I WISH……(epi 5) Last episode

Hi cuties……. Remember me?

I know many of you might be annoyed with me due to such late update…… But sorry friends……. I had my exam of chemistry which is tough for me……. So I couldn’t write it…….

Also I was busy in keeping all ur flowers…… And trust me I don’t have any space in my house……. Not even for me……. So thank u so much for your support…….

Ok guys…. This is the last update…… I know you all expected more but I don’t have any idea…… So I might end up with dragging……

So here we go for the episode………

The episode starts with Abhi pulling pragya close……. He is up to kiss her but door opens with a bang……. It’s dasi……. She gets shocked seeing all these……

She is going to tell tanu but Abhi stops her. He tells her whole situation……. Dasi gets happy knowing that pragya is not bad and she loves her family as before……..she hugs pragya……. Pragya gets teary eyed….. At that time rony came running……..

Rony: Di…… Tanu is coming here to meet Abhi sir……. I think we all should not be here……..

Abhi: Don’t worry about her…….. I know how to handle her well…….. Now she will pay for her deeds……..

Pragya: Abhi no…. Not now. We can’t accuse her without any evidence……..

Dasi: Don’t worry pragya…….. U know Abhi right?…. He always has a plan……. Ok Abhi tell us what we have to do……..

Abhi: That’s like my dasi……… Fuggie I thought that you are intelligent but you couldn’t get a simple idea………. We just have to match the DNA and we’ll get the evidence…….. So all we have to do is take her for the check up…….

Pragya: But will she agree? What if she suspects u?

Rony: Be positive di…….. Just believe Abhi sir…… He’ll make everything ok….

Abhi: See fuggie……. Only u r the one who doesn’t have faith in me……… That’s not good……

Pragya: Ok Baba sorry……. Now lets go before she sees us together…….. I have to tell dadi all this……. And then we can go to the hospital……..

Abhi: Ok let’s go…….

Pragya calls dadi and tells everything…….. Dadi’s joy knew no bounds……. She was very happy…….. Even sarla was unconscious she told her everything…… After hearing that sarla started to cry in happiness….. Dadi noticed it….. She called the Dr….. After some efforts sarla was able to talk……. She told dadi about Nikhil and tanu……..

Hardly had dadi heard that when she called Abhi…….. She told him that Nikhil is tanu’s boyfriend…… Abhi went to talk to tanu

Abhi: Tanu…….

Tanu: Abhi….. When did you come here?……. Sorry I didn’t notice u……

Abhi: It’s ok…….. But tell me tanu……. Is there anything you are hiding from me?…Is there anything that you want to tell me?

Tanu: What rubbish……… I am not hiding anything……. What nonsense are u talking about Abhi?…..

Abhi: Nothing yaar……. Just time pass……. After all I know you very well……. Don’t I? Ok be ready…… We have to go to the hospital……. Dr called…… He said that today is ur check up….. So lets go….

Tanu: Really Abhi…. R u coming with me? Oh I am so excited….. At last we’ll get some privacy from that behenji……. Abhi u just wait for 5 mins….. I am coming right now…..

Abhi: Fly as much as you can tanu….. Cause I’m going to cut ur wings……. Soon really soon…..

After some time they were near the car. Abhi sat for driving…… Tanu was going to sit beside him but as planned pragya came and sat beside him…… Tanu fumbled and went to sit back……. Abhi and pragya smiled a little seeing each other……….

Soon they reached the hospital…… Pragya said that she was going to meet her mother……. Abhi unwillingly accompanied tanu…… According to the plan dadi had already informed the Dr. About the DNA test…… So Dr took her blood samples and said that he would soon say the results……. Abhi told tanu to go home herself cause he wanted to meet sarla auntie…….. Tanu agreed……

After she went Abhi gave his blood sample…….. Dr. Checked them……. In between the time Abhi went in sarla’s ward……. He saw that pragya was hugging her mother…….. Sarla blessed Abhi…..

Abhi: I have given blood samples of both of us…… Dr said that he will give results in some time……

Pragya nodded. She assured Abhi that everything was going to be all right……. Dadi also supported her…… Then dadi apologized him for lying……. Abhi couldn’t see her like that and he hugged her……. Pragya smiled seeing them…..

At that time Dr came with the report…….. He said that the test were negative…… The DNAs’ were not matching…….. All felt super happy…… In happiness Abhi hugged pragya and kissed her on chicks…… Pragya blushed……….

Dadi: Umh… Umh…. Abhi beta we are all here…… At least think that we are in hospital……

Abhi: Oh come on dadi…….. Are u jealous?……. Don’t worry I will kiss you too……..

And Abhi kissed her on forehead……. Dadi hit him playfully…… All laughed…. Then Dr also announced that sarla was fine and they could take her home…….

At mehra mansion…….

Abhi and pragya carefully brought sarla in the house………. Tanu came and saw her…….. She was shocked thinking that her truth was out but Abhi didn’t say her anything……… When they helped sarla in the room…….. Tanu came there….. She thought that sarla couldn’t say anything and she felt relieved ?

Then pragya called all of them in the hall. When everyone was waiting pragya came with the property papers and gave them to Abhi…………… Every one was shocked except some of our heroes…… They all just smiled including Abhi and dadi also …….. Raj understood every thing…..

He came forward and hugged him.

Raj: Congrats Abhi……… Not for getting your property but for getting your life back……. I’m really happy for you……..
He turned to pragya and talked to her….

Raj: Pragya I know the harm I have done to you……. It can’t be recovered……. Nor I am able to bring back what I made you lost…… But believe me pragya I am really sorry……..

Pragya: Please don’t say this raj Bhaiya….. U r like my elder brother…… U don’t need to apologize……….

Then suddenly tanu came forward….. She was happy believing that she could marry Abhi now….

Tanu: Abhi why are you standing like this……. U have got ur property back……… Now just throw her out of the house…….. U know how she cheated u……

Abhi couldn’t take it more and he slapped tanu hard……. Tanu lost her balance and was about to fall when someone held her……..

It was Pragya. She told Abhi to calm down……. Tanu was surprised seeing that pragya was taking her side….. She felt ashamed of her deeds…. At that moment she decided something and left the house without speaking to any one. When they didn’t see her any where they all felt happy…… No one even tried to search her…….

Dadi announced that she was soon getting Abhi and pragya married…….. Everyone clapped at her decision……..

At that time purab came there…… He shouted

Purab: I don’t want this marriage to happen……………………………………………not without us.

Every one smiled….. Abhi went to beat him…. Sarla and dadi laughed….. They were shedding tears of joy…… Pragya’s situation was not different… When Abhi was about to hit purab he shouted…..

Purab: Ok ok stop….. I’m sorry…. But I have one surprise for all of u…. Specially for pragya di…… Hey you… What are you doing there?…. Come in na….. Are u enjoying when everyone is beating ur husband?

Pragya startled at his last words…. Everyone looked at the door….. What they saw made them to be mad with happiness……. It was bulbul coming in……. Pragya couldn’t believe her eyes….. She rushed to her……. Both the sisters hugged each other and cried out…… Sarla was still not believing her eyes…… She just stood there……

Bulbul: Ma….. Won’t u hug me? I really missed you guys…..

Then the mother and daughter’s trio hugged and cried their heart out………

Abhi went near purab….. They both hugged. And then all family shared a group hug…….

Bulbul: Jiju…. U r taking my di away from me….. So I want something….

Abhi: As u wish salisaheba…… Tell me what do you want……. I will surely get it for you….

Bulbul: Promise?

Abhi: Pakka promise….. Now tell me what you want….

Bulbul went out and brought some one with her……

Bulbul: I want this Jiju….. I want you to forgive aaliya……

Aaliya was shedding tears quietly….. Abhi was shocked at bulbuls’ demand……

Aaliya: Bhai I know I have hurt you…… I know you won’t be able to forgive me……. I know I am not worthy of your love…… Neither I’m worthy of life…….. But trust me bhai…… I really want to change myself…… I want to be the aaliya u loved the most……. I want to be the best friend with whom purab was able to share any information……… I want to be the granddaughter whom dadi adored………. And most of all……. I want to be ur sister bhai……. Please bhai talk to me….. Please….. I know I have done wrong….. But I am ur little sister na bhai……. Won’t u forgive ur aaliya?

Abhi was overwhelmed hearing all this….. He just went near aaliya and hugged her…… She smiled with tears……. Abhi kissed her forehead……. Then aaliya turned to pragya….. Before she could say something pragya hugged her…….. Everyone smiled seeing their bond……….

That day every doubt in everyone’s mind got cleared…….. They all sat together after dinner…….. They all laughed, played games and enjoyed each others company……. All of them came close to each other………….

Next day Abhi got a letter……. It was from tanu…….. She wrote in the letter that she was ashamed of her deeds…… She told him that she was going away from him and also prayed for his life………..

Abhi showed the letter to all…. Every one felt happy……. They Started their daily works……


Abhi and pragya were talking to each other…… At the moment pragya felt dizzy…… Abhi gave support to her…..

Abhi: Pragya, are u thinking what I am thinking?….

Pragya: I’m not thinking…… I know it……
Abhi: Means…….

Pragya: Yes Abhi…… Ur going to be father……

Both of them shouted


” ma…. Where is my Tiffin?”

” papa….. My water bottle?”

“my book”

” my compass”

Both pragya and Abhi rushed to give their things to their twins……. Unaware of each others presence they landed up in each others arms…….

Abhi: U r responsible for my condition………

Pragya: Oh really…….. Who was happy hearing that they were twins?

” maa……..”


Both Abhi and pragya smiled at each other…….

Abhi and pragya: Coming baccha……

Phew……. That’s the end friends……… I know I am shutting it down early but hope you don’t mind………..

I hope this is long enough as u wanted……… Don’t forget to leave ur comments………


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