Manmohini started on Zee TV recently. The supernatural show revolves around Mohini, who is an unfulfilled soul, who longs for her lover Rana Sa. She finds Rana Sa reincarnated as Ram. She has been longing for Rana Sa’s love and union since 500 years. She wants to snatch Ram from his wife Siya. She starts giving a tough competition to Siya. Ram and Siya’s battle begins against the immortal spirit Mohini.
Colors’ Tantra brings a story of Khanna family, who make a lavish house after many years of hard work. Khanna family resides in the dream house. They have no idea about the evil spirits residing in the house. Khanna family have to deal with the cursed house. The show explores a sweet and strong relationship of the father-daughter, along side the big obstacles. The loving family will be fighting against the strong evil influence.
Colors’ Sitara revolves around the main protagonist Sitara, who is actually a Vishkanya. Sitara is raised by her father, who makes her away from her demonly mother. He is sure that Sitara won’t possess the evil poison and roots of her mother. He gives her a good upbringing. Sitara uses her supernatural powers for the betterment of humanity. She gains guidance from her father to overcome obstacles.
Sony’s Ladies Special brings a tale of three individuals from different walks of life. The train passengers who meet in a local train become great friends. They get sharing their problems and also come up with solutions. They become inspiring figures for each other by walking ahead with bright hope.
Sony’s Patiala Babes brings a sweet tale, highlighting the close bond of a mother and daughter. The progressive relation of Minnie and her mother Babita is seen. Minnie wants her to survive well in the fast moving world. Minnie helps Babita in exploring a new life smartly. She ensures a promising journey for Babita.
Which new show won your interest? You may select upto two choices.
Patila babes, tantra, ladies special and sitara…. All 4 shows are amazing??????
MANMOHINI & TANTRA…. Both r fab shows n i am following tantra regularly…. I m very happy they removed silsila the controversial saga from 11pm’s slot and introduce tantra… The casting, visuals all gives it a hollywood show feel and Manmohini is absolutely mindblowing !!

Manmohini is fabulously great!!!!!???
I liked mohini’s acting as a 500 year old chudail!!!!
Siya and Ram’s chemistry is sizzling!!!!!!!????
I like Ladies special
Sitara and patiala babes

Mind blowing…
patiala babes and ladies special are great
Patiala Babes and Ladies Special are something different and worth watching.
Silsila… is just dragging on.