Categories: Woh Apna Sa

Woh Apna Sa 10th May 2017 Written Episode Update

Woh Apna Sa 10th May 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Baba says to Jhanvi, Adi and Maa that if Nisha can blame me for having an affair with Jhanvi at this age then she can put that blame on you too, when she came to give medicine to me, she said such filthy words to me, she said that i like to touch Jhanvi, that i am alone and having a relation with Jhanvi, that we close doors and remain locked for hours, she said such cheap words, Jhanvi closes her eyes unable to hear it, Adi is disgusted hearing all that.

Adi and Jhanvi brings Baba home. Adi shouts for everyone to come in lounge, all come. Kaka asks why you are shouting? Adi says i want to show you face of your favorite daughter in law Nisha that you could have never even imagined. Kaka says how low will you stop to put blames on Nisha? Jhanvi says they are not blames but truth, Nisha

have said such cheap words to Baba that we are ashamed, her thinking is so cheap that can make us lose trust on relations, her thinking is so filthy, Kaka says we dont have to know from you about our daughter in law, Jhanvi says I wont stay quiet again, we got to know what Nisha said to Baba that he had to slap her, Nisha.. she is unable to say it, Adi says its okay, let me tell them. Adi says i am ashamed to repeat what Nisha said to them, Nisha said that Jhanvi and Baba.. she said.. Baba looks at Jhanvi with lust, all are stunned to hear it, Adi says she said that Jhanvi and Baba have illegitimate relation, she said that Baba use his illness to touch Jhanvi with wrong intentions, Kaki feels dizzy hearing such filthy words, Baba weeps. Kaka asks Baba if this is true? Baba cries and says this is true, she said that to me, Nisha said all that, Nisha is tensed to say all that. Adi grabs Nisha’s jaw and says how dare you put filthy blames on my father? Nisha says leave me, i am hurt, Adi says you dont know about pain, everything is finished, i used to give you respect as woman, as mother but everything is finished, I wont spare you, Nisha says kill me, if you want to hate me because of misunderstanding then kill me, Adi says what misunderstanding? Nisha says i didnt say anything to Baba, Adi says you are lying to save yourself. Nisah says to Kaka that you know about my married condition, if you trust me then I will prove myself, Kaki says stop this drama Nisha, we all know your truth. Nisha says I will prove myself. She asks Baba what he ate in breakfast today? Baba tries to remember and says i dont remember, Nisha says you ate Upma? he says yes. Nisha says Adi and Jhanvi did wrong with Baba, there was no Upma in breakfast today, i told Baba that he ate that and he agreed, Adi and Jhanvi filled his ears that I said those words to him and he agreed, Kaka i have been handling this house, i have been caring for this family years and Baba you dont trust me? why did you agree with Adi and Jhanvi? Kaka you know Baba’s state is not well, even court doesnt take his statements as valid then how can we? Nisha says to Adi that Jhanvi is outsider but why you used your father’s illness? Baba says stop this lie, you are cruel and lying woman, you just want to break this family, stop this rubbish. Adi says to Kaka that she can do anything to save her lie, he asks Kaka what he ate in breakfast yesterday? he says i dont remember, Adi says if you dont remember then how can you expect Baba to remember that but what Nisha said to Baba, its so cheap that anyone will remember it, it would haunt even Alzheimer patient, am i a wrong Kaka? Jhanvi says to Kaka that we can give you proofs if you want but you think your own brother would lie about such thing? Nisha cries and leaves. Kaka is silent, Jhanvi says its okay, there is always proof with truth, we will find and will show it to you, Baba is hurt that Kaka didnt believe him, Kaka asks Baba to calm down, take rest, Adi takes Baba from there, Jhanvi goes too. Kaki is weeping and sobbing, Kaka looks on.

Baba says to Adi and Jhanvi that my illness cant even let me help my kids, i am so helpless, i cant help you, Adi says you are precious to me, i will bring Nisha’s truth out to Kaka soon, Adi gets call from Sameer, Sameer says its bad news, there was fire in police head quarter’s recording room and everything got burned down, Adi says what? this is Nisha’s work, he is angry. Adi tells Jhanvi and says Nisha did it, i could have proven that Nisha called police and prove you innocent but what will i do now? Jhanvi says we can go there and see if our recording got burned down or not, otherwise we will find some other solution, we will have to remain calm and wont let Nisha harm anyone, Baba says Jhanvi is right.

Kaki says to Kaka that Baba would have felt so much pain when Nisha said such filthy words to him, he just slapped her but i would have thrown her out of house, you know that not all family members are wrong and Nisha is right, you have seen world so cant you see Nisha’s face? she is not right, trust me.

Nisha shouts that it cant happen, nobody can snatch this house and family from me, Jhanv now you will face consequences of breaking my house.

Jhanvi is having dinner with her family, she says Nisha have controlled everything but we will find proof, Maa asks her to be careful of Nisha, she is dangerous. Suddenly things are thrown at their house, things are thrown through window and starts landing near them, Jhanvi, Survi and Maa hides under dining table, glass bottles are thrown in their house, suddenly lights go off, Jhanvi says who switched off lights? they are scared, Survi cries and shivers, Jhanvi says its okay, Jhanvi tries to get her phone from table but door knocks, Survi says someone is there, Jhanvi says everything is fine, let me see, Survi asks her to be careful. Jhanvi reluctantly goes to door, she opens it slightly and sees no one outside, Maa asks who is there? Suddenly Nisha comes there with burning fire bottle in her hand, Nisha says Jhanvi oh my God what happened in your house? she looks at glass pieces and says let me guess are you interfering someone else life too? why you do it, its bad habit, Nisha says to Jhanvi that if you give problems to others then problems will come to you too, you dont care about yourself but look at your younger sister, she goes to college, what if someone hurts her there? how will you handle 10 people? Maa hugs Survi tightly hearing her threat, Nisha says even your mom is alone at home daily, what if any accident or attack happen on her? this is not right, it can be dangerous, you should not take it lightly. Jhanvi says you dont have guts to own your tricks so I am not scared of coward and liars like you.

PRECAP- Adi wipes Nisha’s tears and says dont cry, I told you that i will find someway but will bring your truth out, before recording room got burned down, I filed case against you one copy from recording room was sent to local police station, they have it, see we found proof, Nisha is tensed, all family members look on.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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