Hey guys thanks for supporting me.. When I started my ff i never thought that I’ll get so much of ur love. Glad that ul r liking my ff. Enjoy reading…?
Suraj reach the address he steps inside the building and waits for the lift which is stopped on the 3 floor. He sees the stares and goes towards them.. He climbs and reaches on the3 floor and rings the bell. The door opens and he is shocked… As his sister Ragini is crying.
Ragini: Bhaiya.
And she hugs him. He hugs her back…
Suraj: Princess it’s ok I m here don’t cry… He consoles her..
Suraj: Are u ok..
Ragini: Yup I m..
Suraj sees a girl.
Suraj: Thanks alot u don’t know what you have done today… Our sister is our life.. And u saved her..
Ragini: No Bhaiya she didn’t saved me..
Suraj: Then who saved u.
Ragini: She just went right now..
Flashback shows..
Ragini: What’s ur name.
Chakor: My Nam is…
She gets imli’s call.
Chakor: Excuse me..
She goes aside and picks up the call.
Imli: Di ma is worried for u come home fast. Its too late.
Chakor: But imli.
Imli: I don’t wanna hear anything just come home.
And she ends the call.
Chakor: Imli.. Hello. Oh no now what should I do.
Chakor: Listen I m sorry but I have to go I got my sister’s call and my parents r worried for me.. Riya u plz take care of her till her brother comes.
Ragini: But my brother told that he wannabe meet u.
Chakor: I’ll meet him some other day..
Ragini hugs her..
Ragini: Thanks alot. I’ll never forget u…
Chakor: No need of saying thanks….
And she leaves. She steps In the lift and suraj sees lift is stopped on 3 floor he goes towards stairs and the lift comes chakor comes out but Suraj already went..
Flashback ends .
Suraj: No problem we’ll meet another day. Btw what’s her name.
Ragini: I didn’t ask..
Suraj looks at Riya.
Riya: Her Name is…
Ragini feel giddy and was about to fall. Suraj holds her.
Suraj: Princess r u ok.
Ragini: Bhaiya lets go home.
Suraj: Yup even vivan will be worried for u..
They leave.
Chakor reaches home and tells everything to imli.
Imli: Di why u always do this. If something would have happened to u then.
Chakor: Imli I m ok..don’t worry lets sleep.
They go to sleep.
Suraj and Ragini reach home..vivan was waiting for him.. Ragini goes and hugs vivan..
Suraj tells whole incident to vivan.
Vivan: Thank god princess u r safe.
Ragini: No Bhaiya thanks to that girl who saved me.
Vivan: Who was she…
Suraj: Don’t know yaar but just an angel..
Vivan feeds Ragini and they all go their respective rooms.
Vivan sleep but Suraj think of the girl who saved Ragini.
Suraj: Whenever I think about that girl why does chatterbox come in my mind….. No Suraj how can chatterbox save Ragini. Her house is in a different direction so why will she go there and she is so scared how can she fight with those goons.
He remembers the jungle scene when she hugged her due to frightening. And that how she got afraid when he took lions name.
Suraj: U know what u r thinking alot about chatterbox just go to sleep.
Chakor on the other side sees a lion following her and she’s running and the lion is behind her and hugs someone.. Chakor gets up. It was her dream she realizes and drink water. Imli is sleeping.
Chakor: Just because of that sadu u r seeing lion I ur dreams .. I really wont leave him.. But wait who was that person whom I hugged. Was that Sa… No no Chakor.. It was not sadu why will u look him in ur dreams.. U r just thinking about him too much.
She goes to sleep… Next morning..
Suraj sees Chakor.
Suraj: Hi chatterbox..
Chakor: Oh no from where this sadu came now he will irritate me.
Suraj: Did u Sai something..
Chakor: Did u hear something..
Suraj: Forget it.. I just wanted to ask u that r u ok.
Chakor: Yup what will happen to me.
Suraj: No actually ur boyfriend ditched u na so I thought that u might be crying whole night. So I asked u…
And he laughs.
Chakor: Very funny sadu… Just gth.
Suraj: Chal lets go together.. And he laughs again.
Chakor: Sadu u…. Ahhhhhhh ( in anger) useless talking to u..
Suraj: Then make it useful.
Chakor: Just forget it..
Suraj: No but I want to remember it.
Chakor goes in an anger.
Suraj shouts: What happened chatterbox don’t have anything to speak….
And he laughs.
Suraj to himself: Sorry chatterbox but after irritating u my day go just awesome…
Precap: Suraj sees Arjun and chakor together.. He goes to Chakor. Holds her hand.. And tells her that I wanna ask u something just reply it by saying yes or no. He goes close to her and ask……
So that was it many of ul told me to write longer ff in previous ff ( Ankur).. So here I wrote. Sorry cant write more lengthier. Hope its ok.. And yup saral as I told I cannot write two ff but I’ll try to make it lengthier.. So I tried to did it..hope its ok for u.. Will be waiting for ur comments. And yup all of ul guys I know ul love sukor scene and In today’s episode the scenes were very rare so hope ul r not disappointed ?. I m sorry if today’s ff was not interesting or wasn’t so good but I tried to make it good. Thanks for reading? . Do let me know about ff
It’s okay yaar just chill. Concentrate on ur studies Aswell as possible… Do u know one-thing I really feel very weird and worried if I didn’t read ur ff. Ok just forget… ???
thanks for understanding my problem… lucky to know that my ff is very important for u… r u there on facebook
Yup am in fb dear…
can u send me a request
And this episode was awesome ma… And once again I love ur ff and ofcourse u too dear sisy… ???
thanks and yup i love u too di
It’s a nice one komal….bt after reading precap I can’t wait to read next episode yaar…..-:)
thanks bhagi………. glad u liked it
That was nice..hope suraj soon knows that chakor saved ragini and chakor knows suraj is ragini’s brother..write next part soon. excited about it?
thanks shriya i too wish the same thing……
Woooow it’s nycc plzzzzzz make it longer it’s veryyyyy interesting
thanks slamihm… i try to make it long but dont get enough time i m so sorry…
I cant wait .its really awesome and made me eager.try to write next ff quickly.
thanks nisha. i will write the next ff as soon as possible
Komal it was great.?..ur ff is never boring…thats fine if u dont write lenghier…?.
thanks pia
and yup thanks for understanding my problem…
Please let suraj know that chakor saved ragini fast and after learning precap can’t wait till tomorrow. Awesome episode of today??????????????????
thanks gungun….
Goes close to her n ask what????????????
u will know it in the next ff
Dear your story is nice but pls make it long.
i m sorry bill i try but dont get enough time so sorry……
Slap your self first…??
You know why……….
Bcoz u always think that ur FF is boring…nothing like that di… your FF is sooo interesting…???????
thanks amna……..
You’re writting as a proffesional dear i mean d fb,it was amazing…. sachme kamaal ka tha i want 2 know from were this ideas come to ur mind u r truly god gifted perfectly made!
thanks alot megha really glad that u loved it… and ya the ideas come in my mind from ur support and love… just because of all of u supporting me i write this ff
Dear last time u said that u r from rajasthan ummhhh…Seriously?I mean its truly great,well i am from assam its in northeast u know!
ok u r from assam great to know that……
hey….first slap yourself……….
you know why…………
because u think that ur FF is not interesting….no dear…..it is really nice.. i love it!!!!
amna i will definately slap my self…..
Heyy..i just said for a joke…
its ok i understood…\
S surely u slap your self because ur ff is so interesting and I love it to the core’s
thanks lucky.. i have already slapped myself but yup i will again do that
hey uour ff superr…..dear you amezing. ……..nd ……bekar baate mat socho……bahut cute ff……h……ok keep the ff
thanks alot sonam
nd pls add the vimli also…..pls…..ok thank you
ok sonam dont worry…i will also add vimli
Its absolutely all right.I just love ur ff and thanks for keep my request
thanks ankur for loving my ff and i m sorry i could not fulfil ur wish….
great ya, i really love it……add me also in your fans list……
this is Zainab, Janu..
sure zainab… u r already there. amna told me about u
Great Komal……..keep it up……I am zainab
yup zainab
ok amna…
Awesome my dear, I love it and it’s nit at all boring, cause It’s superb
thanks sam. glad u liked it
Welcome dear, did you read my intro and CS
Of my new story
yup i m the first one to comment there sam it was great
Thanks for liking it
Thanks dear

It is nice reading Ur ff .I am enjoying and feeling like reading it without fail
Thanks alot priya
Hey komal u r on fb right.
Yup. I m on fb why even u r there on fb
Jussttttt fabuloussssss episode and your ff is fantabulous di……..your writing skills are awesome di………actually frienkly speaking my day doesn’t go good without reading you ff di…….and biiiiiiggggggg sorrrrrryyyyyyyyyy for not commeting on the last some episodes di actually na I was having exams but it doesn’t mean I didn’t read your ff I really read your ff each and every day di………and we all understand that ylu are busy with your studies so concentrate on your studies di ………but try to post the next part asap di……..and sorry for using sooo much di’s I’m so stupid……… always love you and you ur ff….
Thanks alot aribah and no need of saying urself stupid its Ok u reminded me of my childhood when I was small even I used to say like this happy to get someone calling me di…. And glad to know instead of ur exams r going on u read my ff
Hey guys my next part that is 12 part will be posted little late or might be I’ll not post it today due to some work I m so sorry guys .. Plz do forgive me.. I’ll try to post it in the evening if I get time or else tomorrow ? I m so sorry
??????? so sorry to hear that
can’t wait anymore…….pls update it soon…..
I send u rqst
Ok so that was u I m so sorry I wasn’t knowing who it was so I deleted the request and now I’ll not be opening my fb account but the day I’ll open I I’ll send u a request. I m so sorry?
Wow…. Great job… I love this ?
I love u too ??? muahhh …..
The best author..
Thanks fatimal u don’t know I m dam happy to hear the best author… Thanks alot dear