Where is Heart There is Life (Episode 13)

the episode starts with the robber pointing a gun to sam. the robber looks at sam with a smile.sam scares. the robber says its not wise to run when robbers attack u. sam swets.sam says i wont give u my bag. im not fool. i dont scare of anyone. another robber says to the first robber boss i think shes very much stubbon. he says yes and thats why we will shoot her first and then we will go with her bag. sam starts to shout. the robber stops her mouth by holding. the robber is preparing to shoot and sam closes her eyes. at the same time they hear a loud sound and sees headlight of a bike. the bike comes towards them and stops at the spot. the bike rider (wearing helmet)starts to beat the robbers. he asks the robbers while beating will u again do robbery? the robbers say no and asks to forgive them. the bike rider says okay but promise me that u wont repeat it. they promise him and runs away.sam comes near him and says thank u very much. the man removes his helmet and says i had to do this. sam says neil? the face is shown and its neil.neil says where is sarminder singh there is her idiot. sam says thank u neil. if u havent come in my life then what would happened to me? she huges neil. neil looks on. jina jina plays………………
neil says with a air of breath r u okay? did u get hurt? sam says calm down. nothing happened to me. neil shouts at her and says what was the need to coming home alone? if anything happened to u? sam says nothing can happen to me till my idiot is with me.sam smiles. neil says lets go now.i will drop u at home.sam rides on the bike. neil starts the bike. theres a soft breez and a beautiful environment. sam is in good mood because of this beautiful environment. she keeps her hand on neils shoulder. neil looks on.

arjun is his home and packing his bag for the trip. he looks at the photo(the same photo which he looking while sitting near sea beach). he closes his eyes.(fb shows that a teenager boy and girl who r in that photo r playing. the boy says try to reach me radhika.he runs.she tries to catch him.she says arjun i will catch u)arjun opens his eyes. he holds the photo tighly and again closes his eyes.( fb shows that the same boy and girl r sitting in the garden. the boy says im sorry.i have to go mumbai for moms treatment.the girl says its okay.ur mom is ur priority.but promise me u will become a doctor and will help women who r sick like ur mother. the boy promises her. they hug each other.)arjun opens his eyes and keeps the photo in his bag. he says ur my life radhika. through i hadnt saw u after leaving rishikesh and dont how u used to look when u grown up and before i see u when u grow up u left the world. but still i love u. and i realised it after coming to mumbai.

anu is packing her bag.madhvi comes and asks r u done with ur packing?anu says almost. madhvi says dont forget to eat timely and call me everyday. anu says okay. madhvi says i will miss u dear. anu says me too.they hug.

sam is with neil in his bike.sam says enjoy the air of mumbai neil. its so fresh.sam closes her eyes and extends her both hand towards left and right. sam says its fun to live ur life when u can lead it with ur terms.neil laughes and says did u watch any melodramatic film today? u r telling heavy dialouges today.sam gives a punch to neil neil says ouch! why u r beating me? sam says u r ruinning my mood.neil says its fun to ruin someones good mood.

sam and neil reaches to sams house. neil says go to home now its already late. and dont again show courage to come home at late night alone. sam holds her ears and says okay.i did a mistake to come home alone at night. and i did bigger mistake than this is that i took ur help. why r u again and again telling me the same thing neil. neil says okay. i wont tell it to u again. now happy?sam says very happy. neil says bye. sam says good bye and pls reach to hospital at time we have to go for trip. neil says okay. sam goes. neil sees sam going and says to himself no matter what i try hard only to keep friendship with sam but i cant stop me from loving sam. sam looks behind and comes to neil. she says dont tell mom about todays incident otherwise she will worry for me. neil says okay. now go. sam goes.

precap: everyone is in the hospitals garden. they r waiting for bus. but the bus havent come yet. dr gupta asks dr jasmin where is the bus? dr jasmin looks shockingly and says oh no! dr gupta asks what happened?dr jasmin says i forgot to book the bus. everybody gets shocked.

credit to: Natasha

kfar,deepa,anu,thena,tanya,ireena,saji,seher,tasnim,mandy,samiha,abi,mitty,happy, raashi,devga,riya,nandhini,dipika,valli,lulu,sona,kanishka,niku,nisha,kryti,devi,daizy,jayru,anuradha, arjun, clara, zara, zoya, swara, mira, brity, susmi, muskan, harani, aparna, hayathi, zayn, naomi, akhi, sweety, unab, rose, jasvin j kaur, twinkle, deepika, shub, paru, moon,sriti, anwesha, aradhana, abbz, sneha, aastha, misty, shanpriya, kavya, chinni, unknown, ankitha and all silent readers(sorry if i have forget to write anyones name) pls give me ur feedbacks so that i can improve my quality of writing.if dont comment then how will i know if u r liking my story or not? pls keep me in touch with u through all ur comments.its become difficult to go everyones page everyday because of my studies and other work.so if anyone only comment on one’s page then its become difficult to keep me in touch with her.

guys i really want to continue our friendship and its my little try to give my friends some happiness through this story written by me.and forgive if my writting is not up to the mark and if theres any type of typos as i havent read it after writting and i have written it in small parts in 5 days.


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