Fan Fiction

I will love u for the rest of my life Meghnal and Raglak by Anibella (Episode 2)

Epsiode 2

Mehta's arrived Singhania's mansion

Sharda welcomed mehta's

Sharda and raj didn't recognise each other
 Will reveal later why can't they

 recognise each other

Sharda:  welcome Mr raj here is

 my sons  Laksh and Kunal

Meghnal was shocked

To see each other

Raj:  we are welcome ms sharda

And here is my wife Nandini

And my daughters Meghna Ragini and Naina

Kunal tooked blessing from raj and Nandini

And Laksh too

Meghna , Naina and  Ragini tookes sharda's blessing

Raj:  ms we are ok to the marriage

And what's ur decision

Sharda:  we are ok but if u don't mind can

 Meghna and  Kunal talk some time

Raj:  yeah they can talk that's good

Sharda:  Laksh took Kunal to  terrace

Raj:  Ragini u too Meghna

Nandini:  why can't Naina

Raj:  it doesn't matter if Naina or Ragini took

Nandini:  was angry and she couldn't say anything

Ragini:  ok papa I will take Meghu

Ragini and Laksh took Meghnal there and

 they was about to go

Kunal:  why can't u too sit with us

Laksh:  no we can't

Kunal:  ok if u  can't but u can wait over there

Raglak went from there

After Kunal started laughing

Meghna:  what are u laughing

Kunal: when aunt told me

I'm going to marry i was shocked

But when I see ur picture

I said ok to marry u

Meghna:  is there something

To laugh and i haven't seen ur

Picture and said ok to marry u

Kunal:  but why said if i wasn't kunal

Then u would married to another man

Meghna:  i said ok to go rid of my aunt

Kunal:  is she the same

Meghna:  she is

Kunal:  good ur going to marry me and

U won't have any problem

Meghna:  but my Ragini will have

Kunal:  she won't have she will live With us

Meghna:  how can she here is ur bro Laksh

Kunal:  no problem and i

promise to keep  u happy

 After Screen shifts to raglak

Laksh was staring Ragini

Laksh prov.

She is looking like Angel

Her smile her lips her eyes

She just  stoled my heart

End prov

Laksh: Ragini

Ragini: hm

Meghnal came there

Kunal : we are done

Ragini:  sis can we go

Meghna:  yes

Meghya went and after Kunash went

After meghnal said ok to marriage

Raj:  how about finalizing marriage

After 3 months

Sharda:  we are ok

Nandini:  have u decided Laksh marriage

Sharda:  no I have't decided yet

I thought his marriage after 

Kunal and Meghna  married

 i can decide his marriage

Raj:  thank u ms sharda now we need to go

Mehta's family went from there

Meghnal bit bye to each other

With out noticing anyone .

Precap : Singhania's went to Mehta's house
New entry

And there will be much fun

Nandini is trying to make  close

Naina and Laksh

There will be Raglak And

 Meghnal scene will be there …

And I will update Epsiode 3 soon

Hope u all like't

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