Fan Fiction

‘ Will you be mine? ‘ by M_L… Intro!

HEY BUDDIES….. This is Moonlight_luver back with another story.. I know.. I know, My present one is still not completed yet! But what to do! I couldn’t stop myself from posting this new idea of mine..

This is a freaky story fellas… I’m don’t know whether I could post it regularly or not but I will try! My classes are gonna start but no compromise in posting…

“ Will you be mine? “ goes the title..

This is a fiction totally about Shivika… I won’t stretch this much longer…


She is an orphan! She is our chirpy and a bit mad girl… she lived her childhood in an orphanage and the orphanage’s owner’s daughter is our lovely Gauri… They are a thick buddies…. But Anika leaves the orphanage a midnight and boards to kerala with the money gauri gave her! And why she did that, you’ll understand when you read!…


He’s our arrogant and handsome dashing SSO… he comes to Trivandrum for meeting an prominent business tycoon… he is already engaged to Tia Kapoor, our UNIVERSE!.. hahaa… ok..uh, while returning from kerala, he misses his flight and decides to travel in train! Coz it was so important to reach Mumbai the next day itself! But why? Do read…

Now the twist’s on… Anika was also there in the train… and when the train was stopped, Anika descended to have a cup of coffee… her luggages and everything was there on train… Shivaay came near the door and inhaled the fresh smell of paint.. Suddenly the train got started and went unnoticed by Anika.. the train went slower to faster just then Shivaay heard a girly voice which was none others than Anika’s… she yelled for help and Shivaay stretched his hands out to help..

“ Thujhe dekha tho yeh jaana sanam!!…

Pyaar hotha hai diwaana sanam….. “ haaha DDL J!

Anika caught Shivaay’s hand the right moment but twist buddies! Shivaay fell down being unable to handle the weight… whoaho!…

How’s that? So now Shivaay fell down with all the cash and everything left in train… now both of them have nothing… nothing at all…

This is a story of their love and nok-joks…. Every part will have something to laugh about…. Anika can’t love him thinking her condition… and neither Shivaay can, thinking of his engagement… they both cover their feelings before each other.. but will they hide it forever????

Keep thinking fellas.. I do need support friends… hope I’ll succeed in getting so.. this is an intro! Do tell me your reviews and bang on thumbs up if you loved!

Shall I continue? Or not? I’ll be waiting..

Till then this is Moonlight_luver bidding farewell!

Take care and stay cool…



Why so serious? looking into mirror and smiling a bit solves all my problems... Adventurous life this is! Explore everything!

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