Categories: Fan Fiction Original

When the Passion of Love Cross the Limits it will set fire – Tale of Nivedita and Veeranshu {Part 2 }

Nivedita : Bhabhi …..Few days back I went for attending the conference  at Mumbai.

Ritu : Yeah ….But why are you saying it  now ? Anything happened there ?

Nivedita : The hotel at which I was staying…..Whole night I was staying …

Ritu : Nivi !! Why you are so much tensed ? Still you are thinking about that night ?

Nivedita suddenly gets shocked….

Nivedita ; That night!!!

Nivi you informed me that day itself your superior officer has told you and some  employees to stay at the hotel that night because some of the officials are coming from abroad and their flight was delayed . So the presentation which you was about to present that day got postponded to next day afternoon. That was the first time you was staying alone in a hotel room at night and you was much scared about Chetan . You was telling me will Chetan Bhaiya scold me ? Because he usually don’t like if I work for overnight ….Nivi I have explained all these to Chetan very clearly. Fact is Chetan is concerned about you . You know well about your bhaiya ……Did he said anything to you ?

Nivedita :No…

Ritu : Then why you are so tensed ? Nivi so many girls these days works in nights . The time has changed. We are middle class family and it’s quite natural here women and girls prefer to come back home by 6 pm and men of our family are not against of working women. Just that as part of safety and concern they tells us to choose jobs which can be finished by evening….Hein naa..


Nivedita didn’t says anything…

Ritu : Why you are not saying anything ? You cried in the morning because of this reason only ?

Suddenly Nivedita hugged Ritu…Ritu pat her back…

Ritu : Pagal ladki kahin kee…..Itni choti baat pe kaun rota hein ?

Nivedita : Bhabhi you suddenly reminded me Maa….If Maa was with us….

Ritu : Nivi!! God called her soon . But mein hoon naa …Bhabhi bhi toh maa jaisi hein…..Any ways I need to prepare coffee for Paapa ji/

Nivedita : Bhabhi I will make coffee for Paapa…I swear I won’t burn anything..

Ritu : Okay…..

Ritu smiles and goes inside..

Nivedita thought : Bhabhi trusts me a lot. But what if at that night did I made any mistake ? No ….How can I……But how I reached in that starnger’s room, in his bed ….How ? And who was he ? Did I really slept with him ? Did I made any mistake or did he misused me ?   God !!! This thought is destroying my peace of mind….

Suddenly Nivedita receieved a message at her phone regarding a party.

Nivedita called her colleague and her colleague informed since the company which she was working had cracked a deal with Star International and had become Number One to celebrate the success a party is being organized at a hall during evening. All company staff are invited there. Nivedita didn’t felt to go there.

Chetan arrived home….

Chetan : Nivi , Nivi kahan hein ?

Ritu : She is with Paapa Ji only.

Chetan : You know what Nivi’s company has achieved a major victory. The whole media is discussing about it…

Ritu : Is it ?But Nivi didn’t told me anything. In fact she was upset today .

Chetan : Why ?

Ritu : You scolded her na for that night staying in hotel

Chetan : I can’t believe she felt bad these much. I mean I already appologized her and being her big brother when my sister didn’t came home and it was getting late night I was very tensed. But as soon as she said why the conference got postponded I realized I should have not scolded her…Did I scolded that much Ritu ?

Ritu : It’s over. She was little upset and I have consoled her. Now she is with Paapa Ji….

Chetan  : Okay. I will tell the good news to Paapa Ji also.

Nivedita : Bhaiya ….What are you saying ? In whole media….You mean my office….

Chetan : Yes Nivi….It’s not easy to combine with Star International. They hardly choose any business enterprise from India. And see your company has achieved it…Now you salary will be also doubled…

Nivedita’s phone rings. She ignores it….

Harshit : Why are you cutting the phone call ?

Nivedita : Paapa it’s not important. My colleagues are telling about a useless party as our company got this business deal and all are celebrating it in everning….I am not interested to attend it..

Harshit : Why ? Just because Chetan and  I scolded you…..Nivi  I am sorry. That day I was upset because your phone was also switched off…But after wards you called us and clarified things to Ritu and I realized I would not have burst out anger on you…..

Chetan : Yeah Nivi..I am also sorry. I over reacted that day…But please don’t get upset.

Nivedita : Bhaiya that’s already over. And trust me I haven’t felt bad at all…I can understand it.

Harshit : Then why you are refusing to attend the party ?

Ritu :Nivi…..none of us will scold you…Okay….You may please go and attend the party.

Chetan : Exactly. You are one of the efficient employee at your office and I guess you should go….

Harshit : Beta, Feel free and enjoy with friends….These type of celebrations won’t happen usual.

Chetan and Ritu : Haan Nivi..You should go and attend the party.

Nivedita : Okay….I will attend the party.

At the Party Hall 

Nivedita wasn’t happy at all. One of her friend enquired what happened to her. But she ignored everyone by staying silent. All her colleagues were dancing and enjoying. But she was sitting alone in a corner.

Suddenly the sound from a gun made every one as shocked…..Nivedita got hell shocked to see the person who was holding the gun …..He was none other than the st stranger whom she saw that night …..

His eyes stared Nivedita sharply and Nivedita felt much fear with the way he stared her…..

Hey who are you ? What’s this non sense ?  Some body asked  him

Veeranshu : It’s better if you all go out soon . Other wise my guards will target guns on you all….

Saying this he forcefully held Nivedita’s hand

Nivedita : What are you doing ?Leave me please.. Who are you ?

Veeranshu : You won’t remember me ? Seriously ?

He looked her in anger and she felt much fear at his gaze…

Hey who are you ? Leave Nivedita’s hand….And how you came inside…This is the even organized by our company and only company staffs are allowed….Without permission of our CEO you can’t enter here…We will call security….

Veeranshu ; Before damaging my reputation this girl Nivedita didn’t asked my permission and why the hell I need to ask her for ….

Nivedita : Listen …Please leave me….Please…

Veeranshu  : Guards!!

The guards of Veeranshu surrounded the whole area holding guns…. All got scared….Veeranshu forcefully takes Nivedita into his car…

Nivedita : What you want ? Why are you doing this ?

Veeranshu : Do you know who am I ?

Nivedita : No….

Veeranshu : So is this your daily routine  to sleep with random guys during nights ..

Nivedita : What ? What non sense are you saying ? I will complaint to the police …You are kidnapping a girl and it’s a crime….Please leave me…I beg you please leave me

Veeranshu : And what about me ? That night …..Guys don’t have self respect , don’t they have any emotions ? You played with my life and went away…..

Nivedita gets shocked …..

Veeranshu ; My marriage was fixed and it got cancelled. You know why ?Because a video got viral in which a cheap girl was running from my hotel room in hurry covering her face with scarff…..If you are a self esteemed girl then why you entered in my room ?

Nivedita : I don’t remember anything. What I know is that night when I wake up I saw I am in bed with you ….You was sleeping and I was very much feared…..I didn’t had the guts to wake up you and ask anything. So I ran from there covering my face….But how you find me ?

Veeranshu shows an Identity Card.

Nivedita : This is my ID card…My office’s ID card…..From where did you get this ?

Veeranshu : Criminals always leaves a trace of evidence for the police doesn’t matter how cunning they are…..From the bed ……

Nivedita : I am not a criminal and I didn’t had the intention to do any harm to you..Please believe me…..Please …..

Veeranshu : We have reached the spot. Get down from the car.

Veeranshu opens the car door .Nivedita felt everything as strange…

As soon as she get down from the car she saw a woman standing there.


Veeranshu ; Your culprit is here Mom, Nivedita..

Rupali : Veer !! Go to your room…I will talk to her…

Nivedita : What’s happening here ?

Rupali : You are our guest . So first let you have some food . Then we can talk camly beta.

Nivedita : Aunty…..I don’t know anything…..Please believe me…

To be continued…

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