Fan Fiction

Will we get united Forever – RagLak ff Shot 5

Will we get united forever 5
Hi friends am back…did you remembered this ff??I think you will…am so sorry for the gap from today onwards I will be regular in updating all my ff’s…chorry haven’t proof read…here we go….
Quick recap:
Some goons are trying to kidnap Ragini…laksh and sona reached the spot on time and they were fighting against them…
Laksh got hurt at his back head and bleeding…dev entered and beats them black and blue…
Then he takes laksh to hospital…
Part 5:
Story starts with dev lifting laksh and makes him sit inside his car…
Ragini opens the door and sit besides him placing his head on her lap…
Dev watched this but he didn’t uttered even a single word and silently drove towards the hospital…
Dev helps laksh to get down while Ragini went to take the stretcher…
Sona stumbles a little but dev holds her…

‘bhaiyya’ Ragini brings the stretcher…
Dev and other ward boys helped placing laksh on the stretcher…
Doc came and checked laksh and he says”thank god you have tied the cloth orelse blood loss will be more…but still it’s serious…you wait here…we will treat him first and will explain about his condition”
Ragini and devakshi nods…
Dev:sona…you ok na…
Sona:haan dev…but slightly paining…
Nurse comes and she treats sona’s wrist…sona holds dev’s shoulder tightly in pain…
Ragini looks through the glass on the OT door and cries bitterly when she sees doctor cleaning blood on laksh’s head…
“it’s all because of me…i am a cursed piece…i lost my mom and dad during my childhood and now you got hurt because of me…please god save my laksh…”Ragini cries collapsing on the floor…

Sona:dev…haan they both love each other…
Dev(angrily):what the hell!!this cannot happen…how can he love my sister…sona have you lost it…laksh is our rival Mr.dp’s son…no no this can’t happen…i won’t let it happen…
Saying that dev goes towards Ragini…
Sona holds him and says”dev please try to understand other’s feelings too…don’t intrude in their life with your so called ego…you and dp are rivals in business but what about laksh…he is not like that dev…he loves Ragini truly…madly..deeply…please dev understand them and don’t interfere in their life…let them live their life dev…please support them atleast for Ragu…she treated you as her god…she didn’t asked you anything for her still now but please don’t smash her life by going against her love…”
Dev:done with your lectures…what did you say Ms.Sonakshi am intruding in my sister’s life hai na…don’t dare say it again…i thought you understand me very well but no you too misunderstand me everytime proving that am wrong always…
Dev:just shut up…just…ego…yes am an egoistic human being…i don’t want my sister to get hurt…is that called ego in your dictionary…then am an egoistic obhodro…
Sona(consoling):am sorry dev..please I said in an anger…please control yourself…
Dev:nahi sona…you was right…i don’t want this marriage to happen…yes…dp won’t agree for their relationship…you know what if the relationship starts without the blessings of elders then it will results in sarvanash…
Sona(crying):dev!!please stop it…
Dev:yes sona…you know na that happened in my life…maa and paapa loved eo and they married without nana and nani’s blessings because of that family rival i lost my parents and your parents too…i don’t want that to happen in my ragu’s life…
Sona hugged dev and he broke down completely reminiscing his parents…
Ragini who was standing outside the OT gets up when doctor came outside…
Ragini:doctor!!he is fine na…shall I meet him…
Doctor:don’t worry mam..he is absolutely fine…you can meet him after 10 minutes in normal ward…
Ragini:thank you…thank you so much doctor…
Doctor(smiles):it’s my duty mam…
Laksh was taken in a stretcher and shifted to normal ward…Ragini goes with him holding his hands…
Laksh(unconscious):Ragu..don’t leave me…Ragini…
Ragini wipes her tears and says”nahi laksh I won’t leave you even you yourself asks me to do so…i won’t leave you…it’s a promise…”
Devakshi watches this silently…
Sona(places her hand on dev’s shoulder):see them…even now you won’t change your decision…
Dev:god is playing with us again…let’s leave the result with him…but I want only my sister’s happiness…
Laksh got shifted to normal ward…Ragini was cupping his face caringly by sitting beside him…
Laksh jerks smiling with her touch and pulled her towards him…
Ragini stares him lovingly…
Ragini(mind voice):’Kaun tujhe yoon pyaar karega’

“Jaise main karti hoon…I love you Ragini”said he tucking her hairs…
Ragini blushes…and says”how did you guessed that…”
Laksh:because I am a great business man’s son the greatest Laksh Maheshwari…hehe!!(laksh grinned)
Ragini glares…
Laksh:ok ok chill baby…i know that was your favourite song and one day too you told me that when you hear those lines you will remember me…
Ragini:yes laksh…for me those lines are meant only for you!!love you laksh…i love you so much…
Ragini hugged him tightly…
‘ouchh’laksh winces…
Ragini(caringly):kya Hua…
Laksh(pointing towards his shoulder):it’s hurting…
Ragini(rubbing his wound):am sorry…
Laksh hugged her tightly and says”it was like tickling when you’re with me…”
Ragini smiles and both parted apart when they heard devakshi’s voice…
Dev:are you ok Laksh…
Laksh:haan sir…sona your hand is ok na…
Saying so laksh laughs seeing their hands entangled together…
Laksh nods in no…Ragini sighs him…
Dev:take care…
Dev was about to leave but Ragini holds him…
Ragini:bhaiyya…why you didn’t asked me anything…
Laksh (murmurs):he itself leaving without saying anything why this idiot girl is landing me again in trouble…ragu no…not now my body can’t resist…
Dev:Ragu..what you’re expecting from me…
Laksh was shivering in fear…dev holds his hand and says “don’t worry…sona said everything…i will talk to your father…after all my sister loves you…”
Laksh shocks…dev rocks…
Laksh hugs him and kissed his cheeks and says”thank you so much dev..”
Dev:chi…kissing a boy…
Dev rubs his cheeks while Ragini and sona laughs…laksh gets embarrassed due to his sudden acts…
Ragini:actually he was not like that boy…but in excitement he kissed you…
Laksh:haan dev…sorry I mean sir..i can’t kiss Ragu in front of you na…so in excitement I did it…sorry…usually I was not like what you think..i mean…
Dev:chup…how you’re managing this tape recorder Ragu…anyway its upto you…and you(pointing towards Laksh)…u can call me dev itself no need for formalities and all…
Ragini(hugging dev) :thank you so much bhaiyya…
Dev:for what…am your brother laadoo…i will do anything for you…
Saying so dev leaves from there…
“Congo both…”sona hugs her and hits laksh’s abdomen playfully…
“sonakshi”dev calls from outside..
Sona(smiling):my Eifel tower is calling…bye guys!!
Sona leaves…
Raglak hugged each other…laksh blown back to back kisses over Ragini’s face…
On the other side a big waala bungalow is shown…
“how dare you prathap(laksh’s maamaji)…because of you my entire plan gets wasted…see my son got arrested in kidnapping case”a man slapped prathap…
“Saab…what did I do…”prathap said holding his cheeks…
“what did you do…that’s what am asking…how laksh came to that spot suddenly without your knowledge…except you none know about this plan…it’s you who shared my plan with your nephew…”said he clutching prathap’s collar…
“Saab..i really don’t know how laksh came over there…because of your plan I sent him to hugli today morning…but how did he came to know about that place I don’t know…believe me Saab…”said prathap begging him…

To be continued •••

Dev convincing dp for raglak marriage…
Prathap interfere in it…

Will they get united??
Stay tuned to know more…
So how was the chappy friends??do you liked it??
Drop your views through comment box…
Take care friends ?
Bye bye!!


It's been a year?..!!

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