Whispers of Lock-Up Walls #RiAnsh #Part-5

Chapter 5
05|| Quest Begins & Danger||
Let’s Begin
The Episode starts with …..
She was dumbstruck as she heard the bomb explode , it’s her own car , but , how is the explosion button is in her own mobile ? When a message popped on her phone from an unknown number ,
She glanced at it ,
The Message :
Hello Advocate Shivangi , I am your unknown enemy …. , Don’t try to find who am I , because you are never going to meet me now … And even before you meet me , you will meet your death !!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️
” Who the hell is this ?? Huh ! He thinks himself to be smarty , not it’s his stupidity ” she thought to herself ,
Booking a cab , she left from there ,
Evening ,
” Kaka !! I am going out on some work , will come soon ” she informed
” ok betiya …. Take care !! ” He replied
He is her father figure always taking care of her
She left in her , after almost 15 minutes of driving , when she near to her destination , her phone rang , she answered the call ,
On call :
” Haan kaka …” she answered
” Betiya !!! ” he sounded terror-stricken
” Kaka …. What happened … Whats the matter that’s fearing you ?? ” She asked concerned
” Shivangi beta … I got a call from some unknown guy that your car has no BRAKES !! ”
” WHATTTTT !!! ” She said shocked ….
Phone fell from her hand , and what he could hear is some sounds of crashing from the phone ,
He instantly dialled angre’s number to inform him that something is wrong ,
At jail :
” Boss …. I brought food for you …” Angre said placing the cover with food on the wooden table inside the cell
” I am not interested !!! How many times should I say ?? ”
” Please boss . …… ” When he gets a call ,
On call ,
” Yes uncle …..”
” Angre beta. ….. Shivangi is in danger …” He says and informs him everything
” What happened angre…..?? ”
” Boss …. Shivangi is in trouble …. I will be back soon ”
He drove off towards the same destination she headed before .
But as he was going on his way, a red flag stopped him , it’s shivangi . He got out of his car
” Shivangi …..Are you fine ?? ”
” Yah …. ”
” There is not even a single scratch over your body ?? How? ”
” So do you want me to get into a fatal accident and die ?? …..Then let me fulfill your wish !” She said going towards a truck which is heading towards them , he pulled her in the nick of time before the truck could hit her
” Are you mad or what ? I asked you casually !! ”
“Huh!! Causally !! …. , Vaise , I got a message from someone today after the first hearing , it’s clear that he is a male and your boss’s enemy because he stopped before I went there , maybe he don’t want me to know anything related to ragini’s death , maybe …… He is the KILLER?!”
” it’s possible ….. But … You must be careful , but …. Wait a minute , how did you controlled your car which has no brakes ? And where is it ?? ”
” It’s in a garage , I gave it for repairs , and there are people too , who need some repairs to be done ”
And then she started narrating how she was saved ……
(Flashback )
She was driving her car when she heard kaka say her that there are no brakes for her car , she instantly applied brakes rashly and the phone fell down from her hands , her car spinned in a circular motion and the trunk (back ) of the car hit a tree , and the car stopped , while she fell on the steering wheel .
” Bravo !!! I never expected this side from you !! ”
” There are still soo many shades to show …. Anyways …. I am leaving towards my destination , my search begins now !!! ”
How’s it ??
Precap : last episode
This short story is going to end by tomorrow …. Till then take care bye bye and #DDD di …. Can I know your name please ….. It’s soo true that there are none in telly now , I miss all of them , they are not active in their watty acount too , But there are still stories written in Wattpad on riansh .


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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