After long wait the update for this fanfiction is given . Hope you guys like it.
Vansh’s Pov
Once I reached house I went to my room and sat on the bed not before locking my room . I was so happy after that moment .You all must be wondering why I am so happy na because Aahana proposed Arjun . Ya you heard it right Aahana proposed Arjun . Arjun is one my best friend and is my junior . You all must be confused right ok let me explain you
While the programs where going on I got an message from Aahana to meet me near the auditorium after the programms got over . After Kabir bhai and Riddhima left I lied to Ishani di and went to the auditorium as she asked me to come alone. I went to the auditorium and saw Aahana was standing . I went near her .
Me : Aahana why did you called me ? Is there any problem ?
Aahana : vansh bhai actually I love your friend Arjun . And I want your help to propose him . Will you help me ?
Me : I am really happy for you Aahana . And Arjun I am sure he will be on cloud nine . So what help my sister want ?
Aahana : Ok before proposing Arjun I will take a trail with you .
Me :ok start
Aahana went on her knees
Ahana : I don’t know how to say but the day I saw you for the first time I had Fell for you but it took a long time for me to realise my feelings . Without any delay let me say . I love you
I bend to her level picked by her arms and made her stand and hugged her .
Me : I love you too
Ahana : But bhai are you sure . Will Arjun accept me ?
Me : I am damm sure he will accept you . So now propose him
Ahana : Ok bhai I have informed him to come . I think he will be here in few minutes . And I need another help can you record the proposal .
Me : why not sure . Ok I will hide somewhere
I took the phone from my pocket to unlock .That’s when I noticed that is not my phone but rather it’s Riddhu’s phone . So I asked Ahana’s phone and after their proposal got end I hand overed the phone to Ahana and left . When I reached I found Ishani di waiting for me . I lied to her saying that Iwas talking with my friend . That’s when Ishani di gave me my phone informing that Riddhu gave my phone and she will get her phone tomorrow .
Flashback ends
So this is the reason for my happiness . I took my phone and unlocked it . Then I went to folder which is named as MY JAAN . You all must be wondering who is the Jaan na . Ok without an suspense I will reveal MY JAAN, MY LOVE , MY LIFELINE and everything for me . I reveal you guys but it must be a secret because she doesn’t know I love her ok . Now I will show you guys my Jaan’s picture . Here it’s my Jaan’s pic
Scene Changes
In the bathroom Riddhima is sitting under the shower and crying . She is fully dreanched and her face looked pale . Water drops were dropping from her hair and dress. It semms she had been sitting under the shower for more than 1 hour . But her crying didn’t stop . Finally after few minutes she turn offed the shower and came out of the bathroom with her dress wet . Water drops falling down from her face and hair . She went and looked at herself at the full sized mirror which is kept in her room . She couldn’t believe that’s it it’s her as she wasn’t the actual Riddhima who used to be always happy and such a foodie . But here the Riddhima was different here face seems to so pale due to crying and she was just looking like a person in some depression .she doesn’t like this Riddhima so she consoles herself and changes into her uni corn night suit after washing her face she came and again looked at the mirror but this time she was much beeter . But the tears from her eyes didn’t stop they flowing on their way continuous. So went near her wardrobe and opened it to find a small box under her clothes . The box was kept such that no one could see it but if they look properly the corner of the box will be visible . She took the box and sat on the floor next to her bed . Then she pulled a box from under her bed . It was small box which was covered with dust since it was kept under her bed to avoid from everyone’s sight . Till today only Riddhima know about the box .
The scene freeze at Riddhima opening the while on the other hand vansh revealing his jann’s photo .

What is in that box, u left in suspense
Again, written amazingly!!
The bathroom scene, woah, each and every word was giving true feelings!
Oh no… By mistakenly I wrote disha
Thank you Dear

. Well the suspense will be revealed in the next update which is on Sunday.
Thank you

Awesome episode dear you ended with suspense you took long gap to update it eagerly waiting for the next episode
Thank you

. Sorry for the suspense it will be revealed in the next update which is on Sunday . Sorry for taking a long break dear since I was concentrating on studies but here after will post atleast once in a week .
Thank you

Fabulous episode
. Loved it
. What was in that box? Suspense mein chod diya. I guess Vansh’s jaan is ridhima. Waiting for next.
Thank you

.It will be revealed int he next episode even I waiting for the suspense to reveal . Next update is on Sunday
Thank you

Awesome EP
, but please post soon

Thank you

. Will update on Sunday
Amazing update dear
loved it
Thank you

Hey fabulous ep girl!!!!kahin Vanshu ki jaan hamari riddhu to nahi hai

Thank you

. It will be revealed in the next episode dear which is on Sunday .
Nice dear
Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

Amazing one!
Loved it
Thank you

Thank you

Wow amazing

Thanks for cute updates
Keep rocking
Thank you


Thank you


Thank you

Wow fabulous

Thank you


Thank you