is a question of life , apart from heart you need to take a decision……

Ishana : Why you are thinking these much ?

Omkara : Because I don’t want to lose you , ishu……

Ishana : Exactly, I too don’t want to lose you, Om…….[ishu holds om’s hand] Definitely something better will will come and as you thinks if nothing will come also , just leave them that way…..If we are with each other then better than what will make our life beautiful ?? 

Om and Ishu stare each other’s eyes……..

Ishana : Om!!! What ??

Omkara : Nothing, I was thinking of ending life few hrs. back , but now I really want to live…….I want to live with you…….


Ishu kisses on Om’s forehead……..They share en eyelock…….Bgm…..”Gham hai ya khushi hai tu…
Gham hai ya khushi hai tu, Meri Zindagi hai tu…
Afaton ke daur mein… chain ki ghadi hai tu, Meri Zindagi hai tu…
Meri raat ka chirag… meri nind bhi hai tu, Meri Zindagi hai tu…
Main fiza ki shaam hun… rut bahar ki hai tu, Meri Zindagi hai tu…
Doston ke darmayan… waj-he dosti hai tu, Meri Zindagi hai tu…
Meri saari umr-a mein… ek hi kami hai tu, Meri Zindagi hai tu…


Khanna brings diary and finds Om sleeping on Ishu’s lap……He keeps the diary  and signs ishu to read them……Ishu and Khanna gently placed pillows and made Om to lie on them….

Ishana : Thanks, Khanna….

Khanna : I am seeing him sleeping calmly after much time, Mam…… Mam, pls don’t say that I have brought this one to you and be careful that omkara sir won’t find this one here….

Ishana : Don’t worry, Khanna…..I will take care…..Good night….

Khanna : Good night, Mam……[khanna leaves]

Ishu opens the diary and start reading them…….She finds a pencil sketch of Prinku in it…..Beside it was written …”Prinku pehalwan..'” Ishu smiles….

Ishu continues to read Om’s diary……

” I felt My prinku pehalwan has grown up now as today choti maa said about her marriage” 

Scene shifts to a flash back…….SHIVOMRUPRINKU ARE SHOWN……..

Rudra : Prinku kee shaadi hogi, prinku kaa sehara sajega, prinku ghodi pe chadega…..”

Shivom : Shut up, Rudy

Rudra : Oh Hello, what’s your problem ?

Prinku : Rudy bhaiya you’re a copy cat, thing is this one is made by anika bhabhi only and it’s for shivaay bhaiya…… And why you’re singing this one for me ? Sing something new naa..

Rudra : O, she is right……Just teach me a poem, I will sing it for prinku…

Omkara : Are you serious ?

Rudra : Of course, O

Omkara : Ok, then listen….Zindagi ke mehfil mein guzare huye….

Rudra : Stop, stop, stop!!! These much big shayaris and all, I am not able to learn spelling properly at school and you’re teaching me these much bigger lines…..O, not fair…

Prinku : Oh!!! Bhaiya, grow up!!! You’re not a kid

Shivaay : This is my dialogue, prinku……

Omkara : Relax,rudy you just do a dance step……Trust me no one can beat you……

Shivaay : What about me ? [shivaay shows signature style]

Rudra : No one can do this…..Rudy removes his shirt and gives a pose….

Omkara : Oh My maata!!! U guys will do swags only, can’t you see ladke waalas are coming to see your sisters ???

Shivaay : Om!!!

Omkara : All of you did something, I just tried it……

Shivaay, rudy, prinku and om laughs…..They hold each others hands and says…..”ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL “…Lafzon kaa yeh rishta hein plays as BGM……



Sun always rises and spreads light, but sun flower expect sun to lime light and may be sun is not able to do it. But sun will show care through twilight.True love will succeed

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