Fan Fiction

who am i? swasan ep1

life is not meassured by the breaths we take .. but by the moments that take our breath away..hai… friends…
i m varu.. from karnatak. i wanna write three or 4 shots story. its my 1st ff… so pls bear my bad english.. for few days.. actualy i love to read novels… (kannada). my story is based on my fav novel.. i ll try to write dat in innovative way… if u lyk it or not pls reply me…

the story start with- a girl lying on d pool of blood in highway road as she hitted with the lorry…her face is also cutted so badly that its dificult recognice her. a white mercidies car comming with high speed in d road . seeing her condition he suddenly applied d break come out of the car he sees her with teary eyed he thought she is no more , he came near her and checks her pulse for his shock, she s alive.. he got immence happiyness by her alive . he immediately rushes to hospital and started treat her as he himself was a famous doctor.. and he has his own hospital so dat he not require to go through any police investigation. he treated her well.
after the operation he was supriced by her survival. after having major accident she s alive. its lyk miracle.. in his whole 50 year of carrier he never came accros with this typ of case. he saluted for her will-power. ( he s not d hero he is shekar gadodiya.. oops Dr.SHEKAR GADODIYA)
he didnt know y he is doing all dis to her but he feels connected to her.. he took care of her very well.
after 1month leap..
shekar is thiking that its been 1 month till she not get concious.. when i took her here her face is partially damaged he made plastic surgery for her damaged area by seeing remaing part of face. he dint even know how dis girl may look as her face coverd with full of bandage.
after 2 months he removed bandage from her face.. she was looking so beautiful.. he siltly smiled at her. and wished her get well soon dea.. after few days she got concious looking at d surroundings she got panic.. and she get d flashes of a guy killing a girl mercylessly … dat girl screming loudly by saying dont kill her.. dont come near me.. hearing her all hospital staff came dere and try to calm her all gone in vain.. then dr.shekar came there and said loudly a bit anger”stop it…” hearing this she sit quite .. after some tym she asked in low voice” who am i? y am i here? who all r u?” saying dis she started to cry. he cant see her in pain so he told dat ” u r shona. my daughter, u met with an accident. im ur father “. hearing this statement all r shocked but at d same tym they were happy for him atlast he got a family.
after dis incident shona become d lyf f shekar . he treated her as own daughter he never tried to know about her past as she survived after dis big accident he dont wanna disturb he mind . shona also loved her father very much. she never regret dat she dint remeber any thing from her past.. she wanted lead remaining lyf happily so she dont ask any thing further information about her. she started help his father in his hospital.. she worked there as nurse . she learned everything quikly.. after her arrival shekar lyf become meaning full.. he used came home early he used talk to her lyk a father. had fight with his shona just lyk a daughter and father . every thing is perfact there. 2 years passed lyk this..
but we know happiness does not remain forever…dr,shekar came to know dat he is suffering from cancer .. he s having hardly 2 or 3 months left.. he s not worring for him but he worring for shona.. he is in delama dat wt ll happen to his daughter shona after his death.. whom he can give d responsibility of her innocent daughter…? who will take d risk of young girl who s suffering from memmory loss.. he himself dint know about her real identity? he is thinking all about this deeply.. which s disturbed by our bubly, innocent shona with is bacch party…

next: introduction of sanlak and ragini… and also ll unfold whom shekar ll chose for responsible for shona
guys how s it …? can i continue it? is it interesting or not


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