chapter : 1

Kartik’s pov

i woke up in the morning , with the sun rays falling on my face. i woke up and touched the photo of my life – my naira . i pecked the picture and tears formed in my eyes while i remembered the night where our lives turned upside down . she left me all alone . well i don’t blame her but i hate her too. how can she let me suffer for 5 years but somewhere deep down i know that i love her . i don’t know it’s way too complicated somewhere down the lane i m guilty but somewhere i am hating her . my trance of thought was broken when vansh came and sat with me . he was a great support system to me . i played with him , had my breakfast and went to the office . the same cabin with a photo of my life . the same cabin where i spent 5 years of my life drowning myself in work , the same cabin where i dreamt of dancing and romancing with naira but i hate her . i know i did a mistake a huge one , but you can’t expect someone to feel guilty for 5 years . you can’t expect a person to mourn for you their whole life . i spent the rest of my day in my office . went back to home late night and sat on our bed which was currently not ours but mine , kept my hands on my face and bursted into crying . crying was a habit for me i could say. they were my best friend in these 5 years. i wanted to go to naira , find her and say that i love her and i am sorry but unknown to me she is not in udaipur and it will take me my whole life to find her in this big world ! i love you my sherni and i miss you . i drove to sleep while thinking about her !

kartik pov ends

Naira’s pov

It’s been 5 year’s to that day which I never thought would come in my life…my Kartik questioned my character and….and..my family the people whom I considered my life also did not trust me…if I did not have Vedika and Mishti by my side I could not give birth to kairav…I have this fear inside my heart which any how I cannot remove…I know if i  take kairav to udaipur no one will trust me and they will accuse kairav as my and mihir’s son….From that horrific day I hate to admit that I was a Singhania and Goenka at any point of my life…..The reason why I live is only because of Kairav… Mishti even broke all the ties with Singhania’s and Vedika acted as my sister when my real sister was a temporary character in my life….how can gayu di do that…she was with mithali…what f**king wrong did I do with her….My day start’s from Kairav and ends with kairav….I went down and saw Vedika and Mishti cooking and singing songs I know they do it everyday to lighten my mood..I just love them!

naira pov ends


Hey peeps !! that’s it for this chapter!! hope you like it!! guys please comment as it takes a lot of effort for thinking and writing i get only 1 comment minimum on the chapters which discourages me to write more ..please comment guys

Thank you




stanning yrkkh!!

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