Will You Be My Kidnapper (part 4) Something cooking in heads😈

Hi dears… I know I was missing these days 😂 But what’s will I do ur author is a lazy head 🤦‍♀️. No more bakwas next episode is here.


At RR Mansion


Riddhima is seen resting her head in Deep’s lap while Deep is caressing her hair.



Riddhima : Dad, tell me why you called me here suddenly.



Deep : I said na, I was missing you badly that’s why.



Riddhima : You can lie to everyone but not to me. I very well know my dad and I know this too that you won’t do anything without any motive. So tell me what are you trying to say dad.



Deep : My daughter became really mature. You learn to read your dad’s silence. Ok, I’ll say. I fixed your marriage with Aryan. You’re soon to be Mrs. Oberoi.



Riddhima is shocked to hell hearing her dad’s confession. She wakes up from Deep’s lap in seconds.



Riddhima (shocked) : Are you serious dad? Me and Aryan as couple🤣. (Laughingly) I know this is a joke, right?



Deep : No princess, I am damn serious. Your life is at risk. As I am a mafia there are many other mafia rivals who wanted to hurt you and as a father I can’t let it happen. That’s why I fixed your marriage with Aryan.



Riddhima : What the hell dad? How can I marry that donkey. I know he is my childhood friend but that doesn’t mean I’ll marry him just for being safe. I can protect myself.


Deep : I know you’re strong princess. But I can’t let the history repeat. I lost my Tara already, now I can’t take a chance by playing with your life.



Deep broke into tears.Riddhima knew now she can’t deny it as her father became emotional after whatever happened. She didn’t protest anymore and said ok to the alliance and went to her room.



Sejal who is putting nail polish in her nails saw an angry Riddhu barging into the room.



Sejal : What happened Riddhu? Why are you angry? Did uncle said anything?



Riddhima : Seju, dad fixed my alliance with that donkey.



Sejal : Why uncle is making you marry a donkey?


(🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️Brain ki thodi kami hai aur kuch nhi🤣)



Suddenly a pillow landed on Sejal’s head.



Sejal : Ouch… Riddhu why did you threw the pillow ?



Riddhu : What else should I do? I am saying my problems to you and you’re asking thinking illogical things🤦‍♀️. I meant that dad fixed my alliance with Aryan.



Sejal : Oh, that donkey… I mean Aryan. But he is your childhood friend, he na? I heard that he is now a successful businessman. But why uncle is urging for the marriage?



Riddhima : He said that there is a threat on my life and to protect me he is making me marry that donkey. Seju, I don’t want to marry him. I want a devilishly handsome and bold man as my life partner not a person who fears rats. I know Aryan from childhood and he is a love sick puppy from then. I don’t want someone like that rather I want a person who treats me as a Queen. Who won’t let me walk ahead or before him.. Who walks beside of me, shoulder to shoulder. I want…



She is cutted by Sejal.


Sejal : Your essay won’t stop in one page😂 so we should focus on how to get rid of this Aryan rather than searching your dream boy.


Riddhima : That’s the problem here we have no solution for this.



Sejal : Who said there is no solution. I have one.



Riddhu’s eyes sparkled in hope. She hugged Sejal tightly and planted kisses on her cheeks.


Sejal : Stop this love and start working on the plan.



Riddhima : But what is the plan?



Sejal : The plan is simple. You’ll be kidnapped for a couple of months.



Riddhima : Yuck. Is this your plan? If someone dares to kidnap me I’ll beat blue out of him. And if he succeeds in kidnapping me, dad won’t take two hours to find him and rescue me.



Sejal : Hey buddhu, first hear whole plan. You’ll choose a powerful man to be your kidnapper and he’ll do so. We should select such a person from whom even uncle can’t rescue you. He’ll be your paid kidnapper. And after 2 months you’ll return home. You say, will any reputed families make a girl who spent two months with a stranger as their daughter in law?



Hearing this plan, a smirk is formed on Riddhima’s lips.



Riddhima : Seju… When did God gave you brains?? No one told me you have brains (bezzati🤣). By the way your plan is amazing.



Sejal : I helped you out and you’re making fun of me🤧.



Riddhima : Don’t be dramatic seju. You start searching for my kidnapper. But I have a condition.



Sejal : What’s your condition?



Riddhima : I want a handsome kidnapper.



Precap : Same as last episode.


“I need to reach him anyhow”


“Welcome to Hell”


“I won’t let this happen”


“Wait and watch”



How is the episode?

Is it gonna take an interesting turn?

Sorry for not posting, these days.

My second semester started without conducting my first sem exam and since my first sem exam is postponed to last of March, I thought why not post new episodes. And I’ll work on Fairy Tale Love story too.. But it’ll end in few more episodes as its track isn’t that much interesting.

Happy Reading ✨️

🥀This time will also pass🥀




Passionate Dancer💃 Writing, Reading and Dancing 💃 IMMJ 2 Lover from KERALA🤩 Riansh Lover forever😍😘😘

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