Will He Fall For Me? – (Episode 3)

Sorry for the delay friends. I hope you all like this . Please let me know your comment and views in  the comments box . I hope I reach you expectation .

What is Special Today ?

Riddhima’s POV

Oh god today seems like a long day . I don’t know who the hell  found these exams . Well  I must say that I am really tired today  because of the surprise test kept by my maths teacher . I am an average students who only studies a night before the exam and only for the test . But today I can’t believe my eyes because I topped in the surprise test kept in the class . I  am happy because I am the only one who got full marks . I think its a lucky day for me that I got good marks. If I show this to my brothers both will not believe that I scored it , but they must believe na .

Breaking my thoughts the bell rang . OMG its biology period . I hate this subject because of those  bionomial names and the names which are difficult to pronounce . I don’t  how these people could spell that name  and get marks . My biology teacher doesn’t like me because oneday I directly said her that I hate Biology . So from then on she used  to keep an eye on me .

Wait  it has been 10 minutes but where are the teachers  . Still they did not come to the class .Not only in my class but in all the classes . Then my eyes fell on my seniors who are roaming around each class . Wait I am missing  something . I asked sejal

I : Sejal what day is today ? ( I asked looking at her )

She at once took the  school diary and checked and said

Sejal : Today is friday

What today is friday . How could I forget it  . OMG I am really happy  today , now I am in cloud nine , there is no boundary for my happinees now . I hugged sejal , I think she is confused and forgot about today .

Sejal : Riddhu why are you so happy . This is the first time I  am seeing you  happy in biology . Is there anything special in bio class today ? ( she questioned me )

What  she forgot about today .

I : sejal today is friday and that to last period .

Sejal : What is special in that ?

I : Sejal today  is friday and once in every month that too on friday   every staffs in the school will go for prayer .

Sejal : riddhu teachers only will not come but our seniors will come .

Oh god this girl na she lost her heart somewhere . Is she really in love with my bhai . She forgot that my bhai will come here for supervision .

I hope today vansh will also come here . Cause only 2 seniors can supervise a class . God please send vansh here .

Sejal : Don’t be eager to sleep in the class riddhu . Our seniors will not leave us. So u better complete the homework .

Saying so she takes here note does her homework .

My mind is fully occupied by vansh then how could I do other works . Now I got an idea to distract my mind.

I : Guys shall we play something .

ragini : But what shall we play

What shall we play now ? breaking my thoughts tara said

tara : Boost . shall we play boost guys .

All : Ok boost

daksha : Let me get the papers .

daksha took some papers and tore it into 12 small squares and 1 big square

I : Let me write in the papers .

I took the big square and wrote BOOST .

Sejal : On what topic an we write the names ?

Ragini : the topic is actors

I : I am Sharukh Khan

Ragini :  Varun Dhawan

Sejal :   Siddharat Malhotra

Tara : OMG what an I choose now wait let me think . Haan I am  Shahid Kapoor

I : The final names are Sharukh , Varun, Siddharat and Shahid .

I took the 12 chits and filled all the  4  names of the actors each actS

Sejal : But whose turn is first

Ragini : It can be in the ascending order

I : so first is Daksha

Daksha took all the 12 chits in her  hand and mixed it and left all the chits on the table .

As soon as she kept in on the table we all took each three chits and started passing chits and atlast all the I got 3 Shahid  Kapoor and won the game .

I started to shout and none cared about me all were chitchatting . So my sound was not much heard .

I : wow  I won the game .

I : Now be ready for my punishment .

“Shall I give the punishment ” a voice came from my back . I turned and was shocked to see .

Sorry for not having vansh in this episode . Next episode will have vansh .


Il n'y a pas de plus grande agonie que de porter une histoire inconnue en toi ( There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you )

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