Fan Fiction

Will you be without me? Chapter 13

My sweet surprise to him….

The function ended well and the guests have left the mansion as for all the family members including Pragya were sitting on the living room. Abhi ” So Tina when are u coming back to Mumbai? Or you have just decided to stay here itself?” Tina ” Of course I have to go back there! If not who will do my work of being a news reporter? But why you never come here very often? So busy ah?” Abhi ” Yes Tina! U know right? I started my business right after my graduation and a lot of time and resources had to be spend to built it up! And that’s why I was unable to come here very often!” Pragya listened to that and thought how hardworking was Abhi and that is why now he had become so successful in a short span of time….

Tina ” So how about you Pragya? How’s your work going? And yes by the way the arrangements that you have done are so awesome and all the guests were just praising it! Thank you so much Pragya!” Pragya ” Why you need to thank me for this? I mean we are more like relatives and don’t make me an outsider by thanking me!” Abhi ” Yes Tina! Pumpy is right and she always do her work perfectly!” Tina ” Always? How u know that?” Abhi explained that both of them worked together for a event and Pragya did a splendid job in it but they did not know each other that time. Tina said that this called destiny and that is why you two have met here again.

Abhigya looked at each other and realised what Tina said to be true as their meetings all were unexpected and destiny had made them to meet again and again….

After the chit chat session with all the family members, it was quite late and Pragya decided to leave from there…Pragya told Tina and others that she will take her leave and as for Abhi he felt sad that he didn’t talk to his Pumpy that much!

Pragya came near Abhi and said ” Boss! I am leaving and how long are you gg to stay here?” Abhi ” As long as you wish me to stay here!” Pragya ” Huh? What are you saying?” Abhi ” Just kidding! For a week as I have came here after a very long time! How about you?” Pragya ” Same here! So we can catch up later right? Can u pass me your number?” Abhi ” What? You don’t have my number? But that time I called you! Don’t u remember?” Pragya ” Oh I deleted your number right after the event finished…That’s why I am asking your number now!” Abhi ” So bad Pumpy but it’s ok I still have your number and I will give you a text message later!” Pragya ” Sorry and Thank you!” Abhi ” No sorry and thank u in fr…” he never completed the word friends as he knew Pragya don’t believe in friendship. Pragya” It’s ok I understand what you wanted to say and I will just ignore what you were about to say!” Abhi ” Ok thanks for the understanding! And you are leaving alone? U want me to come along with you?” Pragya ” My house is just few metres away from here so you no need to come along… And anyways good night! See you soon!”

Abhi saw her walking out of the mansion and was just pondering will she ever try to understand that friendship is not that bad as she thinks…

Pragya on her way home was thinking about Abhi and was still wondering what can she give him to surprise! She reached home and went straightly into her room to take out a box filled with her childhood photos and tried to find the photos that she was with Abhi! She found a lot of photos with him and decided to give the photos together with a special card to him as a surprise….

The next day both of them met again and Pragya passed Abhi a scrapbook with all their photos together and a special card written by her. Abhi was surprised by all the things that she gave him and really wondered how she could do all that in a short span of time. Pragya asked him to read the card later at his home. And both of them started to reminisce about their childhood memories, the funny pranks that they played on each other. They were talking like that for hours not knowing the time had passed very fast….And suddenly Pragya realised it was time for lunch and she said to Abhi that she have to leave and both of them left to their respective homes….

The first thing Abhi did when he reached home is he rushed to his room to read the card given by Pragya…

In the card…

Dear sweet Boss,

You know something I always wanted to meet you as my childhood memories were filled with the days that I spend with you… We had a great time teasing each other and playing with each other…And I really felt that what we shared those days were filled with happiness that we are unable to get back now…You know one more thing? When I first knew that you were around from the kids I was so happy that I just wanted to hug you and say I missed you a lot buddy!! But after I know that it is you I felt a bit awkward as some of our previous meetings had been not that good….I really don’t know why our previous meetings were like that but from now onwards we should make it better ok? Finally, I just want to say my childhood days were filled with your presence and now my thoughts are filled with your presence…So will you spend time with me just like we did in our childhood days? I am really expecting for that Boss!

With a lot of expectations, Pumpy is signing off now!

After reading the card, Abhi didn’t know how to react! He didn’t expect Pragya to be so expressive in her thoughts! It was him who always had asked something to know about her but now she had expressed that she want to spend time with him! But what disturbed him most was the line where she had written now my thoughts are filled with your presence….Did she wrote that by mistake? It means is she thinking about me all this while? Abhi was very confused now although he really liked the surprise given by Pragya….

What kind of bond is this that Pragya don’t want to accept it as friendship but Abhi is willing to accept Pragya as his friend…Will something else happen to realise this bond? To know that you all have to wait…..

Thanks for all your support and hope you all continue to enjoy this ff! And yes my exam results were out today, it was not that great and at the same time not that bad..average results..but it’s ok I still have this semester to improve so I will work harder to improve my grades! Thank u all for the wishes and sorry to other ff writers like Tina, Reji, Akshaya kannan, Aarthi, Ammu, Surbhi, Abhigya, Emy, arshi fan, ruchika and sorry if i left out any names but I don think I would be able to read and comment on all ur ffs on a daily basis as my college schedule is damn packed… I guess that I will have to turn as a complete silent reader now…But whenever I have time I would read all ur ffs and try to comment! But as usual I will try to reply to my ff readers as it had become more of a habit to me which is very difficult to change!!!


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