Fan Fiction

I will make you mine… part – 4

Episode starts with pragyas thought…why i see a different man there..the person who talk with arragonce and attitude..but that moment when he kissed at my forhead …his eyes says  something dfferent..but i didnt get that difference…but i hate him..i hate him to the core.
  With that thoughts she dosed off to sleep..

Next morning…
Di…di..wake up…di..

Pr; bulbul what happened now..why you wake up so early…

Bul:di…i have a surprise for you..

Pr; morning itself surprise…

Bul;di…i have fixed your marraige..

Pr;what marraige…

Bul;with rockstar abhishek prem mehra..

Pr;what ..??

Bul;haa are going to marry him..holds her hands and turns her round…

Bul; are amazing …how will you make him flat for you by just one sight…

Pragya is confused…

Bul;di..iam so excited but you… knew..he calls me and convey his wish to marry you. I told him that we ready for it..

Pr;what ? How can you ?

Bul; why have told me na..i have the whole right to decide about your marraige but now you are asking how can i..

Pr;ya thats right but…

Bul;di..i knew you are panic as he is a rockstar celebrity…but you…dont think so di…jiju is good at heart…


Bul;haaa..rockstar is going to marry he is my jiju..wait i have to tell this to my friends…i can jealous at them…she goes..

Pr;bulbul..she goes..why this all happen to me..why he is interfering in my i cant marry him..but i cant tell this to bulbul..because i cant make her its not good for health…i knew how to solve this..i will stop this marraige…no..i will make him stop this marraige…

Screen shifted to abhis house..

Ro;sir madamji aagayi…

Ab;yes ..iam waiting for her…

He leaves.

Ro;mam..sir ask you to come inside…

Abhi is sitting in chair at resting position..she knocks the door..
Ab;yes baby..get in

Pr;iam not anyones baby..and dont like to be especially yours…

Ab;actually i was waiting for are too late baby.why you take this much time to reach here…oh..oh..i are taking time to your would be get mesmersed by your beauty …

Pr;hello..what you are thinking of yourself..from where to where you are moving the topic…do you think that i will get ready for this marraige..

Ab; ofcourse baby ..i knew you wont…

Pr;then why are you…

Ab;miss.pragya arora …if i decide to marry you then i will make it..i dont care if you need it or not..

Pr;no..i wont happen..i am agreed for this…i will stop this marraige…

Ab;baby..try if you can..but you cant..i think you forget yesterdays incident…

Pr;why are you doing this..whats your enemity with i related to you…

Ab;i have no time to answer all your i have urgent meeting he leaves…

Pragyas phone rings…

Bul;di..where are you knew we have to do all arrangements..


Bul;ofcourse di..your engangement arrangements..i knew you are with jiju na..did he say you.

Pr;bulbul what are you talking..

Bul;di..evening its your engagement na…we need to do all arrangements…

Pr;engangement today..

Bul;di ..jiju told you na..he need to make this marraige with a week as he is going for a world tour..

Pr,but bulbul…

Bul;no but or anything..di..come fast..already jiju have sent decorators and you knew yesterday he make me to design a suit by telling for was not for concert.its for your engagement…and he has send your dress too ..we just need to check its perfect or not..come fast and cuts call..

Pr;but..she too cuts call..why everyone is just ordering me and didnt give me a chance to explain…how can i give my life to play to i have to do something..

Ro;mam…sir asked to drop you at home..

Pr;where is he.

Ro;he has gone already.

Screen shifted to car..

Ro;mam..why are you too tensed..

Pragya didnt respond..

Ro;i knew its because him na..he always like this..but it was first time he is asking to get married..

Pr;what you mean..

Ro;mam..somany girls goes through his life..but it first time he is stucked with a person..i mean stucked with you…i think you can change him mam..

Pr;may be you are right..but how i give my life for that..

Ro;mam..that i no girl wont like him..but mam ..iam with him for this 7 years..and i can feel some change in him after seeing you…

Pr;you are with him for 7 years..which means you can help me..

Ro;what help you are talking about …

Pr;that i will explain….

Ab;i told you na..i will make this engangement happen..


Ab;do you have no problem with it…

Pr;ofcourse no…


iam crazy about myself....

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