Who am I to you?– A triangle love story #Riansh SS Chapter 2

For those who missed the previous chapter: 


Chapter 2

The episode starts with Vansh following Riddhima. They reach a city hospital. Riddhima enters the hospital. While Vansh parks his car in the parking area.

When he came back in the entrance gate he can’t saw her anymore. He rushes to the reception for inquiry.

Vansh:Now only a girl came here wearing a blue salwar suit. Can you say me where did she went?

Receptionist: Sorry Sir. But it is out of our rules. We can’t say anything about patient’s family to a outsider.

Vansh:You will not say me? ( he says in a flirty manner ). Please say, pleeaseee..

Receptionist:Ok I am saying it but no one should know it. (smiling).

She checks in her computer.

Receptionist:She is in ICU room no. 102.

Vansh:Thanks a lot darl..

The receptionist blushes.

Vansh leaves from there.

Vansh in his mind:Good job Vansh!! You are really genious in doing flirt. Well done.

He starts to search the room. Then his eyes fell on a room. He say Riddhima was feeding someone. He goes near the room. From the small mirror part of the door he saw Riddhima caring for someone. He can’t see who the person is. He not even understand that he is a boy or a girl.

Then he saw that she packs her bag and stands up to leave from there. So Vansh leaves from there hastily.

Riddhima comes out and leaves the hospital.

Vansh was standing in the parking area and was watching her.

Vansh:Maybe the person is her mother or father. She need money for treatment so she needs the job so much.

Vansh sats in his car and leaves for his office.

Vansh reaches his office.

Ahana:Vansh you have a meeting in 5 mins.

Vansh:Yes I am ready for it. Come.

They attend their metting.

Vansh:So our deal is final Mr. Aggarwal.

Mr. Aggarwal:Yes Mr. RaiSinghania it’s final.

Vansh:My best friend will make you undersand some other facilities also. Ahana please.

Ahana:Yes Vansh. So,….

Ahana explains all the matter but Vansh was indulge in his Lala world.

His Imagination:

Riddhima and Vansh is standing near a waterfall. They were playing with water.

Vansh:I love you Riddhima. ( shouting).

His voice echoes in the place.

Riddhima:I love you too Vansh.

Her voice also echoes.

Riddhima and Vansh spent some quality time.

Vansh:Give me a kiss.


Vansh:Yes give na.

Riddhima:Vansh!! Vansh!!

Vansh:Say na I am listening.

Vansh!!! Vansh!!!

Then Vansh feels that someone is tapping him in his shoulder.

He say that she is Ahana.

Vansh:How you came here?

Ahana:What the hell!!! I was here only explaining them the facilities. The meeting is over but where are you lost?

Vansh saw his surrounding. Yes he is in his office. No Riddhima no waterfall.

Vansh:Sorry I was thinking something else.

Ahana:Get ready we are having a party for the deal.

Vansh:Yes. Invite Riddhima also. As she is our staff now.

Ahana:She told that she can’t attend any evening shift.

Vansh:But it’s a night party.

Ahana:Let’s see that she comes or not.


Vansh calls Riddhima to invite her.

Vansh:Hello Riddhima!!!

Riddhima:Hello sir.

Vansh:Yes, I called to inform you about a party in our hotel for a deal so you are also invited, do come. It will start from 8am.

Riddhima:But sir I told that I can’t come at evening.

Vansh:I hope you know the difference between night and evening.

Riddhima:Ok sir. ( sad).

Call ended.

Vansh:I will wait for you sweetheart.

At the party,

Vansh:What do you think?

Ahana:She will not, for sure.

Vansh:She will.

Ahana:Let’s see.

While having the conversation suddenly Vansh’s eyes fell on a beautiful, or even more beautiful than that word, girl coming in a black saree.

Vansh:She came. ( excited ).

Ahana:Wow!! Riddhima came.

Vansh:Let me go and welcome her.

Vansh walks to her. Whereas Riddhima was searching for a partner to chit chat in this lonely party.

Vansh:Hey!! So finally you came.

Riddhima:Yes sir.

Vansh:Do you want some drinks or anything?

Riddhima:No sir, I am fine.

They were having their conversation when they heard a chaos.

A person:Don’t you have manners? Huh? A sl*t.!!!

Vansh runs towards the person.

Vansh:What happened Mr. Aggarwal?

Mr. Aggarwal:See your staff Mr. RaiSinghania first she threw juice on my suit and I asl her for washroom then she tried to do wrong things with me. Teach her a good lesson.

Girl:No sir. I didn’t do anything. He is saying lie. He tried to molest me.

Mr. Aggarwal:See how characterless she is!!



Vansh:I said leave!! ( on top of his voice).

There was a pin drop silence. Everyone knew Vansh RaiSinghania’s anger. Even Riddhima was shivering with fear.

Vansh turned towards Mr. Aggarwal and said,

Vansh:Leave. All deals are canceled. I know my staffs very well. They can never do all this. You can leave now.

Mr. Aggarwal:You are believing a servant?

Vansh:For you she is a servant but for me she is a women. Someone’s daughter, someone’s sister, someone’s mother, someone’s wife. Don’t you try to do anything wrong with my staffs.

Mr. Aggarwal leaves without uttering a word. All those are enough for his mouth to shut.

Vansh:Everyone can enjoy your party nicely.

Vansh goes to a corner to calm him down.

Riddhima comes to him.

Riddhima:You are very nice person sir. You really respect girls a lot. Your mom dad maybe very lucky to get you as their son.

Vansh:Me and mom dad!!!. Huh!!!

Vansh grabs her hand tightly and takes her with him.

Riddhima:Sir, where are you taking me? Sir please say.

Vansh:Shut your mouth.

Riddhima:Sir please say.


Riddhima:Sir please.

Vansh stands still holding her hand and give her a death glare.

Vansh:You know the meaning of silence? Ziddhima!!

Then she totally shuts her mouth.

Vansh makes her sat in his car. And he sats on the driver seat and starts to drive.

Vansh:You were saying about mom dad right? Actually my dad died in an accident and my mom, she is busy with her third husband. She totally forgot that she gave birth to a child. I am all alone. Only I have my best friend Ahana with me.

Riddhima:Sorry sir, actually I didn’t know at that time so.

Vansh:It’s fine I can understand.

He drives to some roadside dhaba.

Vansh:Come we will have our dinner here.

Both went inside the dhaba.

Vansh:Give two plates of alu paratha and butter panner with your special chutney.

Boy:Jii sahab.

Vansh went towards Riddhima who is sitting in a cot.

Vansh:So how are you feeling? Sitting in a cot and on the top open sky.?

Riddhima:Amazing sir.

Soon their dinner came and the had their dinner. After that both of them came back to the car.

Vansh:Let me drop in your house.


In the car,

Vansh:So can we be friends now?

Riddhima:So fast?

Vansh:Any special time and venue is needed for it?

Riddhima:No but.

Vansh:But what?

Riddhima:My house came. Bye sir.

She came down from the car and rushed inside her house, before Vansh can say anything.

Precap:Riddhima makes a dish for Vansh and Ahana. Friendship between Vansh and Riddhima. 

Hope you will not find it boring. Target comment is 30 comment excluding mine. I will post my ff tomorrow. If target is cleared then only next update will come.😛. So tell me how you all are. I am fully fit and fine. And my bengali readers Sristi and Angela hope you two are fine in this rain😂. Love you all and bye❤😉.  


Myself Radhika💝. Fan of Ishq mein marjawan 2😍😍. Huge fan of Armaan Malik❤😘

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